80-- .~« ~~~ ids ~
<br />4. Condemrzafion. 7~he proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cansequentiaL in connection with any -
<br />candemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid [n Lender.
<br />in the event of a Total taking of the Property, the orocceds-shall 6e applied to the sums secured by this Bred of Trust:
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the even[ of a paYiai taking of the Property, .unless Borrower and Lcndec
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed-of Trost such.propaition of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Horrnwer.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender ro Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond M Lendc- within ?6 days shoe the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized fo collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair -of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless !_ender and Horrawer otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shat( not extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I anJ Z hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />70. 8arrower Nnf Released. Extension of the time for payment ur modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Tnts[ granted 6y Lender m any successor in interest of Horrawer shalt no[ operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the origins! Horrnwer and Borrower's successors in interest. 1_ender shag not be rryuirrd to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums-
<br />, secured by this Dred of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in. interest.
<br />_ I1. ~Farbearance by Lender Not a Waiver Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy heretmder, or
<br />otherwise atTorded by applicable law, shall not he a waiver of or preelu<!e the exercise of any such tight or remedy. _
<br />'The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens er charges by Lender shall not be-a waiver of Lenders
<br />right to accelerate the maturii}' of [he indebtedness scented by this Decd of Trust. -
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative Ail remedies provided in this Dced bf Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded h}• law or equity, and may he exercised concurron[ly, indeprndentty or
<br />succrssive!y. - - - - - -
<br />13. Successors and Assigtrs Bmtnd; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The eavenants and agreemenu herein
<br />cartained shall hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure [a. the respective suceessaa and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject io the provisions of paragraph 17 hereini. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall he joint and several.
<br />"The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are far convenience only and are na to ?re used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof. -
<br />T4. Notice. Except for any notice required uncle: applicable taw to be given in gnat her manner, tat any notice io
<br />Harrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shalt he given by mailing such notice by ecnified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address ar at such other address as Barmwer may designate by notice to [_endee ac pravided herein. and
<br />!b) any notice to Lender shall he given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein ar to
<br />such other address as Lender may Designate by natice to Borrower as provided herein. .An}• notice provide) for in this
<br />Deed aC Trust shall br dr~emcd to have been given to 8arrower or Lender when given in the manner designated hereir.-
<br />i5. iinifornt Deed of Trust: Governing Law; Sererability. This farm of decd of trust combines unitot'm awenaau for
<br />national use and non-uniform covenants with iimiteJ variations hp jurisdiction to canatitutc a uniform security instrumem
<br />covering teat property. This Beed of T: ust .;hall be ern'erned by the law at the jurisdiction in which the Prarten.p is located.
<br />ht the event that any provision or ei;mse of this Deed of 'T'rust or the Notc contliets :vith applirahte law. such centiict shall
<br />nut affect ocher provisions of this Decd of Trust or the Note which can be given effect without she condicune provision.
<br />and ra this end the provisions ut the Dred of .r^tst and the 'vote are declared to be severobie. -
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Harrower nhail be turmshed :r amfarmcd copy of the Note and of this DeeJ of 'Crust :rt the time
<br />of esrcution or after recordation hereof.
<br />-. Transfer of the Prwpert}•; Assumption. it alt or an}• part of the Property or :ut incerest therein is ;aid or transferred
<br />n~ Horrawer ;;ithout Lzn.i -'s prior tritten ctr rr[ :.el.r ref, + ttte-creation of :r :ten ur enva, ~bran.~ .oboe diratr to
<br />this Deed of Tntst, i bl the creation of a purchase snomsy sccutity 1NCrest (or hausehalD appliances.: c i u transfer ;rc Devise
<br />descent or by operation of law upon the death of a }pint tenant or - -
<br />_....,.. _. r.:......... _ .:...............~...... 1 ~nDcr nsty (.ender', aptio!.. Dee!arc all tits soot. u~tn~•sl t, ,1,:_ Dc•_D ..i r~~ist t,j a,,.
