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<br />9. Caedetrrstdsa The nrocetds of anV award err ~latm far damages. drrcct or consequenual..n xanecticvr with anY <br />atrdrttiation or other ttekiag of the Property, err aan thererrf, err for canveyanee in lieu of :atrdemnauon, are hereM° assigned <br />and shah be paid to Lender. <br />}n the event of a total taking of the Pmputy. tttr pm:zeds shalt he applied to the .erns seeurtd by this Drzd of Trust. <br />with the extt^as. if any, paid to Barrowtr. In the z+^rnt .,f a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and lender <br />nitterwise epee in writing, there shall 6r applied to the sums secured by this Drni at Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is crryd to that proportion which the amount of the sums strurtd he this Deed of 'Trust tmmedintely prior to the date of <br />taking heats to the fair market value of ttx Property ,mmtdiamh,' poor to the date of taking, with thz balance of the prorreds <br />pttdd to Roseoseer. <br />if t14e Property s ahattdoned Sy eortnww, r if, afro tuwtice Sy Lrnder to Botxrwer tdat the wndemnor offers to make <br />ere award w tulle a claim for datttages, Borrower fatL to rtspatal ro Lender within it) da}'s afire the date such notize is <br />tisiied. Lender is autlwxized to roi-ect and apply the proeeds. at Leader's .,piton, zuhtr to tcstaration or repair of the <br />Property or to the rusts secured !,y this Deed of Tisna. <br />1!akss I..eteder and Batrorvtt atttersvise agra rn venting, any such appltcahan of proceeds to principal shall not extrnd <br />err posipwte ~ dart of the ntoathN~ tttstatlmrnts rzfotred to tr. paragraphs 1 atxi 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />snt6 H. vd Rals~i. Estm+tett of the ntnt tar payment or modrfieation of amanrtation of t3te sums sa:urcd <br />by this L]eed of True g:antmd Lty Lender to awy strccesssar ra mttrest of Barrowu shat: na operate to release, m anv manner, <br />tic iaNlity ai rhr; original Btrrrawrs and Horros+er's cuc;:.ex>rs m mtutsi 1_tnder shs}i not 4,e rcqurred ro commence <br />ptrseeedit#gs agar stsd# stsre,ewor err refuse to eftettd ume tar paymem err ntherwrse modify amortization of the sums <br />scored fw tits I)eid of hW I+y reason of any demand made by tM ortgrnal Borrrxver and Borrowu~s sutxessots to interest. <br />11. ~Fariarate i! leerier !lief a Itittii*ee. Any farhearancc by isardrr an rxercisrng any nght err remedy hereunder. or <br />atierwitte atfottded Sy appficahie kw. shag oat ix a watvtr of err pru:irrdr the rxerctst a>f sm such nght or remedy <br />~., The prreemarean ad itut[rarKY or rltt psyrnrm .nf rues or sv}tt~ lierw err charges Sy l.cnder shall oat rte a waiver of Lender's <br />rr rtgi! >D atoedaate 46e ttriirrty c>f six ttttithtedntss .scored by thss TXed :,t 'Trust <br />12 Rsrte~ Cte~siaYte, .a}I remedies pmvrdad ,n ttxxs Dad ut Tre:st arc dtstmct :utd cumulauve to any abet right <br />c+r tesetdy under thts !)td at True :u sSorddd by law er tyum, .xnd ma} kx exrrcuti ,:ancumntlp, independently or <br />fy0."Silljf. <br />t], Srtt~es awd Ateijw Rwwtk )airs aw! Stvval t.isii#ty; Capture The .c„•cnants sod agreements hereto <br />.xrtrtuned stall hnwf. ~tf the r:ghh fretrutufer >hail :note t.,. ttx rrspe~tnt suacrssors and .xsstgns .