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80~ ~~~~ EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE <br />ASSIGNMENT t)f P.ENTS Loan Na. 53451-6 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Troy L. NeReill and. Betty J. HeNeill, husband and- wife. <br />{herernafter called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the Brim of <br />Sixty three thousand two hundred and NofIOO_________________________.DollarslE~e&3 20tl.Att**),- <br />ioaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVfNGS ANO-LOAN ASSOCfA~fON bf Omaha;' <br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial"}, its successors and assigns; the following described real-estate, situated fir tti€ County of; <br />HALL Sfate of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />---All of Lot Seven (?) and the Easterly Fifty Feet (E50') of Lot Six (6), all in 3lock <br />Eighteen (13) in Kernahan and Decker's Addition to the City of Grand- Island,.i•Iall County <br />Nebraska.--- <br />TO NAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto Commercial, its successors and assigns; forever: <br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with said Commercial, its successors and assigns, that Mortgagors are lawfully seized of said premises; that <br />they are free from encumbrances, and that they wi II forever warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all fersons <br />whomsoever. <br />Provided, nevertheless, these presents are upon the following conditions: <br />That whereas the said Mortgagors as members of Commercial have this date executed a note evidencing such loan and agreeing to repay said <br />sum of money, with interest, in payments as set forth in said note and have agreed to abide by the terms of said note'and Chartef'and Bylaws of <br />Commercial. <br />That whereas this mortgage shall secure any additional advances, with interest, which may, at the option of Commercial, be made 6y Com- <br />mercial to the undersigned Mortgagors or their successors in rifle for any purpose, at any time before the release and cancellabon of this mortgage. <br />but PROVIDED. HOWEVER. at no time shall the aggregate principal amount secured by this mortgage, being the amount due at any time on said <br />original note and any additional advances made, exceed an amount equal to 110 percent of the amount of the original note, but in no event shad <br />said note exceed the maximum amount permitted try law, and PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that nothing herein contained shall be considered as limiting <br />the amomrt that shall he secured hereby when advanced to protect the security a in accordance with covenants contained ih the mortgage. <br />Now, if the said Mortgagors shall pay or cause to he paid the said sums of money when due. as set forth in said note, and any other note for <br />additional advances made unfit said deht is fully paid with interest, then these presents shall t>e void: ofherxise, to be and remain in full force and <br />effect; Iwt if default should be made: - <br />(aj In any of the payments due on said note, and any other note for additional advances made, as therein agreed to be made for three months, or <br />ibl to keeping the improvements an said premises insured agamsi loss 6y reason of fire, lightning, and other hazards included in ex [ended <br />average insurance in an amount nut less than the unpaid balance of said mortgage loan, in a company ar companies acceptable to Com- <br />mercial. the original of such policy or policies to be held by Commercial, and with a mortgage clause attached to said policy or policies. <br />in favor of Commercial: or <br />(c1 In the payment of taxes and assessments levied upon said premises, or on this mortgage, before they ate delinquent or <br />idi if there is airy change in the ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale, either outright or by land contract. or by assignment of <br />any interest thereon or otherwise; <br />then, m any of the shove set-forth events, the whole indebtedness hereby secured shall, at the option of Commercial, immediately become due and <br />payable wimaul further notice, and the amount due under said note and any other noteror atldihonal advances made shall, from the date of the exercise <br />of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal rate per annum. and this mortgage may then be foreclosed io satisfy the amount due an said rote, and <br />any ether note for additional-advances, together with all sums paid 6y Commercial for ,nsurance, taxes, assessments and abstrart extension charges. <br />with interest thereon from