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<br />,,,. <br />'. a.,.-a o~ *hc southeast nuarter o¢ t^~e outhcast ~varter (SE~S::~3 0: <br />:;cction One (1), Township Ele>>en (113 North, Range Nine (93 West of the 6th <br />».~t., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the <br />Southeast nuarter (SE~SE~)t said point being Five Hundred Thirty Eight and <br />rive Tenths (538.53 Feet Hest of the Southeast Corner of said Southeast <br />nuarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE~tSE~)p thence running t-lesterly alony <br />the South line of said Southeast (2uarter of the Southeast ~}uarter (SE4SE~S) a <br />distance of Seven hundred Twenty Four (724..03 Feet to the Southeast Corner <br />of a tract previously surveyed for, and deeded to, the Geer Company; thence <br />deflecting right 101°33"30" and running Northeasterly along the Easterly line. <br />of a tract previously surveyed for and deeded to the veer Company, a distance <br />of, Seven hundred Nineteen and Nine Tenths (714.'3) Feet to a point on the <br />Southerly Right-Of-Way line of U.S. Highway No. 30; thence deflecting right <br />51°35' and running Northeasterly along said right-of-way line a distance of <br />rive Hundred Ninety Seven and Fifteen iundredths (597.15) Feet; thence de- <br />flecting right 13h°40' and running Southwesterly a distance of Two hundred <br />Fifty One and Eight Hundredths {251.08) Feet; thence deflecting left 132°52' <br />and running Northeasterly a distance of One hundred Twenty Three and Fifteen <br />Ilundredth~ (223.15) Feet; thence deflecting right 124°10' and running South- <br />erly and parallel to the East line of said SEkSEtt a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Eighty Eight and Twenty Twa hundredths (788.7.23 Fcet to the point of beginning <br />1't2ACT II. <br />A tract of land located on part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(S;SE~a) of Section One (1) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West <br />~f the 6th, more i~articularly described na Follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the South Boundery line of the Southeast Quarter <br />tSE:) of said Section One {I},, which is the intersection of said South Boundary <br />line with the East line of the Tract convoyed to the Geer Company, a Corpora- <br />tion, by harranty Deed reccTded in Book 95 at Pale 437, in the Office of the <br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; thence North along said East Line <br />~t said Tract so conveyed, to the Intersection of said East line with the <br />south Right of tday line of United Stator highway Na. 30; running thence North- <br />~asterly upon said Right of Way lino a distance of 231.4 Feet; running thence <br />Southwesterly at an angle of 128°27" to the Right, to a point on the South <br />line of said Section One (93, which point is G2.1 Feet Eaat of the place of <br />~eginniny; Running thence Nest along and upon the South line of said Section <br />)ne (1) said distance of 52.1 Feet to the point of beginning; being a tract of <br />land 231.4 feet wide along the South right of way line of United States High- <br />,ray No. 30 and 62.2 feet wide along the South lino of said Section One (1) <br />immediately adjoining on the East the tract conveyed to the Geer Company by <br />the Wazranty Dced herolnbefore referred to. <br />TRACT III. <br />Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWkSEh) of Section <br />Inc (1), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) !dent of the 6th P.ti., <br />note particularly described as follows: <br />Cc,.uneneing at the Point of Intersection of the Southerly Right of Way line <br />~t U.S. Hiryhwny Dlo. 30, as now constructed and located, with the South boun- <br />lary line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast puarter (SWkSE>•) of said <br />Saction One (1); running thence East along and upon the South boundary line <br />a>' said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section One (1), <br />Cor a distance of 1104,9 feet; turning thence North at an Angle oP 90° and <br />cunning North for a distance of 5G9.6 Feek to the Southerly riyht-of-way line. <br />~L said U.S. highway No. 30, as now constructed and located and running thence <br />in a Southwesterly direction along and upon the Southerly right of way line <br />~f U.S, highway No. 30 as now constructed and located, for a distance of <br />1258.55 Feet, to the Place of ncyinninq. <br />