__ ..
<br />}, i.--221 A MECHANIC-S-LIEN (Revised "19tiZj _ - - The HeBmsa Gsnenl ¢ pats -Hoax, ilamio,. t7,drr:
<br />-Lien claimed by: ....... ....:...: ...:~~.7! 1a _:..-.- ~.._.:. rq-~.....
<br />--"- N-e-_0:__~e~`~.Sill_~G41P.1QYs.-~-_~C41~'-RQC`fls'~.WL..-. i?gainst:....._.Q011-.dIlS~-.~dr.Jd:-.QIJ)2~S :,_-::_._-._:..
<br />gddres 23D7_West Third,_~ranii Island,._~e... --___ ._---.-~_ 2t?2 West 13~h,-4food River, N.t'_
<br />~9 .8U ---•Dr _Cr.
<br />! Ir-- -- --- ,
<br />----__-_----#- i As_per_pttac~ed Exh9bSt!~A°----------------------- ~~ X279 8$ ~ .
<br />---------------3----- --------------- --------- ,i~ ~ --
<br />~~ Credit for returned goods
<br />---- ~------j~------------------- -- -------- - ~~ i~ X34
<br />! ~, 3~
<br />----!!----.~~.~~- ~-`z4 t ------ -~---------
<br />r.
<br />i !
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<br />- ______________~. _t ____-__________--_--.___.__ _______--_-____-__-_____-_____--__-_____-___-- _ll - ____~. 3 _.- -
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<br />---- ---------f - -'~ -- ------------------ -- - - - - -- --- -- -- - ------------------~~------------- - -
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<br />---- --------•- --- --~r--------------------- - - -- - - - - ---- -- - - -- - -- ---~~- •---~- ---~-------- - -°-
<br />,I ! ~
<br />State o f.•----N4~J'dSk.-d .-...--- •--- --
<br />ss.
<br />~ i i -....-_ ----.._-._Hal.]- °---'--._ County} i
<br />' AffrsanN, .----.G~eax-9e..-Webk-.-.P-resiten:k-sjf---?i..Q-..--Alalson-.-~o...,...a._Gar.~Q-ranion ................._,.,...--....-, being ~-st
<br />` duly sworn, on his onth soyr that the foregoing itemized account of work, labor, skill------------------------------------------------------------
<br />materials, and improvcsxents is true and correct: that same u.~cre done and performed and furnished by the undersigned
<br />' ,for ute said --- _4on---and._Marx-_oubb~--------------------- - -- ._ ........-... - ...- - - ----- - ..--.-..... -•------------.._.-.-.-.-...._-.-.
<br />' '' under a'R-.....-..GT.'e7-°_..-....._.__ .............._..----- contract--°---....._.....-.-..._.._...-....-.-.-.-...-_......-.-...-.-...-...-..-...-°--.......-°--...-..--..-.-
<br />forthe'-.-.-,.-.-Improvement....--..-.--_,--------.,._ .............._.._-.--,.of a ..-.dwells.~9.-.-........-.-.......--....-..---...-.-..-......
<br />--------
<br />-- on the folfoudng tot, piece ur parcel of land, ¢na:•......_ ................................... ..._...............-..- .-- --_,...... __._.........-. -. -
<br />Lots Seven (7j-and_Ei.9)!t .~$)...in B7o.Gk .,.. -,.---_ ....................................
<br />- E'feven-'(11),--First Addition to Wood
<br />.............River=._Nait County.,...iJe~ras,ka-.._..._.._..............-.............................-....-....-................
<br />That at the tirue said contract n«s made smd labor and materials furnished rznd delivered thereunder .................. .
<br />-- I3Sn _ and _!iary - Dubbs -- -- :: .... ... . ..:........u~ar the oumer of said prrmisei'
<br />,; -•-„-,-.-thy,~•.-l,-~rry,-P~rkg.C,-_d/b/r~--P>~rker,Plumbing.,-•,Haningforb,.Nebraska-„-.was--the--contractor--
<br />-,--,---,and, agent ,for- Don and Mara-_ Dubbs-r.-.. ,.- „ . - . _
<br />That the date of the first item furnished and defivered :cns-.__.J.an.Uary..25.~..L9.~~ ..................._...._-....... and she
<br />date of the last item uas-.._-....-.-_..-...FebrUary,_31,--198Q.--,
<br />i/giant further states that said tabor uau performed on, and materials zt~Gre furnished far, deliverod at, and used in
<br />said building or premises on and beMueen the dates specified.
<br />That the prices charged therefor are fair and reasonable, mid that there is now due an said account the sum of
<br />$282.54 .-.-...._.......rJodlars, that said'
<br />' ....................N.~. Q.~. Netsan-_Con3p8nya..a..Corporation..........-_........_-...._..............
<br />.....,._ ............ ... ........ ..-,,.-. -... ,--- -.. ........-,.._,,.-.-..claims a lien un dha said premises for the full amounk of
<br />sauj account do-wit: The sum of ,~ 262.54 _-._.....-__....-_tugethar xuith interest thereon at the legal rate,
<br />f lth....-...day af.....-Februarv ................................._-............._.......-, tg.-_80--.,, and further a(~ianf sa}'s not.
<br />rom the ......
<br />N. 0. Nelson Company
<br />.. _.,
<br />sorAl:a s 17EFUE - 9y : .~ ~ _~ h ~T ~ ~' a
<br />GEhF.RAt. t„?ta=i3A3. ................................ ......... r..,...... ' ~..
<br />s~ea6 ..........................._...-.....-.P.r~.~ident.. _. __. _ .., ...
<br />'-~~qq~~ Subse»b€d is my pr~..ca°ncc and sznorn to brforr, mr thrs ..,~ .....
<br />1993 Jay of .................. _-... ~.31Y.....,........... , y, t~ $p
<br />Septen bet 26, at
<br />~ f
<br />( See reverse side for in3tractionsj ~Vatary f'uahc.
<br />_.....
<br />eTI'ATk QF .. .................................... ....... .... .. Pntcred un numrrisat locks and Algid for rccunt
<br />- ~~ in the Ftegixtar of DeonLv tlYtico ui aaid County Iha
<br />County .,. _ ............._....-:.._............_.-..-._.._.. __..-.._....j
<br />3ej; oP .,.._ _. _........._.._.. _... ..._.... 18.... _.._., ut. __... -:_.... ...-, .. n`ciw3c ttnd.... _. -. _..... auuutna 3~1..
<br />~~ atut rxurded ita ~nk._ .................:. ........_aS-,...., .... -. _.- _. -...-_ _axt --aga._.. , ._ ..._....
<br />