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r <br />8{}- '72 awt~'rcac~ <br />znia ri enured into heMetw DF1iIIitiS J. __s ena c{A'1~RI~ Araa Sf~In~n, <br />Hlia~iia at~d itTite _ _..__.~-_____~________r___._____-_«e~a•<c~t~.),Aa <br />841E OVO~ fl-t`,lZt~lr171T. HAlr1C CF Qit+rD .SLF1DZ1r Cs[d1Ttd I8latldr 1~BbY89)cdlhceain•'Moet~Ce„} <br />iiorq~yor is iadehud nv is the pdacipat sum at $ 1Q3, 25?. 84 ,evidenced by Mertp~a~'e pQte-. <br />dMird ---~( ~• ~~~ (heveia "`}~`ae"} pruvidia~ for payments of princ+pal and inteteat, with tie baWtce oP the <br />iadMLytdraas,.ii aot aaavter pnd, due aad payahie. oa tbt~abez 3. 1880! _ . <br />~'Maaww tie p~arvtt of the tote, with interest zc proaidea theeeia, tha payment of all Drier swga, witb ipilla/f~ <br />advat~crt:~r to pla4~ct the security of this i.tort~e, and the perfartnanec o[ the cureeants and a*ieeaweis.ot. <br />tir llottdyrar aeutailted havein. !ltortdyor aces herrby taart@ade and raaey to adartpdte the toUotaitt~ de.aitwd <br />ptropevty related is Aail.--- t:ovaty, :Vebracia: <br />'IIs b>tit Half of t3te Solttksaest Qua=3~' tali~tt) attd the wear Half of t21e <br />ti4~lttbasi tlttae't+er t1Mli'~t) tat '1lratty-Eight t28) . rfbe~alti~. 71itr_2ve- <br />t~} 2+10Ri3t, ~ 1ltelite t12T Giant of t2te 6th, hall OotaltY, DiaCc'asica <br />Gad <br />llle 9tut3t Half t7f the Swr3ftlast illiazter t9~ik) of 9eetien Ninetaett (19) . <br />7Mlve {T.?) North, ~ '11~telite tJ?) iiBat Of t3te 6th P.M., <br />81e111 , liittCateRd <br />Ta~eAive sib art ltai?~n~r., ;taptotYOx~rrtz. fesivre*. sin-rt~, aSMya. paataaerays. evsrmeats, nphca. pdvitriea Gad <br />tncate% tbewaa it to MY~+ex~ aeriartuMi ihtemtee. assn the scat-.::mow:, anA prtofita, tt~vs.retom and setnatndlet <br />tirvlai: tom!- t+eR and fintitel ist, tsrvttittb Mnd t^axWza~ eq~irp+aeot and such Pe~s~ ProP'nY thae is attaehed W the <br />9va~eaMrRa~l >Q ar tMi orvrKitate a fctewm: art of srnrrfa. +ttr;udaa; mptar,rmeata a>sd Mddetsorrc sisaveto, a herMy dedaved <br />t# iK a halt art Cite rsl iwtau swnlred Irv the lees nt ttsza kkate artA art eti the f:mRttea}; ~naa rrferrea to iuteia as the <br />~tti° <br />iiagpror iiwier+aaavvaearraaad ape.+, rilh i~kKepprw. as fdto,r,.. <br />i, Pay~aat, Ta PQ! tree ~ a...i for atetrse,:t ttMN*1)a as pr+~auird srj shy flirsrt~e and Nu Naile_ <br />3. °itiAe. > .~ tie osrarFr of ihr Prrrytrn} . lt~. ttte arrtht aRa avthar;tp to +at~attetr' ter Properly. Gad <br />aateirit tipM dvM LYrs caratv+r'. tsvivelrv if a 1"~rat Gad i**t+T 4,r~ ~ titr Properrta , r-xtrpt ar mat cstlMrvnxe h.• ~t Comb iera~in. <br />=~ 7Uie l4~epevty is snbtect to a iiavt~.r irAra~+r - , . .... _ -_- . _ . _~..