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SO- ~~952 REAL ESTATE McNlTGAGE - NEBRASKA <br />KNOW ALL MEN $Y THESE PRESENTS: That Eet L. D[artn Indrl:t'ma3: <br />hereinafter caged mortgagor(s), in cottsideratiat of the aum of 2 • Dotlan in itaad` ~+ritl , <br />does hereby GRANT. BARGAIN, SELL. and CONVEY to HOLISEROLD tYNANCE CORYORATTON,'heteitta#ter gQed <br />mortgagee. the following described real property located in ~~~ Cnunty; Statr of P3ebrasita.-tawit: <br />Lot Auaebar aevea (7), in Sloaic Ntzsber F`t~rty-2'sso (~,2} <br />in !ltxssal ttfEseelerr s ~dditioo to tie City <~ 4rand <br />Island, Hebrsaka. <br />It is mortgagor's intention to convey title in fee simple including all rights of homestead and dower. <br />PROVIDED, however. that this mortgage is madr on the express condition that, if the mortga or(s) pays in fug tht <br />promissory note payable to the mortgagee dated ~ 2 ____ 19 8© .For 5? Z • ~© __.__, payable <br />in installments according to the terms thereof, together wit}: interest thereon as provided in the note at the agreed rate of <br />Marge of _'~ per month on that part of the unpaid balance of the amount financed un any iuan not in excess oi5t.000; <br />t-1/2Y per month un that part of the unpaid balance ui i}te amount Cmancrd exceedutg S 1 A00 but not exeezdurg 55,000: <br />and 1-I!A96 per month un any remainder of the unpaid balance of the amount financed: and iC mortgagor(s~ nays all taxis <br />and assessments levied on said property and maintains adeuuate fire insurance un said real pn±perty, then this mortgage shalt <br />be void. <br />This mortgage may nut he assumed without the written consent of the mortgagee. <br />IC the mortgagor faits to pay any sum of ntuney. either principal or mlrrest, when disc, .n fails to comply with any of <br />the above agreements, the mortgagee has the option to declarr the whole of said indebrednes~ due and payable at uncz and to <br />maintain any action at law or equity ro recuvrr [he same. <br />In Witness Whereof, nurrtgagor(s) executed this mortgage this.. __ Zpd__ day of Mtay. - , A.D. l9 ~0, _ , <br />y/7. ~ <br />In the presents uf' .. ....:-~. /~ut~t ..~G~Z..1.. _ ................. <br />,,..,,,,1lOUE$IOLD RINANC& CO)tPORATION <br />_t <br />... _ <br />~~ ~ 1= :.,.. _ <br />__ <br />>3. L. Bore, Manager <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />l7n this -.-__~_. ---.- --_ day ut _...~AJ__ .. _ ____.__ _ ._ ..._. , A.ll. I~r~+©._._, bztutz nm, the <br />undersignrd _=ayer>:~?-,j.. _irkwer .._ ._ _ _._ a ~'utar} 1'ubh~. <br />duly cumtrossioned and qualilied fur and restthnc in card ..uun ty, peramally :umc __ i®t~ ZL~ ~9t ~ qa__ - <br />--._.---._..___Ind3vtdual__.__ . <br />-. <br />to me known to be the idruucal person .. whusr n:unr _._,__ trs) (are} aft7xed to the hneguurg instrument as ntorlgagurs <br />and ackuuwlydgrd the saute to be ~-_~_--.._.____-. -.-!__.-,-_-- ,- eulwuai t aet nr deed. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal iqe day and }car last ainave wntwn. ~`~`~~~ ttatysi a.r'.-,~r r++~~:~~ <br />~'-.~'~c~~t'lf./~. y.~"-.~;.~ir~..~.'~Nu:a~t !wall, ~t -, n;n t,,n c.~pu ~~'~ at, . •"':~'~-7 <br />rJ/ / <br />t.. <br />Fo„r :z rvu to rva <br />