the date of payment at the maximum !ego! rate. <br />PROVIDED That in no event, either before or after default. shall the interest due under said note and thrsmortgage and any other note far ad- <br />ditional adwnces made exceed the maximum lawful interest rate. <br />PROVIDED, further, that in the event that default occurs ;n Iho ;nakang at the payftieris due an said irete, and on any other note [or addrtiur!al <br />advances, as therei^ agreed to 6e made. er in keeping me premises insures, as above ~,tavided: er if default h2 made in the avrient or the axe=. <br />or assessments levied upon the premises above described nr upon ih;s ;nr_:;tgage, t~fot2 they are tiY law de!mquenf, Comm^rcat shelf be entitled <br />- to th€ ;mated,ate ,xssessian cf Lhe premises a;NV~-descri;red, loge he ~.vrth all torts, prcceeds and :sues arising u- of the iron, s~s, and ray <br />in its discretion use the rents so tar as it deems necessary for the f»rrpase pt making tepatrs upon the premises and for the payi~rertt pf insura~cc <br />-- - _ - - <br />premiums, texas and assessments upon such premises, and for necessary expenses ;ncutred ;n renting said premises and co112chng rent therefrais. and <br />to apply same on said note and any notes evidencing future advances hereunoer until the mdebiedness secured is fully pard: and for such purposes, <br />the undervgned does hereby sell, assign, set over and transfer unto Commercial all of said rents, proceeds and incomes including any land canbact <br />payments due mortgage owners or any other incomes of any type whatsoever from said property to be applied an the notes above-descnhed: but said <br />Commercialshailin no case ce liable for the failure to procure tenants, to cailect rents, or to prosecute actions to recover possessicn of said prenuses. <br />The Mortgagors further appoint Commercial of Omaha, Nebraska, their attorney m fact. giving said attorney power urevocahly, either an its own <br />name or Mortgagors' names to take all necessary steps for proceedings m aura or otherwise, fo cause said premises to he vacated, to coHact rep tats <br />a other incomes due, and when vacant, to rotor the same, to eiake al! reasenabte reRmu and pay taxes out of said rents, pmhts, contract payments' cr <br />incomes and to do a!I such things either by its awn officers ~ai by other parties duly authorized and appointed by it. as ifs agent for said purpose. anu <br />to charge m pay a reasonable fee for such services, all of the above to be none a! such limes and m such manner and an such terms as to ineu surd <br />attorney inay seam best. with full power of subshtulion. <br />The tdoAgagors herehy agree That if Commereaal either uoiuetanty at ~nvoluntanty hecomes or is made a poly to any sul! or proceeding refacing <br />to the herelnba(ore descnbed real estate, or to this mortgage ai said note a notes, other than ;; toredaswe lnsbtu tetl Uy Caunnercial. ldaitgagnis will <br />reimhurse Couuueraial for all reasonable costs incurred by Connnercial in said suit ar proeeetlmg The Mortgagors further agree that i( the harembefore <br />- described feat estate or any part ihereaf ho r.outlemned uraei the powe! N .•rmnen± domain, pr is aiherwise acquued tin a public use, the ~tamages <br />awarded, theprocaeds for the faking, and for the consideration foi seGh acgasrbrn to the extent of the full anmunl ai the reniainmg unpaid indebted- <br />ness secured.try this mortgage, ba, and they hereby are, assigned !o iamnieraal and shall be paid forthwith to Cammetcial ro be applied an acaunt of <br />the last maturing ins>taipgenis of such mtlebtedness. <br />Qaletl This__...,~ of ....._ t~aX_......... ;u 80 -, <br />.... ~ ` - , <br />, <br />~~ 7,~ ~ <br />IN TH~~NCE OF' . 3 4~ . -_ ~ - / ~ ~ y ~ ~-t"4-`" y <br />-- J <br />~:- ire !,citeild <br />,~ _ , <br />~ ~ <br />------------------._._._------- _ ~iertty ,J: McNei]1 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />ss. -- ---._ . _._--.-_ ..__ _ .- <br />CONNTV OF HALL~o <br />On this / ._._ __. .___ day of ~`ay.. _ _ - i9 80 before uie. a notary ixibhc m and for sn a CpuuN. ie+sanaiiy camu <br />thaabove-named Troy t„ McNeill and 3etty rl McNeill, hual-:and and wi.f=e. <br />to me well known to he the Itleitical person m persons whose name a or mines the above mortgage as grantor vi giauhlrs dnd Ihey. `;u <br />or she severally acknowledge the sofa instrument and he a •-~ ~~ ry net and.deed <br />WITNESS my hand and Noariai Seai Ilia day and year i .~~• ~ <br />~a I <br />~, r. . .- <br />~- <br />Mv corimisson =.ixpees on nc~ '.- .... __. _ day it = ~ 1 r` ° ,a = _ . 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