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<br /> � 10.Condemnatlon. The procseds at any awa w cialm for dsmapas,direct ar ccx�sequentla),in connect{an wtih =-
<br /> ` aEiy condemnatbn or other taklnfl of a�y part of the Property,or for conveya�ke In Ilau ot condemnatiaa�,ara heraby =-
<br /> , asslqned and shail be paid to Londer. i
<br /> ' U the event M a total4akiny of the Property,tho proceeds shall ba applied to the sums secured by thls SecuNty �
<br /> � � Instrumant,wheihar or not then due,with any excess pald to Borrowar.U the event of a pa!tlal taking of the PropeRy in �`
<br /> ' which the falr market vNue of the i'roperty Immed�ately befae the takiny Is equal to ar�reate�than the amiwnt o!the �
<br /> - ' sums sxured t�ythis Sacur�y Insirumein Immed�ateiy befaa the tak ,ur�3ass Borrawar and t.sttider atltet+xise a�rae tn
<br /> ; wrlting,tha sums secured by this Security Iruirumerst sl�a!!t�e reciuced�y the amount nf the proceeds multlplled by the E
<br /> " fdiowinp tractbn: (a2 the tntal amount of the sums secwed Immedlaiely before th�s taking,divfdod by(b)the f�ir market f
<br /> ` value of the Property immediateiy betore the taking.Any batance shall be pald to Borrower.In the event of a panlaf
<br /> � ; takir►g ot the Property In wh�h the falr maricet valua ot tha PrapEUty Immedlataly betoro the t�king is lass than the E
<br /> amoant d the sums secured tmmedlateiy before the taking,unless Bonawar arui Lendor otherwise agree(n w�itirW ar _
<br /> I untess appl�abta law othervvise pravides,the proceeda sha11 be appllad to the sums secured by thla Secwlty :
<br /> � Instnunent wheiher or nat the sums are then dua. �
<br /> � I�tha P�opa�ty i�aban�ar��by Bc7o::�:,or M,nft�netice by 1_entler to Borrower that the cor�dmm�or offers to -
<br /> . � make an award or sottle a clalm for damages,Bottower tails to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days after the dato the _
<br /> natice Is given,le�der Is authorizad to collact and appty the proceeds,at its option,either to restoraUa�or repa(r of the
<br /> • Property o�to the sums secured by thls Security Instrument,whether cu not then due.
<br /> 4nlrass Lendor and Borrowar otherwise agree in writfng,any apptisatbn of prxeeds to princlpal shail not extend or �
<br /> _ � posipann the dua d�te of tha monthly payrnents referred to In parayraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such �•
<br /> PaY��
<br /> ' � t 1.Barow�ae Nat Relea�ed;Forbo�ran�e gy L.ond�r No4�Waivsr. Extenston of the�lme for payment or -
<br /> modiHcatbn of amartization of tha sums sanu�ed by this Securiry Instrument g�nteti 4�y Lender to any successar in
<br /> ' j Int�3 ot Borrower shall not�operate t��ease the ilabllfty ot the origbial Borrowt�r flr 8orrowar's successots in =
<br />;�� Inter�st. Lender shatl not be re�uired ta cummence proceedinys a�atnsi any successor In interest or refuse to exterxl -
<br /> � � ttme tor payment or othervulse madify amr�tization ot the sums secared by this Security Instrument by reas�n of any =
<br />�! demand made by the original Borcower or BoROwer's successors tn tnteresi.Any fo►bearance by Lendet in e�:erclslnfl
<br />=.x anY ri9ht ot rernedy shal!not be a waivet of or preclude the exwclse of any rlght or remedy.
