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_ __ . _.._,.__N . ~.~ti._. ___ _ ..._, -.__._ ~~~- <br />- i 3ala-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-WitF~ Tax Clause - 2na riarim..>, aunerai Hayptr xoace, I.iaeala, Xeaz. <br />.,.__i_..__._ . _.._.__~.__._~_._.__.._ _ _...__~_._.. _ .~.._ _ _, _-_-_ <br />KN06V ALL MEN BY TtiE,SE PRESENTS <br />3 THAT %race A. ~ahot-~ r `i;idav: <br />(Mortgagor ) <br />°f Iia11 - County; and-State of PSecr2slca _, to canssderatdox--of the-sum-vf - ; <br />'1'!•renty Six i^housznd Ei;hi iitu;dreci Fifty irallars and ra/2fi0 DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SEI L and CONPEY s:»to C:~ruo:': L. :.°2r_s =nd or i•:=icared L i-its :' ~~'- <br />- (Mortgagee :~-) ~ - - <br />of Hail Count}, and State of =letr~ska the fallowing described premis~:s <br />situated in Ha12 County, and State of iiebra5ka to-wit:- <br />All that portion of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E~S~?-of section <br />Twenty Four (24) Township Ten (10) clot rt Rang= Eleven (11) West of the 6th: P':i'1., E <br />~ - Hall County; Nebraska, described as solloc,•G: Commencing at a point 610.5. feet t <br />,South of the Northeast corner of said East Half', of. the Southwest Qua ter:.(r,.i' Ste) - f - <br />_ thence South on the Half section line to the Sosrth boundary af.said section I <br />Twenty r•oltr (.7_4) theme Weston t};.~ Sea !: ~;^e ~F said section to-the Southwest <br />corner of -said East Half of the Seutn! ~ t craa- r iE?cSLda) thence-PSorth and ~ <br />parallel- <br />-with -the Half section line to a point t:~'.:ich i i:'._0.~ feet South of•the Northwest- <br />- .corner of said East Ftslf of the s~*;ahtae=t 'asart~:r iE3;SW'g) thence-east to the-.,pout- -- <br />i <br />of beginning, containin 61.5 acres ., ._ttle mo'~~e o~ <br />5 ~'~, ~ less eubj_ctto an easement - ~ <br />-- 16 feet wide alon the itiesterl• =idc~~_ - <br />9 _ .~_ tr <br />'d a^t. <br />Y <br />i <br />. „: <br />~._~.... ~__.._~.. ....__..,.-__. .. µ <br />- - . na intantiax 5eang Sa rtnrFy l.c°r ry an ,..-..... ., _ -- .pa =»_..+~ r.- t1,c' r :,,.s r, r~m~sET:ad ~t s_. - - <br />- -- TO -H-.$1'E- r1 VD- : 4--`TIC+:..i}.t>!2 +~rn.:.,,s-..v~..; .:,- .,..1. -:...-.:r=- +.rpsr.~nan~e:. Chc~un:, ,.+,~n,r«nv - <br />'. unto the said nwrtgagea and to h^?' lu:irs and assigns, fon*rrer, prax•ided ahe,:v,r, +,nd tlrrse hrescmts rte upon <br />' -; the express condition that if the afcresaid uwrtyuyar „-p~eiT` heirs. exettdors, administrators ar assigns shalt <br />-~ pay or Coosa to be paid to the said rrtortgagae ?;or hairs, executors, adrninistraters or assigns, the strap of <br />Dollars, payutac as fuflux~a, to-x:et: <br />Dollars an the day of ;,}l;k. ;;, ,. !g <br />Dollars on the Clay of tp <br />git~ei-, i:c;,e~-i±'f Dollars an !hz day aj ry <br />Llotlars on toe day of , ty <br />Dollars un the day nJ !q <br />?With inlcrast thereon at 1~;' per Corot per annrun, payabtp„sr+'tt i aaanr+atly all arsarding to tlac leper and rjfact <br />of a certain pro»ussory note of said _ <,r,,. i Asa. <br />Naar#ng zzen data ztnth thew presarrls, and shall pay nll tarts read rsssssnrcnts le2Hed npo» said rt'al estate, acrd alt athar <br />taxas, levies and assesxmants levied rrpmr this mvrtgaeta ~zr tha rata iahic{t this vnaslrlaga is giz'+'rx to snetrra, before the <br />{ soma bacames dalinguent, and kaep tha buitdirlga on .;aid preutisas in.mrvd for rho surx of .~ '' r`=l~',i'1' <br />laxs, if afty, payabi>r to tha said rnortgayre, then tlrase prasrtnts to b,, void, otharee~ise to be e»tl rernain fn full farce. <br />- - - IT !J'- ~-l,LT~~1dEli .~~kRGD Ct1 '7lmt ij the curl nwrfgagoa^ _;itail jcvii !n prp sash trt.Yes ur pracurr• sustr <br />dnsuranca, th€ sail mariyagae may-lay such tazss and pracsrs sra•h insurarcee; acrd the suns sa ari~x.ucsd, :«=t'th antes«+s€ <br />at 2`~+~ per tattf shat! bet paid fiy snid rsrarigal/or, and thr's uwrtgag€ ,chuff stand as sre,uitu (ur r/ta saanc, ~~; :shoo <br />n failurr fia-pay any rrf Said ~xanay, rather principal ar interest .Chen the searxe became°s tint, nr a 7ailura to e=nnjty z<dtn <br />I <br />arty of the foregoing agraeme»ts, shall coarse the n~liolz s9un of »ronny hzr<~iu srurc~d r:, Incur>oe du.e and collrct+blt <br />a0 anca at thz option of thz anartyagee. <br />i ~'igned this L day of _ .9 <br />~. ~, ~; t <br />