<br />immediately our and payable. t.-rder shall have .vaned ,u h o¢trat t-celcram .k poor .~ nc .ai< uvt stet I order
<br />- and the pctson !:, •z;tttm the Prc;x~rts ~s s<, ;,_- -ola =u !. sorter ri~l r-.-;cii sara_n,n¢t =r; e:r}[gnv ,hn; ,he :rµ it :: _ :. _.
<br />is satisfactm'} ro Lender sod that rho .nta. ast pav,d.l~ on tt v sums ;_, : cd irk- thts UceJ ut !ens[ .hail ai -..cn rat<'
<br />zendr:, shall ,ouuest f t.cnder `ta u .. he'--n,i t.:a ~ts~.lera;4 ¢rtr-' .hi; . t - r.rnh :t -. -` i?e;rr~,:rrr;,t.--:s,.:r
<br />in interest has ca~ecuted a ,vritteu assumptiuu agrecmem ac::opi•d io wriunt? by Lcndet.~; oadct .ha;l uleasa Bornxver from
<br />:fit ablig;ttians amdrr ilns Peed of -, rust and the Note. - - - - - - - - - -
<br />lf Linder r:xeretses ,uch option to .rcic!ct;r h•. Lender .hall trail Borrower ^uttce of aecelerauan in eccnrdance ~,vtth
<br />nartgntph 1~ hennut. 5udt natice shall provnfc a pcnod of not Icss than itt daps ln,tn rho ,.late the nnuce " ntatlraY within
<br />which Borrower may pap the wins .ieci;ued due. i! Horrawer fads to p;p such sums poor to tf;e espsrruon ut such neroti_
<br />Lender may, without Further natice nr demand nn l?arnnecr, utcnAc stn' remedies ~rmnte-D he paragraph 7R hcreef.~
<br />No;a-UNU~.ta:vt CoveNn:v rs. Borrower ,uri l,uxier further covenant anti agree 5S tnllaws;
<br />iK. Accrieration; Remedies. fixrrpt ns provided in irarngraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach nF stn' ray coma ur
<br />:rknemem of 8ornmer iu chi Urrd of Crust, including the covenants to pay when due an>- sums wcurcd by this Drrd
<br />of Trost, Y,en[ler prior hr accrlrrutiun shall mail notice [o Borrower as pnwidrtl 4n paragraph 14 hereof specifying: ill the
<br />breach; (Z) the actimr reyuin:d to erne such hooch; iJ) a dart, sot ks.c than 36 days from the date the natter is mailed to
<br />8arrower, by which vorir bevuch mint tee cure[I; amt fa) that failure to care .uih (trench :m or before the r4ate .perifieri
<br />in Ihr notice may result in acrclrrnuou of the ;ums cecurrd b) this Ured of i'rusi and ,ate of Ihr Pnrprri). "E'he uotfce
<br />shall further btfurtu Rurrueer of the fight hr n•ins[ate otter nceekrnlion and file right to bring :x rrmn action to assert
<br />the non-rxisu•ucr of a default or an} other elefrnse of iSorruwer to arrrirrntiun ;md sale. 1P the hrcac(t i. nut rand
<br />un nr hrY'orc the dale specified iu the natter, i.rndcr ut Lendrr'v rquian easy Declare aYl of the aura secured in this i)eed
<br />of 'Tntsi ur hr 6nnrrdiatrt} due and paqublr without further demand sort may inr++kc the power .+f .ale and any outer nrnedirs
<br />pennitlrtl br applicable law. ;.coder .hall he entitle) to coilrct ail reasonable. costs and rsprnsrs inc+rred in pursuing the
<br />rcmrtiics prt+vided in this puntgnrph 18, including, but not limited to, trusouuhie atlnn>ey's ices.