<br /> T � 12.gu�c�s�ars�nd Ass{�ns Bound;Jolnt�nd Se�c�nl LlaWlity;Co-�ne�s. The covenants ar�a�reements ot
<br />_- this Security Instrument shaU 3�Irk�and benefit the succes�rs and asslgns d Lender and Borrower,subje�t ta the
<br />.� provlsions ofparagraph t 7.Bonower's cover►ants and agreemenis sha11 be JotM and severaJ.Any Sorrower who
<br /> ;� co-signs this Security Instnunent but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-sign(ng this Security InstrumeM o�ly to
<br /> �� mortgags,grant and corney that BorrouE�'s interesi In the PropeRy under tt►a terms of thls Sesu�iry Insirumant; (b)Is
<br /> a not personaliy obUgatad to pay tha sums se�ured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other
<br /> .� Borrc�wer may agcee to axteruf,modNy,forhear or make ar�y accoRUnodations withh re�d to the tertns d thls Security
<br /> .� � Ins,irument or the f�ata widi�i that Bo�tower's conseM.
<br /> �� 19.Loan Cha.�a. B tha loa�secured by thls Security instrument is Subject to a taw whf�h sets maxlmum{o8n
<br />�� charges.and that!aw Is finaUy Interpreted so that the tr�te�est or other loan charges cdlected orto be cdleciad tn
<br />,� coruiection withh tt►a toan exceed the pennitted limits,then: (�any such loan charge shall be reduced by tha amount
<br /> necessary to reduce the charpe to the permiited Ilmit;and (b)anY sums alreadY cdleCted from Barrower wi��
<br />.' exc�ded perm�ted I1mlts wi!!-he nefurxied ta Borrowe►.l.ender may ehoose to maice mts�etun�iry reciucing ma ..
<br />,� . princlpal owed under the Nae or by maktng a direct payment to Borrawer. H a ref�d reduces prlr�cipat,the reducUon
<br /> wW be veated as a paRial P�PeY�����Y Pr�Y��charqe urxler tha Nate.
<br />'� 14.Notic�s. M:�►y i�ctl�to Bortowerprovided for in thls Security+Instrument shall be given!ay detivering k or by
<br />:�� c��tr�+�by f�t c�ss maY uNess applicab191aw reguires use d another method.The natice sha11 he directed to the
<br /> .=-� Pr+operty Address or any other address Borrawer desl�nates by notice to Lsnder.Any notice to I.�ender shaii be�iven
<br />=_' by�rst dass maY to Lender's�tidress stated herein w any other address l.,ender d naiss by nc�tks to Bort�er.My
<br />--�.1 nodcmi{xos►ided for in this Seciu9ry Ins4rurt�ent st�aU be deemed 4o have been Qiven to er or Lender wtxart�iven
<br />��' as ptovided In this P���P�
<br />-�. t5.Gowmin�Law;S�verabiUty. 7hls SecurRy Instnime�t shaA flaa govemed by federel law and the law of the
<br />�� ucr,s�iction In whlch the Property ts located.In the eveM that any pto�rlsbn or dause of thls Security Irtstrumertit or the
<br /> �ote cor�dkkxs w�h appik�ble 1aw.such conflict shall not affect ather praivisions of thls Security Instntment orthe Note
<br /> �' which can be given etfect w��t the c�nfli�tin�prov(slon.To this end the provisio�ns of this Securityy Instnur�nt and the
<br /> Note are dedared to be se+rerab�e.
<br />;� 1�. Borro�wee'�Copy. �ower shalf be�iven o�e cor�ormecil�capy d the Norte and of t�ls Secu�ity Instrurr�ni.
<br /> 17. T�ansf�r o!tha Pr�erty ar�B�naflcial Intu�t in Barorr�r. If aU or�.-ry part of the Prope�4y or any
<br /> �.�� tnteresi tn Et Is said or tran�.°err�d{or if a ber�eflctal IMerest in Borrower is Soid or t�a�sferred and Borrower Is not a
<br /> natural personl w�thout I..er�er�s p�ior written consent.Lender may.at ks optbn,ne4uire fmmediaie paymant in fuU ef a!I
<br />� .� sums sec�ued�thls Securiry 1nsUument. However.thts opdon si�ali n�be exerc;seci by Lender�exerclse!s
<br />:�� prohibited bg fe�a1 law as of the date of this Security InstrumeM_
<br />:r'�� �
<br /> IiEBRASKA-SINGI.E FAY:i.l''-FOi�i�/FHLMC UNIPORM(NSTR�IiAENT : � .�.r}.ti FOiiii 302a 0/00
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