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~o~~~ <br />MORTGAGE - <br />rioRTGwGE Lowx xo. L 23 , 704 <br />Iwowwc.l.MBxsYTxessrResENTS:Tnat William .R, Thierstein, Conservator far James M: Wentz; <br />and Mabel E. Wentz, Wife of James M. Wentz <br />--_- Mortgagor, whether one or mom, is condderatlat of the nna aE <br />Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred and No/100------ ------------------ <br />ooiitaRS, <br />loaned to said mortgagor by llte Equitable Building and Lrsan Assotiatiou of Grand (stand, Nebraska, Ma u 157 <br />rtgagee, I>on sirares of static of <br />soil ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,709 , do hereby grans, Gamey and rrtortgage rmto the aid A$Sf)CIATTON thr.foBowios. <br />tkscribed teat estate, sitwted in f{aU County, Nebraska: <br />THE SOUTH TEN (10) FEET OF LOT TWO (2), AND ALL OF LOT <br />THREE (3), IN BLOCK TW0 (2) IN THE FIFTH ADDITION TO <br />CAIRO, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanecs thereunto belonging, including attached float coverings, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refri3erators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereaher attached to ur used in connection with said real estate. <br />;trail whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asse~rtents levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon ltlis mortgage and the 6und xcureJ thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to famish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said perms;=s situated ip the swn of S 1 5 , 700, OO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deUver to sail <br />ASSO(IATION the policies (oc said imurance: and not to commit or permit any waste on or sbou[ said premises; <br />In case of Default m the performance of any of the terms and conditions u( this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demand, 6r entitled w imrrxdiate pns«ssion oI the mortgaged premises and the tnartgagor hereby assi@os, transfers and sets aver to the <br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income ta be derived from the rrrortgaged premises durinx such time as the mortgage inde6tedttess shall remaia <br />unpaid; and fie rrrorigngec shat! have the power to appoint any agent ur agents it n[ay desire for the purpose aF repairing said premises and renting <br />the same and collecting the rents, eevenues and incoRlr, and it may pay out of said inmmn all expenses of repairitg said premises and necessary <br />eammissiuns and expenses mcur:ed in remmg and managing the. same and of collecting rentals therotiom; the balance remaining, if any, to he <br />applied toward the disetrargr: at said mnrtgagn indebtndnnss; those rights of the mortgagee roar be exorcised ai any tirnc dtuing the nzistenex of wch <br />default, irscspec[ivo of arty temporary waiver of the same. <br />"fhesn Presents, tmwrver, see upon iho Condition. That rf the said Martgagor shall repay said loan un ur bcfare the ntatmity :;i said shares by <br />payment: pay rnanihly to said A_SS4X_'IATION of the sum specified iR the Bund secured hereby as intarost and prineipa; on said snare, ran n[ bnfare <br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, mlid said ioan is i'ully paid; pay all taxes and assrssnmms levied aaainst said prenuxs and un this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, beture delinquency; famish approved insurance upon the buildings theroun in ihn sum of S 1 5 , 700.OO payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASS{.7CIATION upon demand all money by tt paid tar such taxes, assessments and insurance with mtercst at <br />the maximum legal mic therean from darn of payrtxnl all of which Mortgagor hnrrby agrees to pay; permit no waste an said pmmixs: keep and comply <br />with all the agreements and conditions uC the Rond fnr 5 15 , 700. OOthis day gtwn by ihn said Mortgagor to .aid ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with ail the rnquirurrnnts of the Constitution and By-Laws o(said ASSO(IATION; then these prnxnts shall txcume nult and void, uthemise they <br />shill remain in full torero and may be farecloxd at the option of ihn said ASSOCIATION after failure fur three inonlhs to retake any of aid <br />payments m bra three rnunths in arrears in mnkutg said monthly payments, ur to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees ra have a receiver appointad forthwith in such foreclomm procredhlgs. <br />If thorn is any change rn ownership al ihn real cstatn mortgaged heroin,. by sale ur otherwise, then the entirn remaining intkbtednea hemby <br />sectrred shall, at the option of The Equitable titrilding and ioan Assoniatian of Grand Island, Nebraska, become imntuiiately duo and payable without <br />further notice, and the amount remaining doe under aid bond, arld any other 6und for any additional advances made !hereunder, shall, from ihn <br />date nl' nxercix of aid option, bear interest at the maximum legal earn, and this mortgage may then he furaulosed to a[iafy Ihn amount due on said <br />bund,and any other band fur additional advantes, together with all sums paid by said Thn L'yuita6le Building and l.aan Assuciatian of Ctand Islutd, <br />Nebraaka fUr Inanfan.t, l'dXCS Gild aSSCa4111enIY, and 3bS[racl[Rg rXlCn8lan Cbargea, Wllh InIC[Cat l}1C[eOR, IfaRl Jate Ut paytrrent at the rttaxhnum <br />legal [ate. <br />:1s provided in the Band secued hereby, while this mungago remains in olfcut the murtgagcn may hereafter advance additional a„m, to the <br />Harken ul said Ikmd, their assigns or successors in interest, whteh sums shall he within ihn security of this murtgagn [ho same as the funds originally <br />xcurnd thereby, rho total amount of principal debt nut to ezcecvi at any tittle the original amount of this moflgagn. <br />~ , ITatea tn;a 8 h day of May n. o., we 80 <br />~r_ _ ' ~ <br />~, 1Ta R T stein, onservator James M. Wentz <br />Mahe-~'"~~,` -- <br />STATE.OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss On this Bth <br />COUNTY Or II.ALL Say of May !4 8O , befurn mn, <br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for aid County, pnrsuually name <br />William R. Thiers~e~t~t,, Conservator for James M. Wentz; and Mabel E~,h~lentz, Wi ~gsu~ia7ly`k~Owgw <br />M. ylentz ~ '- are <br />roe to tw the identjey}petslns S',~ - _~ ~'SVy~ rrame S are affixed to the above iastrunrcnt as mortgagor S and they soverally <br />a icnawledged [he:syir}jggtrurnent to,tie. .r1~' let r voluntary act and deed, <br />'7 ~®!P{'NES^vmy babas anf! Nat~rial Seal the data aforesaid. j-'., <br />M -Cnm - :,. ~ ~: ~ f <br />1 Y; rtwstrU[oxpnes ~ j <br />_____-- <br />IaraYM Ill ~. ~ NU[ary Public <br />