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<br />$Q- ,~.~~ <br />Lrtufei s wriermm agreement err agptirattfe taw. 6orrasvcr shaA pay the am+umt of a!t tugrtgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner gmvided under paragraph '_ hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lendtr pursuant to this paragraph ?. wish iaie2est itfoteon, shad 6ecatna ada'itinnal <br />indcbtedttrss of &u•roaa°xr secured by this Mangage. Unless 8arrgw~er-and i.enriar agree tq other terms of payment, such <br />amgimts shah lye payat+lt ripen ngtice from under to BatTC+wer trquestfng pavmenz thereaf, and shat! hear interest from the <br />date of d~burseatttit at the rate gayaltle frgm tune to time cart autstsndfng principal under the Note unless t?apment of <br />interest at such rate vtrntld be rontran to aggtieab3r Iau~. in vyfiich evrnt such amaunts shat! hear interesf at the highest rate <br />pennisaihte under apgti~abk law. Nxhing catirained m this paragraph 7 shall rgiFire Lender to incur any etcpettse qr take <br />any action herenodtr. <br />S. irnder ttray make err rsuse tq Ire made reasanabk entries upon and insgectigns of the Prat>rrty, pravidtxi <br />that Lender chap give 13rirrass~.r native prier t, any such rnsgrctim specifying rtascsna8le .^.atsse iherefnr related- to i.endet's <br />,nacres. in the . <br />9. Cam, '7tx pr,>t~scds of anG aua:d err claim far damaces, dirGCt nr cansegttentiai, in rnnnectian with any <br />ccmdrsnnazian :x wtrrr taking i>t the ]arnperty. err pan sttcrrof, car for cgnveyance in lieu taf mndrmnatian, are hereby asaigtted <br />and s#all l+c ~ to Lender <br />Ia the rr~ttt of a .-*R-sI raking of the t'hapers. the pr?a-eeds sha8 !se agatied m she sums seettt'ttt 6y this Mortgage. <br />with sire cscezt.:f am°. raid to Ar+rm~rcr in t}rz ei-enr of a partial taking aF the Pmpetty, unf~ Bgrmwer and- Lender <br />vhes:.iu agent :ct atzat,ttc, t!sctc stiat# he agptxed t:, the .cams sceured by this Mortgage such pmpattign of the pt^a:eeds <br />as :s egaal xq :hat proptutian xhich *.ht arnnunr ,,f thr sum; sn.ured by this h4artgalte immediatth• prier to ttre date of <br />t~icin7 l+eats to itx fair +ttartn valix of rho Progrm• smnttdiattnh~ .I,u~iar to the date of taking, with the t+alance of the proceeds <br />paid *,.. 