r���`i��'`;� "%:;. � �tr�� .i:i� '�^i��•`rrfK. '' '"i 4�'e?`'� f'f��j:r ._ .ti�:lli�r 'r����[y��l���}� reigr• �_ `
<br /> ,. 'f7 '�:i�'- .�, . •«-n..-11A.��i:iii.•.., ,it.� .4.. � l�'r-jn dlY._�..-- _ .
<br /> . t�4 _ I{5;-I1
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<br /> � �r:4 �Njtt�. ..._ .�_ -^�•'_ --__ —_'—'
<br /> .�;a!'i� �- . �^'_
<br /> .. ,. . t 7;i. •� ��,—•-
<br /> •' --
<br /> _.. �'a'� .. -
<br /> � n.b� �3.c.�,.. ..._..__ _ _ -— ,T r --
<br /> �— '"":Y:�__
<br /> ;. o � �., o . . g2.— 100659 ��=:��
<br /> ,. � R.,..
<br /> ,.;,�;�;�,;�+.� � .__ .
<br /> .;...,..;�....:,�.,• 6. Ii 6e�rhe t�W to p�,y my wm or keep aay coven�nt proWded for in thb mortQr+ge�the Mort�gee.at �,:_� :_�
<br /> ,. .. �" „�r,•��.�' ib option.msy psy or per[orm the utme�and all ezpenditurea�o made ahall be added to the principal aum —
<br /> ; �, y owina on the above note,ahall be wcured hQraby�and shtq bear interest unlil paid at the rate provided ���.__
<br /> � °^ �. , tor ia fhe priacip�l indebtednes�. �.. -----
<br /> •���•`�`�•� ���"� ?. Upon request oi the Mort��ee�Mort�aQoe siu�ll execute and deliver a supplemental note or notea �_��
<br /> •� ' far the eum or eume advanced by Mortgaqee for Phe alteration. modernization,o�• impru��ement made at , �
<br /> . , .� �_''�-�---_—,
<br /> �� the itort�Qar'� request; or for maintenance ot wid premiers. or far taxes ur asscssmcnts uQainst the
<br /> - � �"�—','� � ' �nie.and ior any other pur{wse elaewhere Authorized hereunder. Said notc or notes shall be eecured �____��____.
<br /> 4�.= . ,. ' hereby on a parity with And aa fully aa if the udvance evidenced thereby ��•ere included in the note Brat �,n,,��w—_-=
<br /> deacribed above. Said aupplemental note or notea ahall bear intereat at t he rate pru�•i dr d for in t he prin- --
<br /> " elpal inclebtedneas and ahall be ptWable in Approximately equal monthly payments for such period as ma� ��'°-_- _
<br /> ' - ` be a�reed upon by the Mortgagee and Mort�a�or. Failin�to agree on the maturit�.lhe u•hole of the sum e;� :ir-���_„�,.,�
<br /> ` , ° . or rums ao advanced shall be due and payAble thirty (30) daya after dt�mand by thc Atort�agee. In no �'.����=-
<br /> event�hall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the �ote Brat described above. w,�,_-�
<br /> ,. .. ,. ,,,r;,.?.;_:
<br /> . 8. He%he hereby aa�i@u�truuten�nd seta over to the Mortgagee.to be applied toward the payment ot :�.._�.�•-
<br /> . . the note stnd all aums secuced hereby in case ot a default in the performanc��f nny of the tPrma and condi• �. -�,�_�__
<br /> � n '' tions of this mort�xae or the eaid note�xll the rents, revenues and income to be deri�•ed from lhe murt- ��..`�'a'`
<br /> � rt��.tX,in. •:�.}� . . i A "i3.s -
<br /> ,.._ . _ �,�. ��ed premises durin�such time as the mortaage indebtednesa ahall remain unpaid;and the DiortQa�ee _.�,,.�--
<br /> � ehall have power to appoint any agent or agenta it may deeire for the purpu�e uf rr��ting the same and col- �'—"
<br /> . - IectinQ the rente�revenues and income�and it mAy pay out of said incomes all neceseu�•y cummissions and �:°.�..�i •,J,ir"
<br /> � expenees incurred in renting and managing the same nnd of collecting rentals therefeum; the balance ".�'. �
<br /> ' �• remaining,if any�to be applied toward the dischar�e af eaid mortgage indebtedness. : �':w��:-.
