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-• <br />80-+D(-;2€~2 DEED QF T SUS T <br />~~IIS DEED OF TRUST is made this......'. 9th.... , . „ _ , , , , .day of ... I"~$Y ........ . ......... <br />14...., among the Trustor„ TQ~~ .Q~:.$:t.4'Y2TiSQFl.-..32]..iAlliYidUale . a.;3~:tlyd~~: i~~~2Lti:. . <br />..........................................therein "Borrower"} -........................... ... <br />. .BdWax•d 1~...0' $oyJ.e ..................................'. (herein '°f'rastec"?, and the Beiteftcit-ty, <br />.. Flye . PQUftrS. ABrik ............................................. a corporation orgsniud-and <br />etosfin tinder the laws of... hIebSaska .................... . ........ whose sddress is............... . <br />.. zQ~S..NQZ'Gk1.~xaa~nre].~,. Gx'and. Island. Nebraska.......(t~rtxr,"Lenda"7. <br />BORROWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein ct'eated. irrevocably-grants <br />~ Halleys to Trustee, in trust, with power of safe, the following described property located iti the Cottaty of <br />.........................................State of Nebraska: <br />Lot 2, Block 43 Wasmers 2nd Addition to the City of Grand Island., <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which has the address of. 1707, West ,John, $txeet _ _ ..Grand. Island . <br />;s.eeu Crtyl <br />Nabraska .08.601... (herein "Yroprrty Address"t. <br />Ysute a„• zoo coot <br />Tnatnn;R wuh all the nnpnnenun!s now ur hcrcuittt .net:o .a: the pnq±crt~. .utd .,il ru,emem+, ,ieht,. <br />appurtenances, rents tsubjcet however to the rights and au[horrues gtvcn harm to Lender u, ~ullca :uui apply ,uch <br />rents), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, w:uer nghte, .urd water ,rock and all fixture, now or <br />hereafter nttuched to the prnperty, as of which, including rcpiaccmcuts and additions thereto, ,hall be dcrmcd ~„ lx <br />and remain a part of the property covered by this Deed of trust; ^ntl all of the furcgontg, together wnh ,;ud pmpcns <br />(or the leasehold asiate if this Deed of tout a on a itaschold) ~trc hcrem referred to ;:, the "Yrupcrt}' <br />To SECUttE to Lender (a) the repayment of thr indebtabtrss evidenced h} Borrower\ nuts d:urd.May ~' , .i.5~8O <br />............(herein "Nate"), in tltc pritcipal ,um of...Thlrty .Four Thousasid Two_ HUndretl <br />and 00/100------------------~_.Dottars, with inters thereon, providing fur nwnthh :natatimcuh <br />of principal and interest, with the balance of the indebtedness, it not wooer pwd, due and pu}uMc tin _ . .. . <br />,a1ll}1e , 1,~ , ~,QIQ _ , ... - ... ; the payment of ;dl other ,ums, with mtet'est ihrn'nn, :tit e:urec,l <br />in aceordgncc herewith to protect the security oC this Decd of Tnut; and the perlormance ~d the tuven;um and <br />agreements of Borrower herein contained; and (b) the repayment of an} futun• adv:^•x a>. wnh :nh•rrst thcrt•ua. made <br />to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2t hereof (herein '~Funur Advances"l. <br />Borrower covatnnes that Borrower is lawfully sctsed of the estate herrhy .uusc}ed :md has the right to Brun and <br />convey the Yropeny, that the Nrapcrry is unencumbered, :utd th;u Borrower wiit warruv and .icfcnd grncr<dIs the <br />tide «~ the Yruperty against ail claims and demands. subject to ans dedaratiuns. oax•mcnh or restnitmm~ Intrd .n : <br />schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance puhcg msunr~ Lencicr\ :rnerat ~n the Proprrtti. <br />NMFF 3/80 <br />