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T,.. <br /> <br />$~'~'' <br />~~~ <br />'17ris mort;aUe m.ds and entered into thin deg of <br />14 , by and between ]?dI~7AT.D Ii. PALU and. 3ANIS M. PAld1, IIuSIsatld and Wife <br />(hereiodter referred to u mortgasoz) a~ the Administrator of the SmalI'Bttsittess Adasioisgratioo, ar a fptetbg oL1La <br />Government of the United Smtes of America (hereirwfter referred to as mortgagee), who mainta3na an-ofdsrr-atsd <br />plaee of btati~er at Fhpire State Building, 19th and Farnany (.haha, Nek~aslta 68(02 <br />'Rtrrta~ra, that for the cenadezation heeefmafter stated, meeipt of trhlek- is <br />'~r ' <br />moth doui hereby moztaa~. etd1, kRau4 arign, and twnveg tmto the mm#gagse, hf~weoerama~aard~rd::all; <br />of the Iolbwing deseribsd property situated and 6einR in the Comty of gp,77• <br />State of <br />The Westerly Tvextty-7.wo Feet (W 22') of Iot Five (5) in <br />Block Nineteen (19) of the Towtt named A3.dar IIa11 CrnmtY.r <br />Nebraska. <br />Together wish and ineludinR aU buildings, all fixtures ineiudinq but nW limited to all plumbing, hertiaq, light- <br />ing, vrntilatinq, rrfrigeraiing, ittrinnratirtg, air rundilioning aplwratus, and eievautrw (the moHgagor herobr <br />declaring that it is intended that the (tents herein enumerated .hall be deemrd w have been prrmanentfy im <br />.tatted as part of the realty), and aU improvrments now ur hrroafler exiwtina thereon; the heroditaments and <br />appurtettaners and all other right (hereunto belonging. ur in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and tY- <br />ven.ioue, rrmaindrr and rrmainden., alI rights of redemption, and the rotor, isaura, and profits of the above <br />descrihed properly (provided, however, that the mortgagor .hall br rMikletl to the poesetisimt of Kaid property <br />audio colleet a»d rotain the eauis, issues, and profits until default hereundrrj. 7'u have and to hold thr wrens <br />unto the awrtgsgee and the ~uceeasun in inkern.,t of the mortgagee forever in fee Pimple or such Whrr estate, <br />iF auy, as is rtatrd hereiw. <br />1'bs ttawtg~tgoF covettanu chat he is lawfully seined and possessed of and hr the right to Dell and eonvay staid <br />property: that the same is frre from aU eacttmbrattaes a:cept u hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himseU cad his stteeessgrs in wuraat and defend the title a[oresaid thereto and every part thereof aaaiast <br />the clalsw of all persons wbasawevsr. <br />ThL inrtruatant ie given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated ,'~x'il 30, 19&0 , <br />is the principal attw of i 12, 000.00 , sigrted-by Janis M. Palo an3 tiottald H. Palo , <br />in Mhslt of A1dA Village i3eatrty Salon <br />w~ r... ~.r ~ a-rs ~ t..s.,.c, R+a~zs+e,+ t,s,~.... <br />