9oratrw•tr. <br />3F the Property is atszndarrod M $rr-ax•rr. nor if, after ttgti^t l,p t rndcr to BotrgKrcr that the canti~nar nRecs to retake <br />a.n award }sr settle a ;;assn soy damages, &srmwcr fails ?r= respr4itl to Iznder awthin aA da~3 after the 3atc xuch notitt is <br />reeled, ie:tder is autlxxixrd tr crtlect and apply tkr prurettLs, at t.rnder's gtuitm, either m restoraticm nr repair of the <br />t'?agerra .,= to ilu sums sa~rr+r1 t,v thn Monraee <br />t.'nICSS 3.tn3r; at?d Sgrrowrr axhenrr~ aerrr ,n untine. env such apP#tcatmn »f prr+cceds to principaf shall Hat etttrnd <br />,,r pgsrpsxx tlar dx dart Af the mtmthl=~ snstallmrnts trfrrtxd to in paraiLrattt+s t and ^_ hercef err rhangr rho arnaunt of <br />.,r, -:ratalt^netsts. <br />T fw. _ vm -~ F~isa,._n .,i xt,~ F ~. ras menr ~r *rfi~_ ,_an>_sa Jf aragrrizatign of the sums secured <br />hc= th.s NaatttLZgr gr3nxrd 'rv tersster to anx s.wctss:.u on intrrtst ..` &,rrgxtr shall nor ,,ntratr rn rekasr. in any manner. <br />;fie tiaFulits• ,,t the ,,th}anai &ittm+wu ataf 6arraurr', s,,ccesusn .n intcrrst I rndcr shat! not M requirrd tt, cammence <br />•+*cx,rea~dohat rCarmt ux~a sta~:~txsor ~ refusr in estrnd umr '.c payment or :nherwtsr tngdity maniratvt,n ,ei rha sums <br />,a:,res5 he, *ltn. Ma,ngagt M teasert ,,t :.u~ drxnatxi made h+ tt+e ,?rigtnal A•cirn,a-Cr an3 A:,r,'ansrr's .u,;tn's„rs in interest. <br />ii. (?otiera~as hrr i esda ?~+at a Ra}ver_ ',m ±; a•hrxraz:~r h, I ,-rider in rvrmnmg ,ar~ ngrit ,+r temcdc herrunder, or <br />astteeraex at'fnrded '.»~ app#ic3tde iao~. chg.? :xt `.r ., wTasrer ,. .. rec':ude 'fit ryerix .,i am such right or remedy. <br />i*ao n~a:.remr+?t , # ianvran~,_ t~ thr pas'mrm a. ?asps err ,,;het `=er..~.. ,:nar~ra he L~rnder ,keel; ;tint i^r s =s-atter of Lrndor=s <br />tightt §a a-..-~*-c.ra~ •t~t saaakittt~ ~ ~ .. At~*-edge- per :n ~; ?h ~i nc <br />72 Rc~eirs Ca~is3er_ ~.,€ rernedazs ,r. -,y~,i .t =hn r.l., gage arc ,~ntrna .rid :amu#ativr to env ,they right or <br />re?cerc?v tcrce3c- -h:s Nrxr;gagr c<: aft>rdrd Via' 'ate . - :~d °, •~. "~- _=er;; as,r.7 i ~ n; ~rfc?tt3s. ;narpendrrtly .,r :ui'cessicrly <br />i~. f awd saailat ltaaaa& Iwr/t afri~tiever~ t.iahaiht CaPtiom. T?te _,,ye Hants :+,td :=grrcmrnts herein <br />a3nta:,cra shit:'. Lirici. ar>d 7~ rtidrts i,etr:rndrr ..hai# ,nxr;e r,, t'+r -ec~tr;-t cr~.~: r,-..uv 3tx3 aaugns ;,ti l ~:4er and Ai`rm»rr. <br />wh~esx tb ?ix: ~riv-frn. of tvw'a.~r~+3t 2^rrrst ~3? :,.=tirnuaec an,l aGttrmtna r!i BS+rn,wer shad fx~ , ,:nt and ,rvrrai. <br />Tae :aFa~s hesdi .et the gsaragra,h~ at Fhrh N,~ngater err {,r, .unvtnrtn^e yenta= ,+nd err u,=t r. ~ht •sed to <br />~,r!ftr:^iTt :'r de'ftnt t'Ix ~Zkti=ns +xtei+t <br />i1 lirtaice. E~-e~gt fsr tury~ ^exix -ty:,:re•tf ::ndrr .6 ^, N: at•k lttw c;. ht casrn :n arx,tnrr manna :a, .::nr •,ou:c in <br />Aa=.:arw:rt pma 'or .r. this Ma-,rrgatrr .hsi# >=r r .. , ~~--aa:it^~ ~•u,h ,~:,ts:~e ha :.rrt:fud ^,t?ati addrrasrd t:t A:*trnurr at <br />tier Prarrm ia3dirss ,•: ,ct ,uctt ,elxr .iddr: •, ss firms -,•~~rr •=t;,a 3e=,ar^ate #=v +. ~at:r ;;, i rt:.3er :s :,re,vidrd herein. ,rid <br />.'fit.;rr,* im u, I,z>wicr ~hai9 °r a=.ra ~, _~maxx*, =t` "rttara :-nt •-egtarstrrl. ,, t cede*, ayi~.~, ctaird hrnan : r to <br />>ticif .ahrt' addna: ax L.tR3rr :',at :irsrx'r rr rte +k,: r.r ~.., 41.,,-$;,,,ez a~ ?rn.'dr~t xrt}t- ~;rs nrgicr nre=a-rdrd t5sr ~r. ibis <br />Rlzasptgse '.isa:9 t+e .9rt:^in3 r:, Ra=r ?eGx g+ar.? ?e, fk'r nwr= --~ t :tn~r- -~.?rti t:z,tr i~ ;tr ma^rscr '~zenatrd ~-mein <br />i:C C'td[ertw \iael~r; C.wvertewq i_an.; ieavtait~h, .... .:.. ~r moripaiYe ..a,mi"i;xs ,.: r.:totm _,~,-r:~-r:tt+ s.'t nanr,nal <br />s#aC 8ttd ='7i`-Tz',tnS ~rS i2,Vin$fil~ - -i?; ~.1TS, a¢-1 3.Y?a2.r cry •p :.. m. __„ .- ..~ .~`,~i_'.'r[r 3 >:RfEi TP.; ~ ~1 _..'.R1~is'. ii~ti'rrlnK <br />reau }arrrysri±s- ?74ri i/c**apt ~i..., rte c:-.~:-;tti7 ''i ~'+t ,•- ~ 'te ~. ..: a ,. nEi~ ,.ts. ?+s;,,nrin .. .:x~airil In ihr <br />asa*3=t ^tzae brrs ~rn~:s..-.n >>x a:!-~ -:1 t-n,r. W.7ttcsaytr ^rc ~::a• . ~t ~~ n :. rl-a.~_hl. ~:,x ~w_Ft n,itr; .3:ai1 at:.t tl'ttit <br />.. =as:~^-•a .., -~-a !£ '°~>~` .., .. ~... -._-._ .... ._ _ __. . 3_ - _ ... ~!, rrt:,.=t. ;,n,<i1t.,n. and .a [iris <br />a'riB =itc ;+ti a?ctgRi r`r 'l7r ?~.+:tgyit ~~cEh"x• 1..~.c w, _ r - re.;t ~. `c •c=r~rai+ir <br />tC ICsp+,e Aat ~r-r +^.st 'x , .~ tarf - . .,.. .mss: t .. ,., "'r ti•. ~ .. ,.. ., 1t.u+.caie ~r ?rx <br />;?0 AK`rPill7n v ~.3te7 ti8'-iMt9ataT. "ti3TS'i <br />IT_ Tt~im'ef Net l'1+lltetls•: .trsawarwir. '.' _;. -: at•: :.=n .,. -r_a. p•.,;,rr~, .-- .r. ~. rrtr'r*t ~nrren? ~, ,~•id :v iramte:ird <br />hh !arv vr-r1#n4K Lcr+Ba '~ pis wit:=.~- _~; ~ .r..~.~ . . -rte, , .... -, =rn. ~., srsra.:e tub.=, cLnate ' <br />thsss.IMtxrga,~c:.-,'nf xhc:~rea#.kx:.3 .. rn;r.'s.+sc -n.:nr= ..;:_;~. .:-r.-r .. •,•: rn.~:;; t{+` n, r, .• .: ~-.a*r=!r, ~-r sic"i5c, <br />da*,v`~t cv 3tw :e{rt~atie~n .x Js,. s;+cm the earn -'a -. , ..^, •_^n,,nr .:~ <br />} .3uirt T+a+~ at :.-r..zrr - .~3 ,- r .,c; is : - _ '>M: .. ::--i ' , 'R:s 41 *t~aKr • , :,r <br />:*~'~ - .~ sl¢rt aa3 ~axalvtcr ? Y:rNSoE ~',a-: -x,_ as,, uY ,. _, =-y ..,t- : x... 'tr,rr . . rt ~ -n _.. •.*trr i rndtt <br />tree 1sEasr.+at ?n uixrn t+tc ih3~.',+ea^, „ •_, tit ~~.xa .., ...., r,;rd -- _;;r^, +sicnt .. .e "^~~ - ,~. .. - ,_*::,: s.e,r: <br />=3„'t;~~„^wa~ ^ lz~--Ier a ::=s; =err ._,~ ~ ,.,,..r_ .. ,....._ _.,.... . .. ~'4c _. -.- eta .. 1 :.retry <br />'sabfl '2aYra4b'.. If i..rwdr; it1r8 r',g,w~al tS,e c.... ,s; _rl£ ~_~ ... , a1e,3 :~, 'fl v. tl`a? .. 3i; ~: fa,u rt .. e.: C,-t:r, ~n <br />=HiSraSr eras eca;;ts~i a w~rsrtea atr~rstnt ~ . , .~-tmtnc~, ~.,. _ .x u ..r.,_g !=. ;n.srr _r?u.. ...~ ..~a,~• S;•• ,.... <.... .;i! <br />gatr<rab wader =tea. ktartgape gad *.tre `~z,re. <br />ix I,tt,dta t-~rn:i~ ash,-pr«,.~: t. a..arier:tr .. .,,.; -?a•i 5.+r>-~ _i ...... ._. _ _. - _,, r.ian:.e - ,,.. <br />F~ :,: ':HA+a:~i ~u.h ;a:ar~ -tsaii Irr,=a-,~ _ ;+c~r +,... .. -3 .n;u:, :< „a. ,. -i. - _=.e! - r ,_ - a«4a'd +itR:r, <br />risr."ls 3.~r°++~ n3.:v~ '!'it ,str±k ~.»et.; ~~u, .= tk s^ v.r- _ . _. ... .• _ . Es~:•"~ ._ ~er„n9. <br />Ls?nsitr Ityi. avlt3b'KIt 3.rt't3AtE nrns:r iY •'~cKttiY(Xt , ... A+.a wc. ..x .... _r _ai^, ... ... , ... _ agfi . F crcid • <br />!r.~-~3."a:ts;au c"r~a;av x•~ '8,-sr;:~c= 3;.r::; rn,». . --:!tt:, ,. . ,..,.. ~, :e .;_ . ,,.u. <br />it ~ 1 ~s'qa s gtaai~ed ha pata[ttaaah t' hrttut. rtlasa &aex+»rr w hrrach ui aa> . utraaai air <br />npsaaaaterrt ni $raa:anrat r elite ~e.» .rtlrr%irnl dry rasaswis to Pee ~rtwra der awe krrre .~saed ht :hie yturs~~is. <br />#Illiaa MaMM /a wnylatMiaw eiul anti araak'r to iaara..m a: praatdrd tw ia~t7gra ti hrtcaf yre.#fstag: ! 1l rhr Areas h: <br />#~lirtt ie'!!IR M a71as ~ratir iaaatic tat a Baba. awf ktw t>Caa id Age. 4+rxa der date rile wrgirr as rartirai to Aarrawr:. <br />1y taiiatlr yydy iaarabab aanaa ire ¢aira$ gad tIt Aga Itaitattx as rWt satb hruch wb a hatwta tree dare .pariNrd +a ttw gorier <br />aaR arai~Arl i ~ arf Aa arrbarr aa<°rei ~',. Aw \tiwrt~ra., faaa~sitastxtr M lrwAriwi p+rxraa.lirrx and safr cat the i`roprtt~. <br />t11a waMar birat! 7bMibaa iaiwatw i•artear»et at( qpr rt}gM tray raarartaaa afaet aeasltxtMiast awe! the niiri to asaat7 +a rAr famMswr <br />a4a ~ d a tabA•aruU w aaA asbaa «>hamaaa art laaxstwat rva at"rattts4r8aN rq9 faret.haaar. It t6r hrrnrA <br />itb rear raiwai rr wt Ldiawr a11a laaa yreiiat A Ae wat+s.r, t rawer at i.rMav'e uptiaar carat A+w lair m7 •rf rAr ,uwr..,r« urrsb by <br />4b1b iriaraay~t A Iab ~ alab era/ Iatvairio irk~d+sat tarNaat Aearatrari earl taaaa iunactun ha iudicad grr~K-rtriiaa, i radii <br />tiri ibr taaalfib/ r =rMrncf w iraaw PaaasstBalq ail ea#awwa+ d taerr Waatr. tar i>NYlblt, isw tNU iassierd ra. , rwt. ui darvrnratar;e <br />a~alists, a-bawwt aai liYe <br />1!. 1r/EiMaM,+/'~s ~~! ba tieiaaawaG. awaz Mittb4ta -y r} t;~ttr- -..:':r.ta .. Z .. ~,., .z„ s '•;l-. ~: t;; •g. <br />d:%t[St!ataC! ~al~I6t hwtir itsa '~ Zh h3... ttna , 33K Ci"13Efi~ sa.a ~ -a , .-r+sR.'Y .. ., 'st a .. , ~?f:, ,. ... . ,. <br />