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<br /> <br />Lender's written agreement ar sppiica6le law. @ttttttwcr shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />ma®er provided under paragraph ~ haeaf. <br />Anv arrtoants dishtttani Irv [_mder pursuant to this paragraph '. with 'tnttrest thereon, shat) become addtticnai <br />indebtedness of ilcvrowner secuxnd by this Mortgage. Unless Berrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymerd, such <br />trmonnrs strait tx Payatde apon mace flan Lander ;a Bnrmwer reyttesting payment therx[. and shall bear intertest froth the <br />date of dishttrsematt M the rate payahk ft•om time to time at outstantiitrg priocipa! tinder the 'Date tallest payment of <br />inletert as such rate taoulA be :oettnrv to sppiicakk Saw, m which event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest tale <br />permww'hie tinder appiicaEk Saw- Natfiing catlaitittd in this paragraph ?shall require Lender to incur arty experne a take <br />arty action heeeandv_ <br />l irgtae/aa Lenedtr enay make ar ratrae to be made reasonahk entries uptm and inspections of the Traperty. prrnided <br />drat L.etrder stns giro 1llmr~wra nc+tice print to anv stri.h etvcpeetion spedfyinS reasnttabk cause therefor related to t_es+der"s <br />itrtMtSt in the Troperrq. <br />1 Cewieir~ The pr,Zecds u{ ana sward m shim far damages, direct ar eousequentral. in cronttect)nn wrath any <br />t:andewntatiioet or aflrer rating r+f the Pmpem. <x part t!rtreof, ar far cont^esarw^e in lieu of cottdemttatitwt. arc leereky asstgired <br />amt chttl rte paid to Leetder. <br />[n t!s event of a zatd rating cf rite fkaperty, the prsxeeds shat! kt applied to the arms secttrerd by this Mortgge. <br />with the ericcsa. if arty.. pard za Borrower Ir. the ."Went afi a partial rarity of ttrc fRapem, unt~s Sartttwer and Lander <br />ctttterwine ogres 3n writ.rtg. there shat€ ire apgtxd sc± t'•e Bums scs-ttred try this Mortgage tech proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that prvpottian u3rai the amwrv of rite sat;tts socnred M this limtgatte irrtrtcdiateh^ pt'ior m the t1aM of <br />:eking hears ro ttre fair marten ~yhr+r ce` ttte Pzeperrv tmmediatet! txtor to tkc date of raking, with the balance of the praeeedit <br />paid to lorrrwa- <br />If doe ' is ahattttoat+d ire at:rtn,war. ar rf. after nnricc by Lender to liarratvrr that the condeiwnrtr nlferf M Make <br />an a+tard car settle a c~asrn inc datttattes. B;+rrewer farh m respond to Lender within iP doss after th[ date sttclt ttwiKY If <br />ntatiad. t.ettdur k atstleeraed to cc+ttect std apply the pm.