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°~ `bi`° <br />MOATC,AGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3 ,JOB - - <br />IQJOW ALL M£N BY TIlFSE PRESENTS: That SULljeCt t0 LN ZZ,ZO2 <br />Michael S. O'Nei17 and Claudia O'Neill, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other- <br />Fifteen Th0tsand Seven Hu __M~~`_whetheroneormore,inrnttsderationoftlreta®of <br />n~red and No1100-------- ______ ________ Z1OLLARS <br />foamed to said mortgagor by The P.quitabk Bw7ding and Loan Associatrun of Grand Island, Nehrss[ta, Mortgagee, upon - ~ 157 shares of atndc of- <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certif'inte No. L 23 70B , dsr hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fa0owiag <br />riescrihed real estate, situated in Hall County, Nef+caska: <br />LOT SIX (6), IN BLOCK TWO (2), "KAY -DEE" SUBDIVISION, <br />AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />Subject to prior mort age to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount of Forty-five <br />Thousand Two Hundred ($45,200.00) dated June 24, 1976. <br />together with all [he tenements. iterrditaments and apptrrtcnances theremrm fielonging, including attached Hoot arverings, all window stxeens, <br />window shades, bonds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, sYOVrs, <br />refrigerators. and outer fixtures and equiptmnk now or hereafter attached to ur used in coonrctior, with said ceal estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does herzhy agree chat the mortgagor shall and writ pay all taxes and asxaanents levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the wtm sftall become delinquent; to i'urrtiah approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premier situated id the sum of S 15 , 7D0.OD payable to said ASSIX'L4T10N and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION [he policies for said insurance; and not to armmit ur pe:rmit any waste un or aMmt said premrxs; <br />to ::ax of default in the perfurrztanw of any of the terms and canditiores of this mnrtgagr or the hand xcurcd hereby, the srrortgagee shag, <br />on demand, Ire entitled to immediate pusxssion of the nturtgagcd eam:sc•s and the :nurigaeur hereby a«igns, transfers and :=emu over to the <br />rrx~rTgagee alt the rents, revtnurs and income to fie derived from the nxrrtra~ed prer.:ises wring such time as the mvagage indebtedness shall rertrain <br />unpaid, and the mortgagee shall have the power to ;tpprint any agent or agents rt may desire for the purtwx of repairing said preausea and renting <br />the satttz and collecting the rents, avenues and income, and it may pay out of sstd income :dl rxprnxs u( repairinc said premises and rsecessary <br />wmmts5oas and •xpenses incurred in rznunf; ..nil n-,snag nx the vtma and of -ullecwtg renters therefrom; the t:afance remain-ng ~. soy, to be <br />appfied toward the dixhurge of said ttmrteagr urdzhtrdt rss. •tfx -gets ,r the mot tgaMec may he exzrzised ue any time during the e-..stenx of aerie <br />dzfatdt, irrespectnr uE any temporary waives, of tnz azure. <br />fhzx f'rexnts, Ituwrve a e upon the L__ ei_rtt~ur. ilta! !k the at'! 3Surt{aE r a -spar - lean an _ eiure the :natmity -- .Hid .:sees ley <br />paytr~ni; pay monthly to rata hSSClC'IAii(ti -r, the um pecifird in the Bunu v:turcd hettbv as utterrst and prinapai rn: said loan, ~:rt ur h_f~tc <br />the Twentieth day cf rac;h surd vvct} rnoatr., nnttf ssi-3 ,u-a„ ,__ , uf[v frail, pay ail taxes and asussmtnts levied against yid premues and un this Muetg`agc <br />and the Bond xcured ihsaby, before drheuuency. turmsh approved insmarttY open the buildings thereon in the sum of S 15 , 7DD . DD payable <br />to said ASSOCIATti)N; repay [u card ASS(ICIAtION upm dcntand all rrwnry by it peril cur such taxes, assessments and insurance with utterosr at <br />the tmtximum legal me themon from date of payment ai ut which Mungagur hereby agrees w pay; pcrmrt nu waste vn said premtxs; keep and comply <br />with all the agreenxnts and conditions of the Bend ibr $ 15 , 7D0. DD thts day grveu by the Bird Nurtgagur hr acid LSSIX:IATION, and vmply <br />with all the reyuicentenis of the Consututian and tfy-taws of card ASS(X'IA"f10N; then Ihcu prexnts shall i>zcumr mill and void, otherwise thzy <br />shall remain in full force and Hwy ire Foroeluxd at ~hc upaun of the Mrid .-gSSIX'IA1'IUN ;titer failure flu ihrce nwntJts to make any of wtd <br />payments ur be three months in aurats m uwking wid monthly payrnrnts, ac to keep and unnply wrth the ugreemrnts and cwtdriions of sold Bond; <br />soil Mortgagor agrees to have a rexwer appointed forthwith m suelt (uaclusrtre ptucecdit~es, <br />I(lhcre i5 any changz ut uwrtrrship of the real estate nwrtgaged hrrcut, by sate or othzrwrsr, then rite entire remaining htdebtrdnoss hereby <br />srvurrd sltaB, at the option ui'ffte tiywtabfe Bmtdmg and Loan .ASSUCiatiuu ut Grand Island, Nebraskn,brnunrc unmrdtaarly due and payable without <br />further notice, and the arruount se+naitung der undr: will twnd, and any ,rifer bond fur any addmunal advnners made thrtemtdrr, shall, Iron the <br />date of excreta al said option, treat uaerrsl ut the nraxunurn irgul rntc, and tiers mortgage may then be (ucecloxd In satisfy the anwunt due un said <br />Maul,and any other hand for additional advances, wgrthe: with all swus peril by wid T'hr Fgmtabk Buifding anJ Lean ,\swciation of Gaud Istattd, <br />Nebraska Ibr insurance, taxes and snrsvnrnts, soil absttachng extension cYratges, wrth interest thaaun, Gt:rn date c,t payment al the maxunum <br />legal rate. <br />:1s pnrvidrd m the Bond srewrd hereby, while this rota tgagv remains iu eit2ct thr• uwrtgagez may ttereaf ter advan,;e addittunal runts to the <br />nwkers of said fiond, their assigns ur succesAtns in uue+est, which runts shall hr within Chr seuun[y of this mortgage the same as the lands utiginally <br />sectued thereby, the total anurwr[ of piincipnl debt out ar exceed at .city titrtr tln• arigutai anwunt of this uu,ngsgr. <br />led This ] h r daY of Flay .,. , ., .. BO <br />•; rri <br />~c~i eel S. 0' Nei l l <br />i-y~t'z-e e~'' <br />audia O'Neill ~~~ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />COt.1N'1'Y OF BALL ~• 4n 8ns 7th !lay of Mdy 73 8D , beibrn nk, <br />rho undrrstgned, s Notary 1'uhlic m acrd tier wid Cpuu[y, Iwrscatally canto <br />Michael S,_Q'(i~ill and Claudia O'Neill, each in his and her own ri~~~t, artd as s~oths~ of <br />each other are per nay Hawn n, <br />nee u tyt the'idep4ical pr;sun -g.. whoa. name S dre aitixcd nr the abovo m.stnuunut as tnuttgagorS and ttley severally <br />acknoivkxigad the wid insttuntent {y br their vuluntury act and deed. <br />W3TNISS my hark9 soil Natarrat Seal ohs darn sib;rsaid_ <br />_ My.Cnaumis~un ettpires 1,!: ( - - __ <br />mraxarni, - Notary Public -.. <br />