<br />$0- r~f,3
<br />PROVIDED FURTHfiR, that in the event of death, removal from office, or
<br />resignation, The Trustees shall appoint or elect a successor by the
<br />unanimous concurrence of the remaining Trustees, Should the entire
<br />Board of Trustees become vacant, a court of equity may appoint ane
<br />Trustee, who, in turn, shall appoint the additional Trustees, Should
<br />objection be filed to agpointrnent of additional Trustees, *_he saune
<br />shall be spread upon the minutes. Any such objection shall deprive the
<br />candidate from accepting the trusteeship.
<br />The signing and acknowledging of this agreement by the herein above
<br />appointed Trustees az the signing and acknowledging of appropriate
<br />sinu*_ea~ by Trustees subsequently elected or appointed, shall constitute
<br />their acceptance of THIS TRUST; and The Trust property, assets and
<br />csalusents thereof shall imsediately vest in the new Trustee ar
<br />Trustees without anv further act or conveyance.
<br />By a regular act of the Trustees they may provide for meetings at stated
<br />intervals without notice and special meetings may be called at any time
<br />by two ar sore Trustees upon three days' written notice, which may be
<br />waived. ]1t any regular or special meeting a fIAJORITY of the Trustees
<br />sha;; constitute a quorum for conducting business, PRflViDED, affirmative
<br />action say only be had upon a Mi1JORITY vote of the Trustees, whether
<br />present or abaenL, except that at special meetings called far a special
<br />purpose the !~.i~iR.iTi'1 ~=* c.f the Trustees, whether present ar absent,
<br />except tlliL at special seetings called far a special purpose the
<br />tY1.70RITY present stay affirmatively act in emergency matters.
<br />Trssteas say da anything any individual may legally do in any state or
<br />country, sub~rct to the restrictions herein noted. They shall continue
<br />in business, conserve the property, commercialize the resources, extend
<br />say eatablzshed line of business in industry ar investment, as herein
<br />speeia3ly noted, ai their discretion for the benefit of THIS TRUST, such
<br />as, viz: buy, sei3 or lease lanai for the surface or mineral rights;
<br />buy ar srl3 sortgages, srcurities, bonds, notes, leases of all kinds,
<br />contracts ar credits of any funs, patents, trademarks, or copyrights;
<br />buy, sail, or conduct mail-order business, or branches thereof;
<br />operate stares, 3hnps, factorise, warehouses or other trading
<br />establis.;:s~eats or glares of business of any kind; construct, buy, sell,
<br />lease ar rent suitable bu:.ld:zgs ar other pia: es cf business; advertise
<br />diffrrent articles or busines pra7ects; borrow money for any vusiness
<br />Pr..oj~t. pledging '.'he ".`rust property far t#se payment them°o: • hypot-
<br />hecate carts, property, or broth, of The Trust in business pro,ec*_s;
<br />awe stssa:k in, or entire char±era of aarparations, or other such
<br />grespertirs, cos~ranire, ar assoeiatiens as they may deem advantageous.
<br />]l Minute ttf Reaa le:tians of The ward of Trustees auihari2ing what It
<br />is t.~ey drtrtxsine to do ar have done steall bA evidence ttaai such an
<br />act is witi~in their power. Jlnyone lending or paying money to The
<br />Trusters shall not be obliged to see the applir.at~on *_hereii; all
<br />funds piSd into thr treasury are ana3 become a cart of thr= CC}RNGS of
<br />TtII~ TAt~ST.
<br />
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