-eedx, at Leader's crgrtiott. either to rtstaratinn ar repair d the <br />Trapert} x sa ~e saomx mr?.zrrxt hs rMs Mnrgat}r <br />L;rtkss Lrrsier~ anti •txzr-serer tsttezw~rse agree s ,:ra.rft. anv c:tih appircax tin of E rnceeQa to pri~ilral she!! rxx eitend <br />>r post}rtatte t:.r due dace ,,t the mcv+thYs assts§€aert~ refrrre.i ra in paratraphs t and ? ttereuf ar ~-hange tkt atttatnt of <br />sxadt anstattaaetas <br />N. Maaiwer Vae tais~al, Esxnamn .~*.' tfte tttsu itsr paansenr :u anwiitkstre,n of amr3rtcratea*t ztf the cams secatted <br />krQ titre r3fl,',rtgagr granted bs• t.ea3et tc, am ar~xsant .n ;ntereat :.t gcerrower cttatl hat operate n, reieasn, in anY manner. <br />ihr tiaiaCnn ,~ the +ari;xna3 lorrx+yer and barrawci+ su:crr<sscar+; :n tntertst tentArr slta€1 rtat k nqutred to ccvttntetree <br />pn,rtgs agaxrxst sttcit x:xt;c-ssrn :x reftnse tss eitand trine ?nr ;*_as°m~cnt nr nttter ~r.e ma.difs attxrttxaur,n s,f the sums <br />rsrtazsxt tw skis atr*tigaige M~ raaem csf anv dprtar+d made ha ?he :,ngarsal &,rrawer and &vro,sei x a~°cccscrrs rn intere*t. <br />it_ 1Fwaiaraaa i!s luau fir s ialaae. >m f.trisearars:~e trr !.ender +n eseritstntt ans~ ngbt ;,r remedy hetenndu, ar <br />rwirve>< atfardnf hs anptarahk tar 4att =uu ht a was~c-r ,~+ nr prec!u3e eke c:arase .,f ana +uch ngkt ar remedy <br />T1r~ ,^dra~astemessr .v inx;natscc car ttae pa~trtcrr .,f tapes :,: ,,rtter ~xnx ,,r , t,arshs M l.exrder chat! nr,t Frr a w-saver z+f t.enckr's <br />r'~ ter axau t{re nsataarats' ,k rh.- =nt£h.edaras ,er:asest t,4 rhea >1,~,rtgage <br />l2 ti7wtitw C,tirrieYse. •tt reztreaiacs ~.r.-. x1rd :r rh,. >fcrtgattr art .iisttrx-t and ~:unuiative to anv other ngttt nr <br />°tettec'tr- :,sxtrz ttyrs 1ttg+..;age ar alfr?tbcd hs~ ta,. ,*r cy,ut, ,that mac t*r ese~Tcrd : nr•;: urrrntly independerttty r,z sucxssiveiv <br />t1 5wccstars art -~$ gtewwa: iaial awl Sesrrai f aiiih: Ctglins. -tlte ar~enann and agreements hdein <br />,:xmtax~nea4 shat3 t,itx:3.. attd the rxgtrxs bets:<xu;.°rct,ai3 ,hare sa, riec ;ct.pectrvr s7tcc~ssra,^• and a<sagns .,f [ sttdrr .~tnd Bnrtmrer. <br />ssaiaies- zo ttte pmvsase>os of zaragra}rk 1'r tteras# 1tt .~+vezta'-rts ar"d .xgrnemertz, ,,f Bnrra,w~er ,hail be tt ant aMi xvera! <br />True upeaans newt h[aat=nyx ~ tht paragraphs :x? G"txx >f nrtgage air fz» xnretttsrnce ,,nh~ ."red are rxu tci ire used to <br />~att„xuct .sr de'tfsre the ~ptasrxeacros hare.~f <br />N. r.~aalea F.ungt for ens rrxtce tr~tttred ~.rradc•.r :q~+ixzabh Saw ,n hr gsvrn m arse ther ranntt. ;a! anv nnttce to <br />-:rev press';ded 1'r~t an tkn M~*xgage stsaa? 