<br />53-A-REAL EST~~A!!TE MORTGAGE-With Tax Clauu (Reviud 59821 T.m Aulmxv Gems! Seppty Hovae, Livonia, Nobc ~ ~.
<br />-~r~T~~ '~ ~~
<br />~l{SPOW ALL MEN BY TLiESE PRESENTS: THAT Leonard L, Boltz and Lorraine K, Boltz, husband '~
<br />and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, each in their own rights and as i ?
<br />spouse of the other (Mortgagor )
<br />of Hall County, and State o£ Nebraska , in arnsideralion of the coin o[ '. -
<br />Thirteen Hundred and no/100 ------------------------------------------------AgLLARB ~ !'
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Cottmtereial National Bank & Trust Co.
<br />(Mortgagee ) -,
<br />of Hall County, and Stale of Nebraska tier folirnvinq descriMd promisee
<br />situated in Hall Counts.:,r:<i stat<= of Nebraska ;u-wit: Part of the North= ti
<br />east quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE~NE(S) and part of the Southeast Quarter of the -
<br />Northeast Quarter (SE}NEtt) and part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (Sf0}
<br />NEB[) of Sermon Thirty-One (31) in Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of thti
<br />Sixty P. N.. and more Particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast cornt#r
<br />of said NEJiNE~; thence running Northerly along the East line of said NEJSNE~ a distance off
<br />618.6 feet; thence deflecting left 73°28' and running Northwesterly a distance of 1,384.p
<br />feet to a point on the West line of said NEttNEft: thence deflecting left .113°24' and runni;xtg
<br />Southeasterly a distance of 200.46 feet! thence deflecting right 6053' and running South~r2'gr
<br />a distance of 351.6 feet; thence deflecting right 64053' and rtmning Southwesterly a dis#atvc
<br />of 26.5 feet to a point on the West line of said NE§NEta; thence rtmning along the Weat ling
<br />of said NE~NE~ a distance of 446,57 feet to the S-outhwest corner of said NE~NE~; thencesWe$
<br />along the north line of said SWIaNE~ a distance of 156.75 feet! thence deflecting Left 13304
<br />and running Southeast a distance of 340.6 feet; thence deflecting Left 20046' and running
<br />Southeast a distance of 238.67 feet; thence deflecting left 25044' and running Easterly f20;.
<br />feet; thence deflecting Left 2S°49' and running Northeasterly 678,25 feet; thence deflec~.ing
<br />Right 26029' and running Easterly a distance of 318.15 feet to a point on the East line f..
<br />said SEhNE4; thence running North on the East line of said SE4NEtx a distance of 15.0 fee to
<br />the poir}t p1: beginning i
<br />The intentmn being to convey fierehy sn absolute title in Fee simple includinG n1I the aghia of homestead and dowe^ ! '
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premtsrs atxrvr drsccibed. with oil the uPpurtrnflnn~s ,hereunto helonging unto the
<br />said mortgagee and to its heirs an<I assigns, fierevr r, pnn-ided ,dwavs. and [hear prenrnf_.~ are u;wn the e>rpreee !,
<br />condition that if the aforesaid mortgascr their heirs, errcutors, .edmim~ttytt~rs or ;ensigns shall pay or cauu to be
<br />paid to the said wort, sgee its hern..arrun,r:, adrniniatrators ..r avtgns, the sum t,f ~ ~ Thirteen Hundred
<br />and no/100 -----------------------------------------------------
<br />ZTCdlars, payable aarh?Nereex4mtilak ~ -
<br />~%Sflk9[xxxxxxxxxxxf~7Mcx&xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6@x
<br />wiih uurrrxt thrrav,n ~ 7PFxxIlAt i,aaniae SciYxisiitiBtj[ ail +, r,redtng to Lhe tenor and e$eet of j
<br />a certain prc_wtexaory noteXtU4Ytlt or notes of said Leonard L. Boltz and Lorraine K. Bolt2 dated 4/2ff/8A
<br />it a.a Gnrin note nr nnts+G mqy ha from time to rims mcrdifieA, renewers nr axtendPA in writinyr.
<br />JtOWKI{>dYt~exmrd ~i,.dt ; , ,a:. .. s,n;rat-s irvrrri ;:p„ , maul rrni Cavite, and elf other [nxuw, .
<br />levies and aexeeeunenla levied u{wn slits uu,rtg age ~ r~the n„to whtrh ashes ,.., „ rs kn•en to secure, before the carne bc~cumea
<br />delknyuent, and keep the buitdmgs +m r..,n1 tn<-m+.o. maur•rl L,r the .+um ,,I rY ~''1, 300, 00 lnaa, i( any, payabin to '
<br />the autd mortgagee, then !lies prr„rnts to hr ~oeJ, ~,ti,rrw rsr ^r ix• and :, ,saw m full rune,
<br />IT 1S FURTHER ALAI:-f:U tl! ~Chnt d the ,a,y mortgagor shall t:,d t„ ,.ay such tax.~a ~,r pnxvre such iav. urarrc.'e, [he i
<br />said mortgagee may pay such tasa•n and pn+cu rr +u. fr insures rr, rncl ihr ~< udvancetth with interest at 16.0 per cent
<br />shall be paid by said murtgxyor, end slits ^uvtgage .hall =smut ati _.,v~ucit. Gne the .;sine. (8) 'Chat a failw~e to pay any of sold i
<br />money. either Principal or in[rrrat when the wine hrly nnea doer, c,r a !arhur to comply with turY of the foregoing gr(reementa, ,,
<br />shall cause the whole sum of money hrtrui sa•curad to I,etwnr duo sad r.dt«~nblr a[ otecr at the oplurn of the mortgages. •
<br />9iened this 28 day of April ut HC)
<br />In prrnrn,•a• of ~%.t't*yc+auF -~C1-~ '*~ .
<br />Lt~oniiprd L, Baltz /` _ /// }
<br />Lorraine x, Boltz
<br />R'fA1'F.' OF Nebraska t,, a,t. ktall
<br />Briure me, a notary public yuehbed t~,r .md :..am>, pc rauuaily curn..• Leonard L, Boltz and Lorraine K, •
<br />Boltz ~~~rr
<br />known W mr W tr the tdra4vpl I*~NN~^"r^ siqu v7 !fin Coruguing inxtrumcat and ncknuwleelgrrl the execution
<br />thereof to h his, her ur the
<br />Wrmees my hand and Ort~•4~IYMlff.l~i.. •:~"~~.~.~` °~~~ ty. 3 .
<br />lily ctsmmi'aitm tupirea: .. (?.. ,?.F tt>Y~' ,arf+s•: r.. _.. e'.~5~:.£r. Notary Public.
<br />In the event the title to said real. 4tstate is transferred, or contracted t.o bu tran~atexra3
<br />fram ttte undersaici far any reason ox by ary tneihoci whatsoever, the entire pxinciEai stun
<br />and at:erued interest shall at on+`e bei ~,me du!= anri nayat•; ., tt rha• elect i.~rl of rtes by l•3er
<br />h6LeClf. E'a11t1Ye t0 Cxe'rC15C t.};j=, r-,I;t1V:1 tJQ.C.lU:iQ .. ti. ,f l::itBT ,!t it to d> tlCUY<: i~tllLe.7 in
<br />Una ~L ll„51,61'1.:,:: .stir l t nc)t <-Rllrit l1 efts' •1 wa: Vl'r r.f t ht? "' iyht 1 t~ „H.`1 .:151' [!lt' _:.it[4l! i f, f lta! r :a'1:t
<br />of an, r>utatie=~ut•n±. t.r.a:,~.ter~'
<br />