<br />Lender's wriaen agreement or applicable law. [lorrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Dorrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to ocher terms of paymem. such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Rorrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear imerest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time nn rnttstandin¢ prncipal under the Note unlace paymrnt of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require [ender to incur any ezpenx or take
<br />any actior. hereunder.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection aped lying reasonable cause therefor related to Lenders
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim (or damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, nr part thereof. nr for convcvancc in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In fie event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall hr :+pplittl ra) the gums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrow ~'r In the event of a partial takrng of the Pmprrty. unless Rorrower and Tender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there sh.rl! he appbed to the sums sccural ht this Mortgage ,uch proportion of the prceeeds
<br />as is equal :n that proportion which rtes amount of rtes sum, cenrnd by thin Mortgage immediately prior rn the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the I'rnperty immediately prior to the Dale of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Rorrower. •
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Rnrrnwer, or if. alter notice by Lender to Rorrower that the condemnor otters to make
<br />an award nr settle a r_laim for damages. Rorn)wcr fails to respond In Lender w,thin 30 Jays after the date ,och notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized rn collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Properly nr m the sums sentrcd by this Afnrtgage.
<br />Unless Lender and Bnrrow'er othcnvise agree in writing, any such applii anon of proceeds to principal shall no: extend
<br />or pnapone rtes due date of the mnnthk insnlfmcnts referred to in paragraphs I and ? hereof or change the amount n(
<br />arch rnstaltments.
<br />10. Borrower Nnt Released. tixtension of the time (or pay men[ nr modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Rorrower shall nor operate ro release. in any manner.
<br />rtes liabdit 5' of :he origm;d Rorrower aaJ Hornrwer's successors in interest. Lender ,hall not he reyuired ar commence
<br />proceedings agar nst such successor or refuse to extend [ime for payment nr ntherw•ise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mongage b} reason of .my demand made by the original Rorrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. Forbearance by Lender Not a 1Vaivrr. 4ny fnrhearance by f ender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise alTorded by applicahlc law, chill not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right nr remedy.
<br />The pmnvcment of insurance or rtes pas•mcm of ta,r+ or other liens or charges I+v Lender ,hall not he a waiver of LenJer's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the ;ndchtednca ,scored by this A1nrtgage
<br />P~f'P%"'~e~raiaa-Gurndatire. All remedies prmided in thin \tortcage arc dixtinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy •tfn"dCr.,t~ijar~JCurtgage or a(fivded by law nr cyuity. and may he exercised cancurrendy, independently nr successively.
<br />1J: 'SRecessora and Assigns Bound; .loins and Srverol (iahilBy; Captions. "I-he covenants and agreements herein
<br />rontaihid s6i(T'br'rid,-'.tli$qBC ri>^!tts hereunder shall enure tn. the respecnse ,urcecurrs and assigns of Tender and Rnrrowcr.
<br />,u6ject to the provisions n( paragraph I' hereof. ~\6 arvcnants anJ agn'emcnn of Anrmwcr shall tx joint and ,corral
<br />"Ihc capuons and headings of the par gr.+phs ai !his Atnrtgagc ara f•r .onvcmcncc ante' and arc not ro hr used to
<br />mterprct or Acfine the provisions hereof.
<br />i~. Notice. Except for any notice rcyui:rai maser applicahlc Saw- to he given in another manner, tai ;my notirs- to
<br />Rorrower pmvrded for in this Mortgage shall he grvrr. by mauling ,u.h mHrcc hr ,erofied mad addressed w Born,wer at
<br />the Properly AJdress or at such other addre„ as Borrower Hers' d.~.•pnate Fa' notice to 1 ender as provided herein. and
<br />[h1 any nnure in Lcndrr shall he given t.} -~cttrfieA maul. rctum recerp! *cyurater!, I:, tender', addres: stated hcrcin nr ±n
<br />such ~.Hher address as Lender mac designate hs notice in Harrow rr as nrncuiwi herein. •\ny notice proviJa•J (nr in thi,
<br />MnnP-age ,hall he deemed to hove been giscn ar Borrower rr I ender s+hcn g+vcn in the manner designated hcrcin.
<br />f5. Uniform Dortgage; Cuvtrning Law; Ste rrpbilfly. ihi, tarn „i rnarteage a`mhines nnirnrm cnvcna:v. (or national
<br />use and non-uniform covenants with limited v;rriauonx by Iun,Jrct+an m ,mm~nuc a unrG,rm security instnnncm nwcnng
<br />real properly. -f his M++rtgage shall be po+a ncd '•} the Ltw •,I the j'•rr,di. r,nn ~n which the Pr,,petw it In,~.rttcL the
<br />event that any pnn'uum art claux of thts Alnrigage or the V,+te arnHin, ;,ilh applicahle law, ,uch srntbct ,hall not idlest
<br />other pros mom u( thrs Mongagv or the lots whrah can he groan clleit wirhom the c.mllicung pow i,i,ro. and to this
<br />end the pmvrsicns of the btortgagc anJ rtes \otc arc Jcc Lued to he cevenblc
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Bor ~wcr ,hall he (urni,hed .r conlonncd .'op}' of rhr tints .,nd of Ihr, AronF.rge at the nmc
<br />nl rxccmion or after rrcorJation hereof.