'ti• rn +^,txYeny +u~tt +,ouiF 1:. :rrnfied :Hari .~Jdtessed to tltrrr:+wxt at <br />tree Ptrane^ts' -Addtrsa ,av at sus.3s rttfies addrrK a* &,rrrwet =ra.aa dec.~nsrr bs ~arrr r., ! esadrr an taaY+vt~t !retain. ami <br />t1+~ any rsrrt~ ,n Larndet! 4 grs~cn :.s crrt:ftti ...s:S :rts:rr: recs. ~ •,;l,.rcsn~. r--: t :rder • address stated herein .n to <br />atstie oAltlt addrew as Mendez mss dev~xate !^< rrc,tscr rr, lk rr.-+nrr a: pr.,.~rdcai itcrtrn >ns n:xic~e ;+zawtdaxi ;ar .n thts <br />sitar! dte r tr ttac~ ~)prv+c» to Anrr,'rx^cr _u ! zndrr y~zr gr.•cs an ti,+e manrzcr aecr~*a€ex1 hcratn <br />if. g'wiwwt MAMge: Cwsae~t Letws +tiesvarttlic. Yea.. !,-.rtes .*t s.AC=nFagc : ~ttetnes +rnrrz+rm . • enantc i;,r txat,ona! <br />iwe sad a~~uuifeass asra~arzts with Entttteca <assat_k^rts h ~~.,. e.,3,:. x,n t,r :axru=_;arxte a r.~rtrtorm ~rurrss rnstrrtrnrnt rearing <br />te$ ~pehry. T 1is,Rgage sf:ua~ dte ga~+-craurt3 by ihr 4rw s nc~ =un>kisanan ra ~,ea-!+ ttze Pr~cy etas :c roared !n the <br />eaaw list easy a'nars=ntum cr Claarac ~ e+ns 11 ~rzLc.a~ ;x rtes Vr,st ..=nt+cz. ,*rtta ,n{r+xat+k law scrr)t .crrln t ,Ra!€ hat atTect <br />atlas pre+resrcans .`tf ttn+ ht~sgage <?a atM !uc ~;sa tr v t+c encn c•4&'rr •a r,hc=c:t ihr .txr;tt ;-ttatR ir.-:;,th- end t~ r?tis <br />aitlli 7~E , icelxe ~f xite tyxa+ltigC atxt ttae A,*ts+ eta .k;..3atx~ a ~ acverse <br />~. !}tratraee"!f b!!t- lietrawer +katf he tx;rrsr,ttcd > ~:Yrrti•*rrnrd ~x*fi^- ,~z ±bx '~rxr zn~? .,t tit r, \4on,~;;ge :.s nc~ trine <br />tti eaecratisr or aftr tas~awtf~et t+eavrtf. <br />n- *Ywiit ag ~e ii a.+# :,• ana ^:s~ ,_+ ,tar t'tc~ptitrt, ,x an :tueresr tttrmn n „~d .+r rransferrrd <br />k!s >lprsava' rt~eittttn L:kxe3e]"'s presr wrttc:r .i,~rrt: =a.lwtraag r. nc~ , rra:uctn of ., t¢rn :•e sta. _^rRhransc euhnts;an.nte to <br />ti,rs Mtsr[il~e, #Id ttte CateatrtEee =$ a pu:rhase ss::xres sr. ur'zxi :..ntrr~'tt ?o,a a,e,;nsr/t.^^.td anp±cnax, ~.. .r +raaetcr ?„ a9ea-ese. <br />dattzne qtr tri' ctiterattasw ~ dos ,;r;asr t±re -,ae3rctt ref ,r ,ca..s ac€ew;n ,ter - - - -. ~ _ -. __~_. _______ - <br />L.eaarirattt~zxa, at ist+de:s..Tur.:ret; dec9azr afi rtx ::tot. ce- .:red h^. oars 1.f nttgagc to tee <br />~' due astd pa3aieic LcaeAer :ssa~ffi =~.:ac wares >.erih :+p:iz::,_, a~-c~crFrr atr :r {rrmr u, the .31r .n- rrancier i-^rroies <br />sad the ~MSisn ta? whoa taec Ittssnes'r+ ti sa: dst sc°rw .•e =r.~±xRtcr :_,uTZ .tgr:ertnrn? n »,^ar•st! that +nc .sexist ati :v::h nee am <br />$. tcalgiielavY te+ L:enstez and t*.a; the z~erres ;xa^ta~a c,n tru *umt ,r.,~axs$ +~vt ,*+.e 'sl+,r?p.