<br /> ' 8. HeJ�he wlll continuowly naafntein hazard Insuronce, of such type or typeA and amounf� � —====�: _
<br /> • Mortg�ee may trom time to time require� on the iropmvemenb now or hereatter on u�id premire� and ,
<br /> .' : .'.,;�;y, ;. escept rvhen payo�ent tor all auch pretaluau�haa theretotore been made undet/ol of peraBraPh 2 hereui, '��,,�:t� 1---
<br /> , ° wiU p�y promptly whed due any premiuma therefor. Upon detault thereof, Mortgagee may pay the wme. � + �,..�
<br /> � ' All Luurance �hall be carried in com wiie� approved by the Mo ee and fhe Uclee and renewd� �"�'�`
<br /> , h p �BaB !� �•.�#.-.-:v
<br /> .. � ` �� thee+eof �b�q be held by the Mortgagee ond have�ttached thereto laea pa��A6le clau�es!n ft�vor of and in
<br /> � toma �oc table to the Mortgagee. ln event ai loss Mortgagor wW give;mmediate notice by mail to the � '�-.::`.� "-
<br /> - cep �..',-�,
<br /> —'~.. , • Mort$gee,who may m�ke prooi oi las it not rnade promptly by Mott�agur�t�eac h inrurance company - �-�_: =
<br /> : � concemed is hereby aufhorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to the MQrtgr+gee �"��
<br /> , tY '�..
<br /> . . � in4tead oi to tbe Mortgegor and the Mortgagee jointJy.and the insurance pru�eeds,or any part thereof, �. :.. ;i-'—"
<br /> ' � � may bo Applied by the Mortga�ee at ita option either to the reductlon oi the indebtedne�hereby�ecured �'�`�`'"
<br /> ,, ..,. ._.�.., _ --
<br /> - or to tbe reatoratioa or reprtr of the property dameged.In event of foreclusure of thia mortgaQe�ot other .������-'"� ���.�'-'_,,:,
<br /> � traa�sfer oi tit]e to fhe mortgaged property in extingu4hment of the indebtednea� �ecured hereby�all
<br /> , .',,;:.' ri�t�title and intereat ot tt�e Mort�eQor in end to ony fnsuranee policie� then in force�hWl pe�c to the • ,,u_••
<br /> . ,�;;,�� •'. pu[Ch�er ar�antee. . �.�;r�_:;r�=-.�--
<br /> _ '..y,�r...., " .� -�w�...YI4"_
<br /> � 10. As additiunal and cullateral security for the puyment of the not�describcd.nnd s►II sums to beromr
<br /> ','��`���`,' , ' � `' due under this mortgage,thr Mortgagor hereby assigna tu the Mortgag���all lease bonuses. �►rofits, revr- • �
<br /> ;,..�;;,,. , .,� .;�:',•.••. . " ��• _
<br /> �,t . ;� �,,.� '.+ nues,royaltiea.rights.and other beneflts accruing to the Mortgagor under nn�and alt oil and gas leases
<br /> � "'1�"� • ` �'"y'": now.or during tae life of this mortgage,executed on said pre�nises�x•ith the right to recei�•e and ceceipt .. . - "
<br /> � for the same and applv thrm to said indebtednesa as���ell befure as after defAUlt in the conditions of this • -'��H
<br /> ;;?.��c_ . . : � ,
<br /> ;:�•..
<br /> murtgage,and th� Mortgng��e may demand,aue for and recuver any such pa�•m��nts��•hen due and pay- ':"`-
<br /> � ablc.but shall noi be required so to do. This assignment is to terminate and becomc null and void upon _ ___
<br /> � ' release of this mortgage. �� � a�,.�.
