<br />$o- cr~i~o
<br />. -, e-,:n- - -
<br />That the Mortgagor wilt par the- irtdebtednesa ss hereinbefore-.praeidatl;. - .- .
<br />That the Mortgagor ie the -dwner of said property in fee simple a~ has good right and lawful authority to silt amt -
<br />mnvey the same and that Ehe aanya phi free and clear yf airq' lien or eneumbranee; amt t-sat--Mortgagor will warrant artd'detend the _
<br />title to said Premises agatrist the NEtipts ref a8-_ periions. whomatieeer--: ~ - - -
<br />Tn pay immediately when'rtue altd Payable all geperaftattes;-sptrSal taxes, special-assessments, water c?t3rgres; sewer'sEW-
<br />ice charges, arzd other [axes and charges against sajd property- and ail taxes levied on the debt secured hereby. and to furnish the--
<br />Mortgagee, upon ~ request, wfCh -the -original or duplicate nxeipts therefor. The Morigagnt agrees than ;there steal! br: added {ln
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder ur under the evidence of debt-secured hereby an amount estimatesl~lry the Mortgagee
<br />to be su6rcieRt' to Bnabk ffia Itiledtgagee-to pay, as they become clue, aft taxes, essessmeats. and similar charges upon ttra~'prtRtf•
<br />iaessuhject thereto, any dtd'iciene}• heratise of the iacutRciencv nC such additional payments shall he fortliw{th deposited hy-ttPo
<br />Aortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand 6y the Mortgagee. Any defaokt undrr this paragraph shalt Fro deerrred a' defaul! in- -
<br />payment of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereurulrr. -
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall aico Frr adrhd to each monthly payment =d principal amt ;nterwt required base _ -
<br />undrr an antount estimated by the Mortgagee iu h•. ,u(ficirnt to enable the !vLirigagce to pay. as it becr:rmrs due, the insurance - -
<br />premium un any insurance prlicy delivered [o rhr Mortgagee. Any deficiency Fvcause of the rnsulfieieneq of such additional pay
<br />menf_q shat{ be forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee- Any defauIt'undet this
<br />paragraph shall be deemed a riefnult in .he Payment of insurance prrnriams If the {rrdicp or policies deposited are' such-art trurae•~
<br />owners oc all rink {wlicies, and the deposits are Lnsulficrent to pay the entree premium, rhr Mnrtgagee may apply the deposit to -
<br />psy n miums on risks required to tee insu rr•d by this mortgage.
<br />Payments made by rhr Mortgagor undrr the shove paragraphs may at t1m .grtion of the Mortgagee, }re Prater by it amt -
<br />cnrnminKied with other =urh funds nr its own funds G,r the• paymrrt of urh irrm<, ara3 until ~ xpplifvt, such payments ere hereby
<br />pledged as security for the unpard balanro of the mnrtgagr indrbtednes.