*t 1-ender and Borrower, <br />sirhJSCi no rhr peovtsraeta ai pstra;tapta I' herta,t 413 cavtnanta and agrzrrnznty ,*1 Barmwrr >l:att lm rotor and several. <br />•~ Tlr c~aptsrns awd headtngs ,sf rhr apps .+t thrs I]etr'7 .,i Trust see t,~r :amrmnns~z :,ni+ and are oat to ne resat to <br />raserprt ur dent the pnorrataen ltereo( <br />li. Vslitte. fixagw for aav txxrx required under a SuaCEr law tx, he grvzn .n annti:er manure, ~a) :tm natrce to <br />0 Yatra+e+ pra+r+dcd far m thn Deed of Treat shall tee pxvrrr by rnarhnr >rrcit no1r:•r t»~ ctrniiti ntail addrzssecf [n Harrower at <br />~} tic ~Pers< Address .a u attc#t cuter addttrss ss HortY,wrr nas+ ,iesr¢natr by natter to i-znder as pmvrdtrt hereto, attd <br />i!x# anv »arttx ur Letdv shall tx gtvea i+p adttfied marl, return ~eszxpt rcqurstai, w Lcnder'~ addt'rss stated hemn err to <br />tiKh stlta arttfress ~ Lender sstax 3est;aatc in rsotxe rr, Borrower ..s pmvrdtd hetren Any nor:ce provtded for ,a this <br />I]eed ~ True shall t+e deemed as ?rave Seen given to Burrr,w~rr .r lender when grvxn ;n the tnannct citstgnated heron. <br />IS. L;aResr Deaf r Te>s~ ~[ 1a.: ~esteaiRfty. T~:> fionrt y dmJ of true r,~mh:rxrs uniform :Yr>•enants for <br />naBOra1 rest a~1.' ssi$tyimiosse ,x~-vrmaea waA ltsmt:ni +ar~rk n, t~+ ;uresdreuexn to cat:st:tu!t a unnfaem ucunry. ,nsirvment <br />ensurer trot prslxrrv Ttu ;3ard a7 Trstst ~rta3d *.e ~nvrrnrd h, ~hz isw .,t the aun>d:--[mn :n wh:clr rhr Property rs liraled. <br />la tic e-eat tfeat awy~pravtsx,n cu Jause .'+t ~ruv i]zexi of Truer ,,r the Vcxx :.cmtttcts wrtfr ap}+tacsbM isw such conflrct shsil <br />suit aferx atlerr pravrstt>ns ~i *Ars Deno ai 7r,tsr err r!x 'Jere wttteh :an fee gtvrn ef3Art w;tlHrur rhr ~rnfi)anmg pmvmon. <br />and m tlr tad tic prwraew `,: the Diced at 7rat atwi tax V Mt ire Jet:iarcd :„ rr arvcraSk- <br />ti, Rsrrttwtri tirsry_ Hoer»3rrs shaf7 ',,z iurrrafrtd a aani:>,-rttrd , p) ;a t:sc Vote erred :,t thu Ucrrxt ..r Trust err the time <br />at taeostnuw w' afoot retaatdstem bereat <br />t3_ TerlfdYs der Ar~isa. N ai3 a a~ part ,at rhr Praq+rr~iv ,rr as mx :rest titerctn rs cold err rramferred <br />ftv Itrutaawer wsaitttel Leaties4 prone .~trt~t ;:c,nYrnt. rsc3rtdrng a ~ ,hc crr~trr,n at a teen ,,€ en4 unattranet >utx,rci:natr to <br />tAts Lleed art Tttsp_ flsi ifs ereanan ci a pxxrcttase m-usc+ srcurxt} ~ntrrrst it?r itattsebaki np}d>an.,es, ,: ~ a ttaQller by Jev^ne. <br />dsaoeaa w try e,psrattnr cxi law uptsn list death serf =• ,ns~t truant ct <br />t redrr:era;, at i Ciwtcr s,#x ,tt il~tar -.' the Trxwt to l,r <br />rwrasdiatu) dtee at#d Va}obit. lender sAa,1 Sux~z wa rrt uch . {vz+ n ~ r~zrat ~~l~nder <br />and the nets:m ra w-htvn rhr Pr:>prrY) rs k t,c zx...+J ,-•r x amatr-rcd ra 't s trmrnx rsa:n <br />u saarsfaxaar'r to i.attda~ sort r3raat rix =atrrest ;.aa~at,:r ..n tAr ,u n ,a.u+rrt h. :hz. rstr as <br />l,ca/ies siraf# r'ea'#lxst- If L2.r~ =.ns w~x,cs9 the <h^sn.+~ to srirretc ;ma+,.4ea9 rr, t~has pataizra~ ! ". aatxi rt B. t r,=rrrr> auc -tssor <br />sn uespesr eras, raetred a wrttrtr. ssa~*aptsa~rr agrrxrt:asrs .H.4zptra ~ ~ wraun} h; i.endtr, i ender ,bait rcizasr Harrower frarn <br />ati ns :rtrdrs tins i#erd c+t TrrtN also rite Vose <br />tdnr xnrc:xrss sttett c~.+iron to ai.:.~,~^sa~ I esn'#o sss,! ~+xs.t ~<mTw.+a =nsrec ,•E aar~trtasn,n .:, f.. orciance wnA <br />prtaFtapit !3 h~+f ^.A ruatr.s~ 3ta#1 prt..,~3t ., xrte,n ,~a :,..s ;t~h *trar s;, :.a>,^ tr<-xnx ahr dau rhr ra~,u.c ma:!ed wrtlvin <br />rrriw'f9 ilunr-+war rnx5~ pa?, ztu weaa+.3ect.trcni cstu ii as. et :x i'~, k hu ~, x - ->< =+T,;rat,r-„ .--t :~h ~;x~. <br />I.enlet rrrv. rr°•'>.~=g itettin ucvacr c,r dett°ttad :r Acvn r ..,.,sr aa+ rzrrm.lrrs perr~tnro ..+`,aragra;m n hrm~f <br />!stewed. C:n€twwxrv t#c~rrarr,+rr .curl i. zrs0cr +urafar: ,:,>•cnara ,t..~c' agm err t.,t4t+ws <br />fl :iatalrtiMisar, Rwaaaiea. Eaa^sFt r pwitir:i iw Pr'itii !7 fteewl, rape /re;wweis lrrtsstt xA awy cortersl w <br />aRla~ss si IlttswtsT ss ties Ilwai al Trwl, iwrSrdisR tfx +w.rwawb is ~) wtiRw lwt awl vwws sectued h) this Deel <br />atf 7tsr6 teatir- pier N asxtdsealr virsr r~ aarite to Mrsuwey rr psw+idN iw Ars`ryi t i btwd vperff}ire{; Ill rte <br />isatasis 111 lIr teller 'wed err case wet irsrrk tJ) a lean, veer ie' het 16 la)a revert etc Attar tie twttlce rs twsfiei to <br />~sr, i! wiici ~nrs'It isessi a•sM to tweet esri 3a# riot failrrt ao a°w: ar`i 6rrari ,tw tw httert tit dose spcifiel <br />i M atslirs wtlR rattsM i• r^reltrrriw of tit ,trees scree! M tilt Orr# tl terse awl lair rl rte Prrywtts. Tie teellce <br />{~ (~ ll~wfr ~~{ ,~ fie q~r >• reilYMt alaN arcderatw art lit rail fo retort a <'etwtt actives to alwetl <br />ttse arnw^sailrase i a lsiasit eve ave. afiv ieterar ai Rserwwet rw arceltrariws awl .air- .# rte tweach n rrW crsef <br />ur t isles tie lsar tf iw rte wtAte, laest/et y I.rwler's ~ trey lee#are ail r,f tae seems sceurvd M tint Deed <br />1 Twr /w le i~ lee art ptyaYe ~Itisar fatsist iewswi earl! wmy iwvtric tie power of sak aatd err Myer reaedin <br />pretiirsd Iry agaliewiM fs. fxadst +tltti tae cwsilsi re cvlis7 so rttirtwaik a,ew awl cvprwsrs iucumA rn ParstdnR the <br />rstsrs` ptssiilr Air }wsatpstgit 114 iatwiiat hsr wse iimwA to, a:wrwstlr anurwr.'e fees, <br />! IRs pmt tf sale rs #wtaiai. Trwrrr aid r,ersxerl a eseite id ddarir i cm~ .worn ;n »iirh tttr