-- . <br />i-,tlMr iMnr~e, areenuiMi ai AeMt ~.~ ~... Path .st t~~ tlwtaMK.. licti'<uds r.i _ ._ _ T- _.~~ Gaanty, <br />ltiainlita. #bAs a s ilea pvw ~ the xttra t:a<n~tay <br />"~UMMepMtiieaaar~ -- -- <br />3, Tinw..rMlaataNrAa ib pay rrtw+tt +hrr a13 uu,`e+, mat ausvasaterrts Gad Mil vthrr apiart for Prit'evty <br />taei. #M tvaihlrte iaaGri iy Hattntrve~ adti tt+ tia^ pMyaaentr; rrrysasrd usrrkr ti!inrr 'ti`crte sec~uwgd tsrvoby, welt amann/ as <br />aisle betitt~rdwtR iai eeriiie tibe linvt~tr as pay , taaa~s, sMr+raateatt .~ + rhMrprs as thr. avc~ata. dar_ <br />>~b. TYr iral tir ~peteratrsvNa< arlw ~v <trarrsi`tMr itrtatad rra tifr n:Ml eatau dsre:iied herein attswed <br />,U~iMIt+~Mdl~t'3b BwCat#.tlbalittritar+ti asptitlt~ldir urea ~gt~e,sa rttrnnpcalNi +etth cttayra~+nacc}441elattte <br /> +aiii iMn ]M(litiitt a tit[ ~. Irt rMw cif tin usaW tancfi pru,r+sx tfre iAcrtr.e«e rx autbonaed to <br />aiVtttR'~a~eipi tl~+~lFaliei~a. ~ t#~. ~i ese+ari c+ttOkt' at s1s sak c~ptxrn, Muth.mrMVlF4ertt~tetMp~i3' iiir <br />'tirl~'1~-~ ar!triirr/ielcrti=tbe_~ at ~ itrr ~ t~sred heteBY. tan pMyateats herruatiti Half eoa• <br />''~M~Yl~-e~e~e'~l~3ceT_~~ei~M ~it~, <br />i =? >rtwnar iRn i~w-.rA,i~rMiNi~w.l.:*-i~~.~}1Aialt •wttainrd is puapnlriv 3 and p ierrnf w tac <br />~st~tp, Wrt~l~rc altaY ttlt w :~ ~ fire is ~ M1itr enew~ar inwtriitrtratta of prtrnk Mwl iatarsvt. <br />aiM~sarMMb: d fir f+r+~ trat+. aNnlil.-lrat+ed ~ #~et+~tt~. ~rnA prwnd +rattt Iti' ate } widdt agtY sttNa <br />}iinAly +ww iia lihr~r, atl r nidrrenliv +er~iiiirtltted.>ta+Nt #fwrr to tltae Dy flee ~. ~1re attreranta na paid Mhall be <br />idi iey tiev MrwV/+e rlliarl adwa atei •t~ri 4rt for pityaawtt t*1 tia zt~rinr }n tetpwct to +riticit Garde nuaaafs rs~e <br />y~l~> 7be ~ ~ w ilret~l/te wtr,ate ; ar ~ t»nr+evily fru the ~ aeurored by tha <br />~- li~~eah~ irs ~ Mrt*tlweaite a~Maiit ^pf`at~ ~Y ~ettita+tt tie MtfaU taae«, awrr~eata, iaetaia~ar <br />pt~weiwiae his/ ~ww! wMM. Gist ab.'~riM Irr,~letrrFev wititt ~# +MLI'r atiw rietvttartd is vpare ~aellrt~ur te~etiet <br />1r-trti tiraaef , <br />• ~iti:MerilltetltrR attr lam: 'Itt:ittreatidlly : ~° ov ~ any htWdutDr gr :reprrleare~+ut ruwtr ur <br />Mv~aNre oe ri+ pM~M-; M Yr- tlr ;~rri~rriiA3s+nua+t dir. ~,ntiaewrt waMe, MM,d mere t~taat twrakienie`e or <br />aitae llana,ttMt+rati~IM +eyerlb~lid +tis. rile ilMa -sveifi aWl i# tnMite, ettftert err pergrtt.aay ,nwrracr t~ «a1rt, amrr to riirniM• <br />-Mlle ~ iat~triM tie wiere a# tier 1 N ate. ate crc n~tttiattrte art, t,a+i iss s oatpty rNb vd} re~ptaevauMap ut tMir r+tfe <br />rv!M~#te Meri7. <br />