<br />if the guwcr of tole is inv okrd, fnrsler shall record a muter of default in earn eauntp br which rhr Prapert}~ or some
<br />part thereof is Yncatrd and shall moil copies of such notice in the numner prescribed h) ayphcnblc law fo ilornavrr and to the
<br />orhrr peoures prvscritreJ by :grpiieable taw. :',flee the lapse of vreh tintr as rem} hr reyuind by upplicnlrir law, 'feaster sha13
<br />wive puh3ie notice r.f .ate to the prrsrrnns aarY Yn the rtanurr prescritird is appBe.rh4e Yaw. -C'rnstc ^, without zirmanJ ntt
<br />$orrowrr, ahaYl slit the Property nt ptddir auction to the highest bitWcr at the tuna :uui place :un3 tmJer the terms tfesignatrd
<br />- in for notice uF suit in one or more parcels mwt in such order us 7lvatec may detrrm4nr. Trustee may postpone Hale ni ail
<br />ar any pared of the Property by public annourterntrnt at fire time :nttf place of wag previousl)• +chednled sale, Lender ar
<br />Lender's de,ignee mag pr*clrasr the #'roperty a! any sale. -
<br />Upmr receipt of payment of the pries bid, "Trustee shaft Aetiver to the purchaser ^ntstee's deed cnnveyfng the Irrupertp
<br />sold, 'The rreil:ds in the Trusteds deed sludl be prima facie e. idener of the lnrlh of the x[aiemenis made then iu. Truster
<br />shall apply the proceeds of the sa3r Yn the Followi t' order, fa? to all reasonable costs :mJ cslten.ces uC the Hair, including, Intl
<br />no4 limited ta, l~nraire's fors of not more than 1~~ Of ~. ^r oP the gross sate price, nasnnable atlunwy'c Fa~t^s and casts of
<br />title rvidenee; Ib1 to utl sums secured by This 1)erJ of 'I'nrsh and lei rho excess, iF :m}, to the person nr persuos iegully vatided
<br />thereto.
<br />19. Barnrwrr's Right to Rri¢state. Nnhvithscmding Lender's acecler:u eon ,d the ,inns secured hk tht+ Dccd .,f Trust.
<br />Burrower shall have the right to have :my proceedings begun h}- Lcndcr h+ sofa ere shin Dc•ai of 't`n u'[ discununued at
<br />any tone fxiar nt ilia r:rrlicr to occur of tit the ti Cth Jay before the. ode of the Props ~tY nu rsuant tr the power nl -,a{e cvnt:uned
<br />w this Decd of "Trust orliQ nines c,f a iudgmcut enforcing (his Uerd ul "Crust ii: Ia) 1orrnwer pal's Lcn<ier.tll urtns whtdt a+nuld
<br />he then elite under Ihrs Deed of 1'rusi, Ihr Nutt nnD nvres accuring haturc Adv:utues. if :w}~, hpri t; rvler:u i. u+ .r .used:
<br />II;1 Berruwet rtrres all breaches al any other cuvermets .~ agrocmcnt, o' Horraaer ::omaincD ,r :rc:hi~ UraD of 7hut;
<br />(ci Horrnwer puY~ alt reiumaielc ,~.pesrscs incurred by l_enrYcr and "T7ustec in _r,(arang she n- _:e!rts and a;;n•cntcnln or
<br />Barrowrr contatnrJ in :his Deed ut lineal :!red m rnforelug lxnder's :tad 'Cnntce's rentzDics a. pen>i,lc'd :n pat agraph F~'
<br />hrra,t, iaa7u:hny;, but nut horded to rrasonahh :+Itorncv`: fees: cuu! fdi Borrower ixkes ;nth ;;cf is at x.. i.r°rr.Tar Hen' rc:morn;hA
<br />reymn: to assure chat the iron ut this Dred of inis6 t.cmfcrs intercct in rite i'r^pi:rtt° aitD i?prrowcr. ni,ligntion =.^ poi
<br />