<br />17. 7•rvnsfer of the Yroyrrty; :\swntptiwt. f( all r,r any part of the Properly nr tut nucrc,t (herein is s,dJ ;`r tran,(er red
<br />by Borrower without Lender'. poor wriuen a,rt,cm. rxc'luding tar the cn :u u,n :d ,r !ten ,,r ancumhr,urre ,nha+nbnate to
<br />ihrs Mongage. (hI the creahr~n of a punhace nn>nry x•auin mtae,t Inr hra~,rhnld appbanre,. +cl :r Iran,lcr by devrn•.
<br />dexa:cm or by opcruuon of law upon the Jcath of a Pam tenant nr ,
<br />Lcndrr may, :n I ender', option. JcaJ,rrc .ril 'hr ,urn, ,acu~rd M this \Inr rage : , he
<br />rmmeJrately due and payable. Lender ,hall have ~•,arved ,udt option n. ai rrlrr ,r•.• a. pn~n r, one ~..de ~a n, n,lrr 1 cndc•r
<br />and Ihr person to whom the Property i, n. be ,old or tran,let red rea.h .i ¢recmenr .n ., tit u,c ;!.:u ;hr seeds .,t ,n.h pa~non
<br />is sa Uslacrory to Lender .utd that rhr intarr,t payable rm Ihr sum, ,rcurt•J M ~~r. Nnugage ,h.Jl he .u c~:ate rare .r, I ender
<br />shall reyuast. If t ender h:u waived the nptirnt r<r n,.'celeruc pmvrJeJ in thn I,.rr.r V;r.ry,h ! , .eel t lt,ri newer ~-w a•,+,~r r.
<br />interest has emcuted a aviBen asnrmpuon :rgreemem arcepteJ in writing by 1 rode: 1 ender ,hall rclca,r Itnn ewer nrmr all
<br />ohfigutions under this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />If LenJrr exercises such uptinn In acecelerate. 1 ender strati mail Bnrrocsrr nonce of a~.claraur,n u..r, orJancc gush
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such naliee shall provide a period n( not hs, than iQ alas, loon the d.ne for wyice i, niatieJ suttee,
<br />uhidt R.a nm cr Wray p;ty the ,um, dcci reed der ti Borr...,cr „pas ...., {-~r ~r . ..a . ~ .n-.., - ,-n ,-, ,:a
<br />LClidt'f ma}~ ssuhout huther r,ousr or Demand .an Hon ewer, invnAr anq rentrdrr, prrmrueJ h} ;+ar agr.y,h I x Ixrent
<br />NnN-LINlt~rrtl At C'o4t:NAN )'f- Rrrltnwrr anJ i t'oile't' lllfl her ana enam .1 m1 agl a'e •+, InHnW,
<br />I8. Aca•elerallon; Remedies. Evicepr as provide+l in paragraph I7 hernrf, upon flurruwerl hreach ref :ury coseaaat or
<br />agreearcnt of Borrower In this MortRaKe, inrbrding the cosraxnh hr pay whau Aug uuv ,ones secured by thi, \1mty;agc.
<br />Lender prior to acceleralioa drill mall notice to Rorrower as pots iArJ in paragraph li Iretm( specify ins;: III the hmaa h;
<br />r2) [hc action required to curt such hreach: tJl a dale, nor lay than }II days fnnu the Barr the notice i. nmileJ hr Bmnnver.
<br />by which wrh hreach moat be cured; and tit that failure to cure such breach on or he&cc rhr date spteiheJ in rhr nntirc
<br />may recoil in acrrlerat[mt ref rhr +una +ecurrJ by this Alorlga{;q for avJuswr by judktat pro. rrJinq anJ ,al. of the Pnq,rrry.
<br />'Pltr natter nhtll turf her tn(nnn Borrower of the right to relnctale after arerlrratirm uud rhr ri{;ht to a,+rrt in rhr terra town
<br />proceeding nrr iron-exlstrnie of a default or any other defense uF flnrnrwrr hr as rrleration auA ton's lnwtr. If rtes ten as it
<br />is not cured tin or before rhr date sprcifial in rhr notiro, Lender at Lrnder'v uptioa may Jrctarr all of tht tyros ,ra urrrl 6s
<br />tuft Aforlgage to hr ImmrJialrly due and pasaWe svithuut further drmanA and roes f,rrrcfo+r by jadiciul pro. evdinC, i ruder
<br />shall !u rnlitted pr collect in larch proceeding all csprn+r+ of fnrrcbr+ure including, her nut limited tar, sal+rs tit Jau~unreurary
<br />evidrnir, absiracis amt Iitlc reports.
<br />I`!. Borrower`s Right to Rrlnslate. timwrr h,LUxlmg I cnder\ „,u.rtarm ^tre .-n n, r ,~.ur.l by ~. 11 a,;~:.rg~'
<br />Bnr stn,cr +,iar't fr3,_ rhr right S«'nave .ru} i`rl4',•rJrngs tx•.gor~ ns I ~:lricr r•~ •+ri„r.r rhr. xt.r ~. rwat;ca .u,.,•uinn~c,i ~~.,
<br />