<br />Tn prex ore, deliver nr. and rnarntain for the t»•rr.•fit .i rhr• if*,rtKa¢rr riurrnr; the i:fr of chi, mortgage .rriginal ;miicies and
<br />renewals thereof, delivrrrvl at bast ten days tx•forv the rxt .carom ..t a _ .uch ts,licre,. , mnng ngamst lire and other insurable
<br />harards, casualties, and rontingencies as the Mortgagw• map require, r•n an amount equal 4r the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mon.gage, and in arm panics acerptahie to the 19urtgagrr-, writ I•,,, payable rlau,e m favor ~.( and m form acceptable to the -Mortga-
<br />gee. In the event env Ixdiry rs poi n woe{ a rrt Ix,•Yur= ten •la~=..d ;tom rcp: ran,m- !hrv 17.,rtgagrr mar procure insurance on the
<br />improvements, Pay the prrminm tbe•rek r, and srch ~hak: h.v--. redu+o•is „r, and payable with interest at the rate set
<br />forth in said note until peril and .hall #x >.•cu red by tt hen ,~ „rtgaKr Fauuro +m rhr part „( the Mortgagor ro fitrniah such renewals
<br />as are herein required or (allure to pay a -u adranc+,i lr.-r.~undrr -;all at rhr optwrn ~C the McrtgaKrr. r-mstitatr a rfe[ault
<br />under the terms of this mortgage-'Chr deuverp~rt ,uch puhrn•, -.hall" ., f:hr ,,.~nt .:f =lrfault..,.nstitute an asvgnment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any .rums r c nrd h~- ;hr Mr~rtgaKre 6v a„ n ..I h.<. .,r :!amagr :nwmd against rosy hr nrtaurrd by the• \lurtgagee
<br />and appherd toward the pa, •nt ..f the debt hrrrby ,.a u•d, - ~t r6r .:ptrun of rhr .Atorrgagee, ,uch _ ,-;thee whaily m
<br />part mss be paid over to the ~.'viartgunr,r u.<.. o rc~pa;r .uch hwL:6rgs ..r .r 6udd'nrw hu d,hn •.= i m .r 4z
<br />., r. nrtlrrrr piece , r Arty
<br />.ether Purpusr or >hje,•rri vrhsf t.ry .-. # -4 -ergs « .. rt t-:,:ut -{rtt-trr:g v ..n tt.+- r. ,~rtaat.., f. r tar Grd a .ou nt se urrrd •rrm
<br />by irefore such payment r.. r hn,k place
<br />'1'•, ;xumptly c•parr. :rstom .r reboil:t xny i •.dd::.~. ,.. u,rntn :. .,. r. .=,,, r .•a n
<br />ranm aanwged , r +- tmve.i __ k.ep <nii k- _., - .r3 r.,r i t ra, t::err - t and - ' tr ,rr: :. .,«. ham. ,.rn r.r t - ~
<br />- <th --n ,r
<br />c-la;rn of ha n sot , zi.rr sty =u h: rtinsiui .r. .. .. , err.a. ,.d ;. .a,T. , ,reel wFn n e ,1 ,. ..n. .w+xure t rxn,t <
<br />acid property our to peermn waste :,n soul prrnri.,r•.. our t„ do Auy :,tkn•r act w6errbr trhr~ pn arty h+•rrdw au vrd slurp l><•cYrnre
<br />less valunhir, our rr. Lnumsrr - rn{wtr rt lu i ; s +r t .r ...v,.-.,, u . , .- t. :, , mr Vr . rth :di yurrrmr t- C Iaw .urh n•.prcl
<br />to the mortgugr<{ trr~mrscs an i ter use #hcr-eu.
<br />7•hat .huuld tier pr ..r e „ pan tl.,~, «~rd 1,~ :,+6rn , r ..unragr,i t.. ,,, ..,r, ..( ,,. uhh, „ ,...,.: ou u
<br />r-, nrut ~ ,ah~
<br />pn+:uedmg, ur under lhz' ng~btr rut rmu,rnt dumau+. rnq a.ther r moor r. rhr ]L,rrp„qr.- -6ai! hr .uuti.~.i ro ..uWarr,atnu,a.