~r;~> ,raft Ac ~tt w-_h +atc ,:, i :*tder <br />tiestfl i Y t.avader ttan raised the >exn ?_~ p:.seSesas>• pry-,k,~,rrs ., eh:e ~ru~re~h " .trr;r :' g:`•rrcrwer , .uac:ssa+r rn <br />swemefrstawcaned a ~+xi~zilrn ~ ~ ~1 aw ~rsxmrrg tv 3 cn~ur I c^rsaer ,tss5i +aecase ticrrretwex ;ram a€3 <br />+tstdrr Slant stge and the; ~tetx <br />If Lawless tamresas aZaG"S r+~tFtasrt fa w=.zfL^*3?c ? r2e~s,.s ,c,y{~ ay.; ~,~r-,;Fti.+cr yaw o.; .:t .e. ~esrryt n.a+ .t .+c..~rtianre .. +th <br />Pwea~riph 74 hearee~~. Seach rutsate *eta!'~ ~c~=r,,aje s #xsu?a ~ :sv Wis. t3rsa i~ +?mss. +*.. gat r:x 1:ctc +,~ mrsuc~ rrailcy!. u r=hsrv <br />l~ 3#Ii~ '~~" _k' ilea t~M::t.C=a,~u s~i~Y !-r lt:-ri'=K.-a=. .~,:., -a. t.r:,.-. ...,.n ~- .>,- .. m. _.._... .. E F ,+~r:~uf <br />L ,i+rksrca ftart5tr tstrrr.~ €+s :arnramd ~, fbtsr~:v,W. -s. _<a, icsrtazd~c r-^ _r_r its-ar;u;raP n r_af , <br />I~taaa-t.€sturawr Gavartat.t's iker;,t^er aawz Letxirr tztrtku .h:=+rnart+ s^a s;~r :t: ?tat};'we <br />AawaitraraaK ~tist- !!soap rr ptttrai/ed is lenti-wlti i? Iraawf, tt*eo irewwir's tw^eaaci of awe +:wrewawr m <br />ttg~an at lrwwaae ill. fIM tigtwtp~a, iweiwtirt eie aw,saatawra tw M wMw Me awe swtraw strwd ht ttnitr ~ireiawgs. <br />1+aa~re ~ M aatnliaiwiaw iii ttttr attglsw as ~ a- t!~sMa'd iw l~Mt H btettt sgecilyiat: t 11 IM Meade <br />t:#4'~+~iMlll-aa~Medsa aws e.s aeaeMt #xb a +ww se !e. rlr..I! +irrn lean ns at^e r#t .ericr k .ender «t <br />ilg wlgiM:,pr~Ir llwgli A~1114 and i4 iksrU lliwa #a c~ttr srdr lrszltt~ wn w hnta+rr tie ttwe gwcMiesf Iw dre wwwx <br />~ w1111iflgaaMg11MI1fesrf MYeasterlr.rrtawi 11!y ~ iMry~R+ hwcirwrs ItY (~arfieiY lraca*+dtas anti Kdr nrP tie Agarsf:, <br />11t,11r<~111~1ilAitt~'#I/etnltlMrwaer d ~w alert as wiAirt a/Me acarYeaMw awl siu eidn w rrras iw [fe <br />#IINai~~-!&-lgidwiMl~! eg stlt~tl~-+M' aa!' ~r #rtb~s et IMesaww~ M ao-seMrallea awl fasw'inusers. N err tinrrw.! <br />)torso ~sritiw w lalaaa ere /Mdt ttgaas~ iw site waive, Lasain ti iawtlee'> Mlrtlaw wtw± dere/are ail a1 tilt nurse stcrtt+i A9 <br />Mr.liitll~tk its 14iiaa~~ dare awd g.)r+r..ri.en iaeirr tr...d area east tattec•inar iy ~r/isial gewa^sw++s. l_ewbs <br />+IIIIIDie attiMg M aa/sai is awe! gwswe~Ifa # •*i•w•et rr hw[Mrrtc, i..~tettlisgt, ier aae ttlaeYaa tw, c~wnit ai arrar.+ <br />rilwae.-irreM• wtti iYie orgaiia. <br />i~. ~ewwitt ~ !• ~.ti. 'te, 1. ~eta~` : ~ ¢z ca'r~r+z,x .~ r!'ac~ <.,scs, n~.,rac..3 hm rho Lt."!t;.x~ - <br />~ettnra+tlt M tyae tie zigirt tt! base tmti ;aniz: taie}rs>; tYt; € c'txlter ~:. raxie'rst.z «hra 33zartgatte .Stra,.rns,r...rd ~. a , :~.:n;r <br />