<br /> il. He/ahe�hall not commit or pennit waste;and shall tnefntain the property!n as good condition ea at •• T° _
<br /> _ present. reasonable��•ear and tear excrpted. Upon any failure to so maintain,AtortgHgee,at its option. � T
<br /> . ' � may cause��easonable maintc�nance work to be performed at the coat of Mortgngur. Any amounts paid � _
<br /> therefor by Mortgabee ahall beur interest at thc rate provided tor in thc principul indebtedncss, shall ;
<br /> , ";� thereupon become a part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument,ratably and on a pnrity��•ith all �
<br />� � °�•� o t h er indebtedness secured here6y,and shall be payable thirty (30) days aft��r demand.
<br />� ��';;;,
<br /> ` ]2. lf the premises, or any part thereof, be condemned undrr thc po��•��r ��f cminent doniain, or `
<br />� � � acquired for a public use, the damages awarded, the proc���ds fo�•thc t�►king��f,��•the consirl��ration fo�• !
<br />' auch acquisition, to the exti�nt of the full amount of the r�•maining mipaid ind��btrdn��ss securrd by this �
<br /> � mortgage, or hereby assigned to the Atortgagc��, and shall b� paid furtha•ilh to said bto��tgag.��, to be �
<br /> • ,;_,��:., .�: applied on account uf the last maturing installments�f sueh indebtedn��as. , ' ,
<br /> '�',;�r:.`' l8. If the blortgagur fails to make anx pa��m��nts«•hcn duc,or to c�mPorm t�r nnd comply w•ith any
<br /> �'' �''• � of the conditions or aR�'«ments contained in this rn��rtgug��, or the md.�s ��•hirh it s�cur�•s, lhrn th��
<br /> entire principal sum and nec�ved int�reat shull i►t orice b��romo duo :�n�l �r.q•��bl��, at th�� el��ctiun of the
<br /> '' Murtgagee; and this mnrtgng��ma�• therrupon be furec•los��d imm��dint.�l�• t'or thr ���h��lr��f the indobted-
<br /> ness hereby securrd, ipcludiug thr cn3t of �xtrnding the abslract uf titlf� frum thr cLitr of this mort- , ,
<br /> ....M�Au f im..nF�vumm�noltlV RIIOFI VUft.S PP719f)Ob�)IP lil�UCtll')'�3��•P.illl��illll' �III11S�41I��V\' l�l�'��l'�C!'3113
<br /> -. -.-- ...--.- . �y.^.8......... __..._ -- ---... .
<br /> Administration on acrount of the Ruu�•anty or insuranrrnf th�� iudrbtr�hu��:�>;���•ur��d h��r.•b�•,i►II uf��•hich
<br /> � shall be included in lhe��1<�cree of f�ireclosure. . . .
<br /> 1A. If the mdebt�dn�ss sccw����l hercby tN• Ku+i�antr��d nr intim��•d und�r TiU� :iR, i'nit��d �tat��s('��d��.
<br /> t such Titlr.:tnd Reftulatinns is�urd th��rrun�t��r and in�•IT���t��n th�•�L•it��h��r����f shall�;u�rrn thr riy;hts,duti�•,
<br /> ' and liabilities��f tho r:►rtirs h��rotu, :tnd any pr���•isions�d ll�i���r��tli��r iristrutn�•nt���s���•ut�d in cunnrrti��n
<br /> with �.�i� indeht��lnraa w•hich s�re in�ungistent «•ith :�aid 'fitl�� ��r Cr�uls�tiun. :u•�� hcr�•h�• :un��n�lr�i t��
<br /> cunfurm thereto.
<br /> The cu�•enants h���•��in contninrd ah:tll bind, and thr brnrtits and a�1�•:�nt:��.���, :�httll inw•r t��, th�•
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> s � -
<br />