<br />awards, and -any other Vey mane ..r rrhr4 rh.-nd.~r. and .hall t+e entitled. :u its .qd nm hr e.,mmrnce. aptwar in noel' pnareavrtr in its
<br />own name uny achmr or pr red rag, .:r h+ make , uy .wupr u,. ~rul.•u,.-w i ...u r~on,.r, ph „r,:b ;u6,ug , , .k»v,;rx•• VI .urh
<br />cwnlreasation, awanls, damaKax, nght of action amt prcw~e•.ala,nre hr reby assigned ro the 'SlurtgeKrr, who may. after drductrng
<br />therefrom all {V errpanaes. release any m+meya ao reretvtvl by rt ur apply the wmc un anY indrbtrdntws sev:urrd IrrrebY. ~1'hz• Mnr[-
<br />6ttgot agte:r+r to exety to such further aeprignnrents of a _ comperz_,uoun, awards, daarugea, anal nK6t, of actrun and prcw~r.~tlx a. rhr
<br />Mortgagere may regirlre. ; d6
<br />That w rase u1 fadun' W {+rr{onn any ..I' the +.•.. e nor. hr rr~i n. the lUrrtgrrgrr may •L, :ar the Skrrtga{tor s #whalf ru n~thiug
<br />ao cvvenantrd; that the Mnrtgagre may aixr do my act rt ernay deem nr:rsvuy in pn ar•.~l !hr• lase thurrof that ihr~ ALrrtgagor will
<br />repay uptm damarul any mnneya !raid nr drsburard by the MorlKagcr for any of rhr above- purp,.srs, .uul .urh moneys logrlbrr with
<br />interest [heaven nt the rate Pnwtdrd in raid note shall trrcnmr . couch :uldthmwl uxlrbt.alneas hereby .. cured »nd may Fr in- j" ~'
<br />eluded in any dtrrrr GxerhrernK rhr. nr.~rtgagr and ta- pnrd out :,f the mots nr tv<M~rrds of sx6• :.f .raid prrauara ii nut ulhorw ire
<br />paid; that it shall not {x• oWrgatury upon the Mangugrr u. n»{u: n• uuu the ,aliddy of a ... n. cumbranrr•, ,lane ;n ad
<br />vatteiag mauaya as above auUwri:ad, but nrrthrttg herein ronta+ntct shall be curtatrueal u. requrrutg the Mortgagor lu advance any
<br />nwpaya for any sw:h pu[ptrna nor to do any act Mereumiar, sad that Mortgagaw• shall nut incur any {krw+wl halahty lrrcauu• ui any-
<br />thing it maY rb or tuuit W do Irareundar.
<br />In the event of Ihr default Ly Murtaagur rn th.• pay meat of xny ieata{hncut, a n•yuirr:! k;} rhr \olr ..•rru red hen•hy, or
<br />m Unr pertnrmrnee of the ubhgatinn in this mortgage .•r rn the note xru red thereby_ thr~"fnrtgugvr shat{ be rnbtlyd br dw lam rhr
<br />dt•J:t secured herrbY due and Payable wtthuul rwUCr, and rhr Alurtgugrv :.hall br eutnled +u nx ,q,tunr. rtlhuut n,drrr. caber try riselt
<br />or by a tecriver fn M- appcrintrrl 6y !Me coo rt thrmuf, ana without regard to the adrx{uacy ,:f any ,++ rrtc fur rhr mdrbtrdnas .w
<br />cared hereby, to enter upon ar+d take Pussexs+on r,f thc• nrurtgaged prxmtsea, and W collect and r« r !hr rents. iss n> and profits
<br />thereof, and apply the same, Icca nrxta of operalicm amt cotta Lion, opm rhr indehtrdnwzs srru eerie by this mortgage: said rents,
<br />iteuea asd pro64 thing hrrrby asatgnrri w rhr Aturtgagrr as further xic •trrrty fw rhr payment .~f xfl u~sh~ht.v6r, •s s.~ urr•,t h.-rr6r
<br />-1'ttr Mortgagrc• shall Nava [lug Ixrwrr to atrpwnt any agent , r ngrnL. rt may dr,im fur Ihr pucknxr .~I rrpar ring ,.ud prr•m~
<br />+aes, rentrng the same, tutltxting ttw rents, revrnuaw amf a con+r, and d may pa} out u{ ,xrt a come all egrrnsrn rncurn'CI m r.-nt
<br />irtg and mar aging the wmc scut of cullscting rhr rentals Ux•nd corn. `Ptu• balance r. mainmK. rf xuy. shall h:• ;yrptird Inward ltwr
<br />discharge of the mnrtaagr +ntf¢bterlaass. T'hrn xrwtgnmrnt rs to rrrtninatr and frerume null and cord uPtm mlra,ge- r,f tbn mortgage
<br />tT~
<br />