<br />Open-end, W serxire present and future obligations and advanaea
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />herein called the "Mortgagor" whether one or more, in consideration of the advance of the principal sum recited is the
<br />note hereinafter described and in consideration of any future advance= made by Mortgagee W Mortgagor as ttereia•
<br />after provided, hereby mortgages and com•eys to PIONEER SAVINGS COMPANY. herein called the "Mortgagee", the
<br />tollowiag described real estate together with ail the right, title and interest of the Mortgagor therein or hereafter acquir-
<br />ed including all buildings and improvements now on or hereafter placed on such real estate:
<br />Lot Fifty-Five !55) in Hawthorne Place, being a Subdivision of Hart of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (NWk) of section :1ver,t_y-Two (22), Township El even (Zi) North,
<br />Range Nine (9) 6dest of the 6th P.?"., in the City of Clrand Island, Na11 County,
<br />Nebra sica .
<br />This mortgage is given to secure:
<br />A. Promissorv note dated Agri 1 I R , 1 JRO given 6y Mortgagor to Mortgagee in the principal sum of
<br />$ s , Dort . ~n payable with interest according to the terms ofauch note and any instrument taken in trormeetion with
<br />refinancing, extending or renewing the indebtedness evidenced by such note or any part thereof;
<br />B. Any forties advane~s), with interest. which may he madefrom timetotime byMurtgageeatitsoplion in any
<br />amountlsl, provided, however, such future advances shall be ao limited chat the total principal amounts outstanding
<br />at any one time shall not exceed the sum of $~. yLi2.-0i2._ ._. . dol lara, to iw repaid in :rcctxdance witi: the terms,,f a
<br />promieaory no[etsl evidencinK any such advancetai. Any such advance(s1 shall t,e udditionai to any advancers)
<br />hereinafter authorized u, be made by MortgaKer for the pruieciion of the security ur Mortgrgee'-: interest therein.
<br />Mortgagor hereby covenants with MortgaKee ar.Ll its succesaurs and assigns thni Mergatror rs lawfully aeiseel of
<br />such real estate and is the Cue owner thereof, thut Mortgagor has gcwd right and !awful authority u, convey the same,
<br />that Mortgagor hereby relinquiehas all rights of homeateadtherein,and thacMurtgagor warrantsrtnd wilt defend the
<br />title to such real saints against 4he lawful claims of all perauns whuma,ever. Additionally, MurtgaKUn~ovenants and
<br />egress with Mortgagee as follows:
<br />1. Mortgagor shall pay all taxes and assessments in respect of ur levied upon such real estate brforr the nano
<br />become deliquent and shall pay when due any lien or judgment on such real estate.
<br />`L. Murtgagnr shall procure and maintain fire, windsa,mi and extendrri ruvrrage insurance on cell btnldmgs or
<br />other improvements now on ur hereafter placed upon such real estate in au arnuunt sahsfactury to MOrtKaKer, such
<br />insurance W have a mortgage clause, luea thereunder to hr payable to Mortgagee as its interest may appear.
<br />3. Mortgagor shall nul ccmimit nor pern,u any waste on such real estate, shall keep Bill buildings and
<br />improvements in good repair and shall nut impair ur pca7nit [hr m,painnent of Mortgagee's security in any way
<br />4. Morytagor hereby assigns to Mortgagee all rents in cunorctton with such real estate.
<br />In the event Mortgagor fails w pay such taxes ;end ~,sarssmrnts or Carla Lu procure such msuran~•e or hula W
<br />cause the removal of any lien uu such rein eatetr. Mortgagee may at its option pay auth taxes :md assessments or
<br />procure such insurance or pay an amount mcessary iu suusti such lieu, and all amounts advanavd therefore shall
<br />become a part of the indobtedttess soured beech}, shat! ln• du, :uui p~ryahle,motediateiy :tnd shah Haar intrresL atths
<br />maximum raW ulluwed by the Laws ul the titate of tiebr~.eka at the time of ouch advancement.
<br />In the eventMortgagur dcfmil6s ta) m the puynu•nt when durntxuch principal sum or any mstallntent therf_u1
<br />or any interest thereon, (h! in the rep:tynuau when due ..f rug :ulvaces made as proaidrd herein or xuy interest
<br />!hereon, ur Icl with respect to nay nwenunt ur condition , unUUnrd m this rnurtgagc, Mo,YKagee Wray, at tui uptron
<br />without nutll`e grid ,t any tints during the cuutinuancr,d ouch detatat[, derlsrr theeutire f ndebtrdness st~•urual by this
<br />mortgage to ba itntt diately due and payable with utte~resL :u the ttiaxuuuw rate then uiiuwrd by Frbraska law and
<br />rosy inunexiiately foreclose this mortgage nr pureue any other avauublr legal reu>Ldy- In the event of any acrjon by
<br />Mortgagee 0.t enforce collection of indebtedness sit urtxl hereby, Muitgagu, .ign,t•s that +uiy rx{xutse incurrsd m
<br />wnrtectirrn thorewith including dusts untl reaa<rnable attorney fcws .ii.+Il be~,rtuc,+ hurt of the tndrbtrdoeae saxured b}•
<br />thin mortgage.
<br />In the event of tstiY ~it`fLUlt set forth m the foregoing l;:,rugruph, lla;rtt;usr:.::hu:l is a-nutlet! to ;nwtediate
<br />posli+wsinr. aC audt real c~tatr• and .;A the rents. reveutte acts :nc,nar arri. rd iha~rrtc,~rn ,h,rnk ~ r-h time €,r the
<br />indt,btadtte~s urea t~reb} rexnuins unpacd altztll trrapp(iett ! s tt:.• 4l, r ~,` A .,, , { ... {, ; ualei,t~ !toss
<br />tat'sludittg aawtutto drented to be a part therr.(+i ax set fort![ hc-rc~tt:r;t:,,.r- --
<br />