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<br />$0- a~:53 <br />i,IABILITIES <br />The Trustees shall, in .the capacity of Trustees and not individually, <br />assume or incur only such liability as may attach to Said TRUST property <br />assets. This Trustee liability shall not in any manner jeopardize their <br />individual or peraanal holdings and for any losses they should suffer <br />for auy reason through services, they shall be reimbursed from TRUST <br />PROPERTY to the same extent as would non-interested persona. <br />NOTICE <br />1-atice is hereby given to all persons, conpanies or corporations <br />sxtendinq credit to, contracting with, or having claims against THIS <br />TRI~T, that they must look only to the funds and propert~r of The Trust <br />far payment or far settlement of any debt, tart, damage, judgment or <br />degree, or for any indebtedness which may become payable hereunder; <br />that The Trustees, are NAT personally liable when dealing with The <br />Trust properties or matters. <br />DQCL'!AENT <br />it is expressly declared that a Trust, and not a partnership, is hereby <br />crested; sad that neither The Trustees,, officers, or certificate holders, <br />prssant of futures, have or possess any beneficial interest in the <br />prnpsrty or assets of Said Trust, nor sha13 they be personally liable <br />hereunder, as partners or otherwise; that no Trustee shall be liable <br />fez the act or oaisaion of a Ca-Trustee, or any other person, whatsoever, <br />whsthsz s~aloye3 by such '*_rus*_ee o_ nest, ar g•,r ary*_hing other than his <br />own, psrsonal breach of Trust. <br />CERTIPZGTES O£ 9ENEFICIAL INTEREST <br />The Beneficial Interests, as a convenience, for distribution are divided <br />rota ohs l3undred iIOG} Units, substantaally in the certificate form hereto <br />attaehed. They are non-assessable, non-taxable fonder the provisions <br />of Section 1fl02 of Internal Revenue Code), non-negotiable but trans- <br />ferabls; and the lar:ful posae~sor thereof shall be construed the true <br />and livful owner thereof. The lawful owner may, if he so desires, cause <br />his Beneficial Certificate to be registered with the Secretary of the <br />'izustees. <br />~FJ-TH- IPSi1L4'ENCY- BJ-NKRUPTCY <br />Drath, insolvency, or bankruptcy of any certificate holder, or the <br />transfer of his certificate Say gift, devise or descent, shall not <br />a;+srate as a diasolutior. of "_'HZS TRUST, or in any manner affect The <br />Tzua't or its operat.son or moc9e of business. Ownership of a beneficial <br />certificate shall not entitle the holder to any legal titre- *_n or to <br />The Trust property, scar auy undivided interest therein, nor -n the <br />managem+~t thereof; ~r shall the death of a !:older entitle his heirs <br />or Igai renrssentatives to desand any partition or divasion of the <br />property of 'i3-e '.'rssst, msr aciy special at-evunting; but said suieessor <br />may succeed to the acme distributaona3 interest upon the surrender of <br />tlis certificate as held by the deceased for the purpose of reassue <br />to the than laxful holder or owner. <br />i'k1tFUTIt)1~i-CLL~S ~1R E <br />'!!ales LruiL shall continue far a period of twenty-fave years from date, <br />unless tAs Trustees shall unanimously deter. mane upon an earlier date. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />