<br />9. uondemoa[ion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct nr conscquenual, in cann~ction with ;::a-
<br />cendemnation or other taking of the Properry-, ur par[ [hereof, or fo; cano'eyarce in iPeu of cnademnatian. are lies ehy assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />to the event of a total taking of the Properrc•, the proceeds shat) 6e applied to the sums 4.cured ht' this Deed of "C: us?.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid [0 Borrower. in the event of a panial tz£i.^.E of the f?rotmm., unless Bnr-, onset and tender
<br />otherwise agree in tariting, there shall be applied w the sums secured by this ``-~aed cY; Trust such proponion of the proceed;
<br />as is equzt to that proportion which the amottn[ of the sums secm~ed bq~ this Reed of (rust imrnedi:.t:ap nnor to the Gate o:
<br />taking bears to the lair market value of the Property immediately prior to the :iaie of taking. •x•itlf .he balance of the pmcecat
<br />paid to Borr~wer-
<br />tf the Propery is abandoned by Borrower, or ir. niter notice i~y~ Gender to Borrower ;hat tM ::erdemncr ..^iiers to make
<br />ah award or settle u claim for damages, Barrowar tabs to resR'tod to Lender avithin ~(! does at ter the .iaie >uch ooticc i~
<br />[nailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the preceeds. at Lender's nation. ei[her to re~aoratiott ;:r repair i,f the
<br />Propem° ar ro the sums secured h}• this Deed Of Trust.
<br />unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in '.critut g, aac such apptiaauen of pmcceds ro r'n n;if pal snali na=. e::rend
<br />ar postpone the due date n[ the monthly fits[ailments referred to :n paragraphs as;d _" hernia[ or ;banes :hc amount a:
<br />.+uch installments.
<br />:fS. Borrower Nof Released. Extension ~[ the time i0r payment nr tredifiration ni .emonizat:ern nt tke M1ums ,cctrred
<br />by this Deed of Tres[ wanted by Lender to any successor in in[erest txt Borrower dial rot operate m relearn ^x ;tor manner.
<br />?he liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors an irrtctest. i.andcr =.halE ^ut nc required ^.- o;nmer:cc-
<br />proceedings agairs[ such successor or rchrse to extend time to payment or nthenvisc ;-od:fy :;:nnrt i'rauen nt* the sums
<br />secured by this Dceci of Trust by reason of ana demand made t;r the orieinai i~urrnwcr one Bnrroa cr3. sveessr~rs m Interest.
<br />t I: Forhenranre ny Lender 'ot a waiver. .;ny ntrbearauce hs i.enticr m cecrcdsiuc nit;' right 1•r rcmedv hareurder. nr
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, .t~hall oar he a waiver .;[ s, ereetude :hc oxcrasc of anv each neht n- rcrnedy
<br />-I'F.e procuremcnr of insurance nr the payment of rases or other ;ions nr -.: harries *:' I.endcr <.ita-li n:?t tic _; '.M1:fiver ::: Lender.
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured itv this i)eed of Tntst_
<br />f2. Remedies Cnmutatlve. Al! remedies provitieti in this Dead tit Tnis[ art siishact atu! cumuiafnve. a=-:,ny .ithcr ;tghr
<br />or remedy under this Ueed of Trust ur :rfferded hp law nr euust}~..tvd mat nc exercised nrncurrentlc. indcpcrtlenity w
<br />successively.
<br />f3. Successors sod Ass9gns Bound: Sohrf and Sevc cal ..iabiiih: ['options. T~~- evenants std :: -cement; herein
<br />canrxined shall hind. and the tights hereunder shall tours t~Y, the resnec;i;'r successors aud~:,_,;igns Ia Lcndee ar.d 13orrotver.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph ?? [great. ~i! nwenams ;,uu aereentcnts o;- Barro:ver ;hail i~. mint and at t'eral
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs o; ibis Deed of -Crust sue te. ;nnt'emence non' and arc ^nt !o be .iced m
<br />interpret 0r define the provisions hereof. -
<br />td. 'Notice. Facept Par anv notice ream red tinder applicab[e Faa to he Ic.ren iI: ctneu`?cr :aanncr_ i:-` sine nonce r,,
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall iYC given h}' mai`me such Hence off' --stained mail addrz. ~.xd to Borrower r!
<br />the Property Address of at such ether address cs Borrower map designate h; notice to 4 wader it - t; 6~t: herein. and
<br />t i) anv notice to Lender shall be given b}' certil9ed mail, return receipt rcques[eel, t5 [.ender-~ address ,ta (id ;-.ereta : r re
<br />,uch artier address as Lender may designate by Douce to Borrower as provided herein. An•: ;:once ,,^.rnrrded is?r i,l thi,
<br />i?eed of Trust shall -be deemed to have been given to Borrmver or tenser svher. ~icen :a the ;raainrr :izzt~nate:i t:ereli!.
<br />i5. uniform Aed of Tnrsc L;overning 3.aw; 5everability. I3ris [arm of dean :iP €rt!~r comhtras noun-t,r-c.=: rrunts f:~t
<br />n:nionai use and Han-uniform c_venants with limited variarons he iurisdicuor. to cousn LUte a •.m:iorm .acuntc :ns[nimen;
<br />cnvenng real pr~lxrn'. This Decd of Trust ehail ne ~o•rcrned h', -he-..tw of ha -- r ;dirt -~ -~ :ct - rope t -sated
<br />Lx the event that any provision or ;:I:xvse of thin Deed of i -ua o. ,tic \otr vt.a +-,. h nni.cuci-~ -.w. •uch :- ,.!~c, < ..,
<br />not atiect other pr<n~isions of this Dced of Trus[ or the Note •.vhich ran be given e e:a trnhnw the ., rnc~^ne ;Y ~ +~.>'~a.
<br />.md u: this ~:d the provtsians ut the Deed of Trust and the :vote are .ieclarai to ~ sccerat+tc.
<br />16. 6orcowers Copp. Borrower sha4C he furnished :: vntortned .:opy ai the Vote and .'t ;his ila:~~d . ~: 6: !„t ,; :n," time
<br />.i[ execution or otter recordation herco[.
<br />i7. "F'rnnster nt the Propert}; Assumption. 1f ail o- .mv psi.. f r. e r r.,ne. t': . r:~ttl~s* ;.,.. ,. _- _.~_ •._~._
<br />v Barr v~ csuhcrui Lvndei; eriilr w-riCen vY+M1Cnt_ rxe;ndtna sic arc u[w.t ,3 -_ ...,~ , i JIB-: ce :.
<br />'his 1Jced of ll ust.:.> i .he ereauon of a purchase too ry veutri r' ~hterctt for -ta use na. ht '-nn ..ux~...._ ,..aa.er - v .!
<br />dcscem ar b1. crneratien of law upon the death of a wim i~r.;;nt or -
<br />I.ender mat', nt i_C.xiU x o{: i -n i~:.,iaR ~ u. vu*.+ _.. i ~.1 n-.. , • .. . u;r !n t,,.
<br />.•,.
<br />-ill{ited...,C+l d.,..if.t. S.f.3t ie. I.-_.1tl.C sfl11c r,rtl l -k..l 'lit gyn.:. ! ~~ . . -l` - - _ _,.,. _.
<br />stud ItC P^t5t n ~:i :ti Mini .ile rrxitlC'ri 4' !~ ic+ t t ,t.. t. !-. - :1....vl:t ti - _`.I ~re2... e.i. ',~ ';. r. - - --"
<br />Ian CtaC[al `.' I.i i ~ndf( qil ', 3t ..e ~t?ti'riSt tY-11 .ltl,e. l~l ,11e .nl .Y ..~1!['l'li ~ - t .v ..~ ,_ _ - _ ~_ .._
<br />- -ride= h 11 canes-. li i ,:ntfrr.:xns wren cd .hc opu ±n r _L_Irrat os ici;d a 1.. ~ ~,t:,_r.t, a - 3 ..zsstYi
<br />a5 iniere, t ad_ ._ -.t.- c a .i Lt'ic. aft tt, f. !.[a'U . .. -, ;..,. .. .•.. ,,.~ .. ,,st .•. ~ ,_..• _. ,..
<br />•~ ..
<br />it , _utici -~.c c,_cs -uah . ..-..akr;l,t, ~ coder ,Irul '~.,uf i3on~c -. .._ ~..~ ~ ...-. _;, i:l..r +c .,
<br />aaragrnph 1 ,ICrei~t. ~ua.h •uat,a,c ,Fat4 ,•..le p_si~~~ n, .. .h..n t. :a.. u; :n :... _. .. ., - _i!!:'s.
<br />a ~
<br />'.vhich i3 - r s a.lc ~ha -tins ntsr ~a due. ! bf no~ic. .. _ [,, r:q =neh ,stns {+• at ,-... .. ..,...,.
<br />1 _nurr .n, s°. ~'i _mut i~nhcr t:l ~ rl .icil .u=. -a 410 .c arr.;•.t •ht. '..rt :~nawct !c•~=r.tlw _ !-uul .~~ ~ ;r;.,
<br />\_ ~{ ".1: .kt , ,.!°.i-;l'S": .'I Ctx}{ n.l !_i:1i" i .l :?h!_r ~:. i.:l llt ~.~ ?!'t' -_.. __..A}
<br />h. `rt'i tt`rtttititi: ifemeiilai. : t'i'ps :11 prnr'iiii`ti In linr.tr;r:Iph {~ i32 n'(ii.:Ipiir! Btsrniti-i'tt txrf'ar:i +~r :1i1: ". tt'n:nit I:P
<br />agreawnentr tit Borrower in thin (lead of !rust. inciusiinp iha ro+raanh in pnv ri hen due sari .ems lei tired b}i~t,hic t}eed
<br />aE Trust. Leader prior in aceclar:u lea ~ha4[ m:u( uotin• ar [iornmor ss pn»islcd in {mrattraph 9a :! eat •Pcce44 in,: t13 the
<br />hreaciu t3) the action rceiuiresi h! cure such branch; t31 :t ikase, oni 1.•s. ai. i aft ilacs turn .he taus t. ~Y:ice sM1 rtaaiieti le;
<br />Bnrnnreq by wtiieh .uch breach must he ,turd; amt t31 Ina[ Yaiiure u: i cite aYCh Lrearta =vI ur i'F'l irp'e rs Eie _ a!c• +lrvcitia•ei
<br />itt the niriict• mar tern!! in urceit'ratimi ui the .trurv ,a r•rt ha :iti+ i3eeti of tent[ .srrti .alr° +rt tun- i'rlrpertt. Ste incase
<br />•i u
<br />-ha0 fhnhc•r adorstr ERnruwar :a ,ire right ;n :riustafe ;titer ::re. irr:uioa said ;tic r::;he ?u grin;; s ;'s:;:n :;ct:a:; ~ insert
<br />lile Illrll-a;\Intenef' irl :1 tle`t unit ilr :1In idlrer Arlen\a' t!t 1f 111'i(Iw ar ifr ail t`la'1'ili 1U1! .loll astir. t1 Ilte hrt'nln !. alit l'nTeti
<br />nn nr imiorc [hc digs tpccdicti in ate no+ire, Lcudri ^i Lcutier'•. f~puou +ua} oronuc d1 of the ,unit .r run•u lit ihia !h'ed
<br />oC Tout fn be uumealiaieh due xud puwdr{c withuol tun her ueutnuu and twat it Yol.e the gut. c-r ui tarp -anti snf .+thcr rcmcdie,
<br />pernultcd Irf sap4cahie iota- [-ender Shull ha awidnd to .olirci alt rciuunuiiie a-outs and rtpeutct +urru rrv :n puawntg ihr
<br />r'cmadiy protidetl to ihi5 psrngrtph 1K, ioriudiug, .rut girt iisudcd n.. :catiinuoty usiur art `~. ;i
<br />If the power of talc it iur aketi, -F-rusiee [boll record a aunirc tit ,h•iauit iq t-zrrh cnnuti ~,•tnrh the i'rupa•rtr <~r runic
<br />put'1 Ihvrrvri is lne•uied an4 shall :nail rupivn tit ouch ^uiice iu tiw m:uuter ptcxrthed tr? tipphcshie hiiY to ETUrruaa cr :aid to iltc
<br />other perstnit pn•seritced lie nppllct4ila in», slier the lapse ur such tone a3 min n rrtluirvfi i*c :tp Piicabtc ..ar+, i`nltn'c ,isull
<br />_ &ivt• giuhlic uuhee t s'alE tsr h p.r seal in the ufauttcr nhed tit x.pl •airta is :_ :_f !cola *iils.r± -`u!vu{ :tit
<br />14hrmwer, slmii sINi etc i'mpetir it puuliic auction in tlic hia;hcrt~~bniricr at the once :rod 3 i ocr anti eudCr rh.- null t da=tiigpsu•d
<br />ht ihr notice of s-ric iu.one ar snore pncr•ela and as xuc6 onfer nn ?'as.Yee rout aaterorinv, i-i u<rre :scat tlsaap~•YSr s;ae ca ail
<br />ur aoy pun'eI ui the Proper[! f>,p Puhiic auuuuneeuieui tit tine tinn• sou! {mare tit atn prra b,uelt ~a'Ftzdnicd ~.ue. '=~riicr :n
<br />Lender's dvsigna•e ata.F Purch:lse the Pngwnp at ant tnp•.
<br />Clp}m receipt ni papnu•iu ai' rice [nice hid, i7usu•c +iirrti loll[ ei Io She pun'na+cr 7 r~tnr'= riaY'=_i c~ ,t Hee Praprrc+
<br />.old. f ha recifais iu the Cnutrv `~ decd shall br prima L•ictrt < Vdruee oC +F.e truth . i the ,ratt•fuonlt rnaiiii si+err•in. R rotice
<br />Shull apply the luit r els of the ah iu the t Ih wtp~ u ai r )tin alt rr ninon! t- r r d vt t w it i i M i n 1lui
<br />not liuiifcr[to, 'fntsree`s lees ai art Hare ihrvi L ~+: nt fhc gra++tirh price, ~+.r cis ii ;ie3oruati ~- aan,x,~t t
<br />trite evideuca; ih} en nil stuns sectned h} shit i)ead ei Y rusR mitt Ire the eaten,[, ii nrn..n ific person •u pcount Izg;nl. riuii iesi
<br />thereto.
<br />tY. Btlrnrw'er'5 Right iu Rcinsfafc. ~i .tY. . ! : udei _ .-,.,i = -.._: .._, + ~ , -! ..,_
<br />Bnn-I.wu ha4l hoer dtU tight Ii. n.,:-e -.tut {.!-,.. i:.l i;;. : +nir! ., L _.! ;J dt
<br />\' Innv tirlln ilr ihr' 1.. til\1 tt~: I iIi • It Ll lh +1 LI. i.) ' !1`~a -~1 '~.' 1 i! e' .~ .., ,;, ,. i i,i
<br />I !lu+Ueev.i lrl i'ni;t la~t t,ieutrF i a iaJgmrnt. roil n.. . Lea, .I 1 ~ .t + ~ ., ! ~•;~
<br />L,c then .lac Ionics tin. I}•;rd , i I-. i,,i. itn Won .;,d •_ .! , e 4~~ , it ~ .i,.., t.ct .. _ ~ -
<br />thl Bun~~wcr cute, ail blear( y. ;n ,ahe! ! =rt1t ~ ~h r ~,, , Ho~,,,•,.; ~.. a-_ + - .....
<br />ei !ta .n aY+ ul! iratur at tM1 a ~ nlor ~ ! t i l , -~:k•: pa' .IG - , ~. !.. . - ...-i -, -. ra I .
<br />~Ikrt+l,iY r lt.I •Ilyd ;n kut Uf,t i, +J 1 !a t :y ,-w f .! tai •, ., • _ _ ! ,,, .i t~
<br />r:t. L.
<br />a yida t _rM1 i'el ins :!ar .h., il~ {.r ,-!, i -. .- I -. !, _.- .. - ,t
<br />