Pratfem err vuewt <br />pneliewed siseiedawd rtii rrrsi cwgtins ai swri roasts w tie tasrwa puc+rn`iard M ap*iiraik law ru tyrrowcr awl to t4 <br />aMsw iwsrASta ptwniri ~ ~a1de fs. Apes tier laps +al stet ii! as mo>• ire rr»twed M attpiiraiir few. TroHte stall <br />~~sr ~[ tsaekw at eels r lis ftsswwr atsd N +Ite reset prascsiw;d M apgiisaNr bw. irrsYee, »itiuwt dersrl uw <br />•ssewassa, tit trR /is Fegswir all pick asrrliarw w tie ~y oilier ere rte fire art piws: ataA adrr tie tcrtws dtsigrrred <br />iw rive anli<wa e/ ale rtA ~ r •w art h test tells r TttrYe seats ddtewsie. '(rttsree twat Pw+MK .sk of ail <br />w tti!' !~~ tl ~ X17 i4 ptliir ai rive titwt and Pf~t +rl ~S f~z'r~r~y acftevlwid sate. Lettdtr w <br />t~riti++iittiMinw rt~~ lrwlYits Mr llw~w~ a aw +aik- <br />lTjww ~ tt/ Itlttr#sM all tis pits lid. Tsetse stall lrYset tw des $rterfswrst T»wstt's :letA rtw•tvr+gt fM (kwpetsy <br />ttiY, 1'is #attidi live lie tiftslaerw lad +YR to psirw ttwir tsidewcs +i tfw teeth .+i rte stseerwntN mile tttcrriw irttMet <br />tllr~ tis poresls w/ tit wiltr #ie ~ ++sdtft'= {w# iw aY rrarwsM[ aaess awd rsgewnsr of tit .ak. tm#+rlira• het <br />rafirlldtlo stlsFtt'aiswoltrl#wtwlisw 1; t+L `& of rfs irtarrrtis p+n¢, rewswwailr atsorwts}'* fees aN rwN u9 <br />iMeaeiraww~ Alas ai atoms tatrwwl ire ttii prat / irweet awl its t4 crtaxrw. A oat}, to rfet pe>y+w w pstweaa ItYwY} rwtllil <br />~~ <br />i~. Rrrwawa'w ~ as ~. '~tF#NUf$sst~#At"1itA$ E-2tvYlrx x ~*rss`ir•~r4tiu•Lr ,:i tt,C al;nee ~.i"a. ~:,; CC1 hi ~ ha. 1)ecv9 ,~t 1 • „<t <br />flMrt~wr't sfls$ h!*R' Eta rr~tt ta» taas+t :env Wxrcz't"ECde7~t. rrt~an tv} 3 crrctra to c=tlntcr ~Mav f}erd .•a r r,.,,r -i,.v,,rrn~nvcJ .: <br />}ry i rite Lrtwar to titre t~#xr Wu ce.:sat cA tai WAS iifttx a#av ?+rttrt the +.u8e .,i t*vx #'*~rrprnv t,:.,rasrsnr E.~ the to •~+rr ~ ~r •n!r . •x.r.r, i,r., <br />i ,~ err <br />+n E!1~ ed 1'rsaa eu °~#eary c,9 a t~ rra7;rax~rta tare C1ea.i „t Tr„vs : ,Boa rnxwrx t-x,.: <•;~r 1~ .. . » n,. h ~,.~ ,=i <br />hs time dws rmetdM lever t?sea# +~~ X'rsr.t. >fve~ 6vu:at s-rtd rfie'alet arc..>r,exi, i'•x=x.rrr ~u. arxrr. ~ i - aai n, ; it r a;;,.,, ~ > ~r i r,t <br />Lfef ti'aerc,wicr 4'+r+nre ail ~rrrrc#t4 r,i xaty eq#tt~€ ~. av,.rtrarrra , :..grrertw :vrw ~, Kur rxvwcr +e+ts+r;r~J •~ 'h;~ tTaercl .., t-,r~,r <br />ar~r 11mr~rrix tat}w aif :::3x#n,r~:[#t#r x.#+crxtv:., mcaut+tsf rr. i.esrx#er sarJ i ,.+tec ~ =ti:,r; ens ;nr ,-, , ..,,:. ~ .,, ,Roe -:.. r <br />Raw'#xr+.atr :wataur+ess *€t a+ L"ttecd rd Trmns :sW rn enAs+ti.,xrta 1 zm9nt w ,e.esd ~rw,rer , .~•crnarafr, ,,. . -, ~ ~~.rri ;;:r.y,, .,,.•. <br />3»rrra++#. wc't±u3lgy„ an.~a $asnartd s . ;vearwtrk .~lotncg . leer w,t,; +xs, fL : r,~^~»-cr ras.a.~ ,,:.. ~ . ,5 , ~ rw-<, r . , ..,.. . ~ ; , <br />x:eyyysra ~:k astrsn`a s$z~ ter i ,± tfrw l:3R+r~8 .~ 7nr.~t ircu3s. ,. ,. ~.rrcva ,. F'r..e,er*. ,.~ t.... .., r,~,Qa,~., <br />