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<br />{ ~~ <br />80-- ~~.9~ Mt3~TGACE <br />THI3- ItVbF.N'f[JIIE, made thb 30th day ~_A-ri"1 is-_$Ib Jry else 6aea~aaa _ ~ <br />Stanley P. Moreno and' Millie G. Moreno, husband and- wife each in his: arxi he>1• fit ' <br />right and as spouse of the athera ~` <br />of Nall .Ctxinty, Nehnrdea, as mortgagorS_, and Grand ialaod Treat-Company ai tkraad.Iatagd; s't~~ <br />organaed and existing under tbe laws of Nebraaita with ire principal office and plus of btreinasa et Grand-IaWd.. Nahrart~ n,m6rlfga~tic <br />W ITNESSETH: Thst said-mortgagvr_ , far sod in conaderaUm of.tbe attm of -~ ~-"' ""'-"°""""'`'°'^ <br />Ten Thousand Fifteen dollars and 00/100 - - - - _ ~ _t <br />the receipt of which is hereby act®t,+rledgad, do - by thane prceente ,nvrtgage and wareaiztrmnn Gs ~ - -- ~. <br />forever, aU the following deaeribed real estate, situated in the Cotmty of __ Fld 11 <br />>~. end State of Nebraska. to•wit: <br />Lot Seven (7} in Block Four (4) in Gladstone Place, <br />an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County,Nehraska <br />;~ <br />k <br />f <br />:. <br />f <br />Together with alt heating, air conditioning, lighi.:vg, and plumbing equipment and fiaturea, including screens, awnfhge, storm windows aad <br />- doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with slid property, whether the same are now {orated oa said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />7'O HAV;'s AND TO HOLD THE SAME, wgetber with ail and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtennncea thereunto be- <br />longing, yr in anywise eyperteinutK, torever, eral warrant the tf4te w the flame. Said morgagor S_ hereby rvvettpm with .aid >? <br />mortgagee that they. dre - , at the delivery hereof. the lawful owner. ~._ u( the premisna above conveyed and deecnbed, <br />aad ____are aeizad of a Kood and indefeseihle e&ate of inheritance [herein, free and clear of nll encunr6rancea, sad that _~,he.~L will }i <br />waresn4 and defend the title [horses forever against the claims and demands of tdI persons whomsoever. E3 <br />I'ROVIllED ALWAYS, and this instrument is e:ecuced and delivered w secure the payment of the sum of _ _ ___.__ _..- S# <br />Ten_Thousand Fifteen Jolla-rs__and 00/100.,***********~****f>ouarata_.1Q,41`~.510__. ,. ~~ <br />with intertwt thnrron, wgethar with such charges and advances as may be due and {wyable w said mortgagee under the terms and conditions C <br />of tbe prontisaory [rota of even date hwnwith and second hereby, executed by sad mortgagor _5___ . ut said mortgagee, payable as expreasnJ # <br />in said rote, and w eaters the performance of nll [he terms aad wnditions contained therein. The terms of said note arc hereby incorporated <br />betein by this referettca. <br />I[ is the inwn4ion and agreement of the partme tterw.o that chin mortgage shall also secure any fu4ure advances made to and mortgagor.. i <br />by said mortgagee. ernf any and eU itdebtrdnees in addition to the amount nbuvn stated wlticl. said mortgegorn, or any n( them, may owe to <br />said murtKagne, however evidantad, whn4hnr by note, 6ouk uccvunt ur otherw ion. 'this nainKage shall rcmuin in lull fon~e and rifer[ between Sj} <br />the parties hnrew and than hairo, gtraoaal rapreseutetivna, succmteoro and nasiKna, until al! amounts sw•.urwf hereunder, including fewer 3~ <br />adveneen, ern paid in fi:L' with intareat. J <br />The mtutKeKur 5. faroby aestgn to acid trortgaKne all roots and inutme ariairyf at any aad all [[rata from sold property and 1 <br />hereby auiborus nail rrortgagee w its aKant, et its uyGOn, upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rents and incwnr S~ <br />therefrom oral apply [fie same w tbe payment of intenet, Priuipal, ianuranen promrume, texas, aeaesamenta, ropaira or impnrvemen[n i} <br />n9eeaaBly w keny acid property to terrarrtab4 aorditwn. ar w other tdnrgaa or paymnntn provided for herein to in the testa Iwreby twcurwl. 'Thin `j <br />rant aaeignmertt ahal! txmtinun m lorre until tlw unpaid balance of and note ie fully paid. The taking of poatesaion hereunder xhaA in no manner {j <br />$~ pnreaE tx retard add trtotyfadaa fA the vdlectine of said aunt 6y ttrtrclaawe or otherwise. ;~ <br />_$ The failure of the mat~agw W aw,tt auY of ua rights ttvtew>der u any 4rmn dull test he construed as a wolves of ttn right to serer[ the lr <br />some nt any later limn. and w irruat upon aad enftutti• atxin r.anpiianty with nll the crrm+ uud pn.vvyutna td said rate and of [file mortKaKn. ii <br />11 said mortgagor S ahtall uttae w 6e pod w aad mortgagee the enure amount due a hsrtvindar. std under the trams and pray tram, <br />of said note hereby aewred, inchdigg [ut[trc advaaws, and anY astegewoa or ranewak thereat in atx•ordance with the terms and proviawnn <br />thereof, erd g acid murtQagw S ahaY vamy(y with all the provmiom of sod testa and nt this rrortgaKa, [hen ehnaa presanls shalt !.n vwd: t <br />otheraiw w remain in foil force aad atfeM, end aad rnvrtgeKee altell !r: aatitkd w t he poaseasan of aU o! said property, and may, el its opt um, ~F <br />declare EM whole of aad tats and all mdabtedowa rapreaeated thereby w bn tnunafutnly due and payable, and may foretkwe thin trartgaKr <br />or [aka soy otltar Iagal action w protect its right. Apprrieeosnat waived. <br />This mortgage shall he triattiog upon and ehal! enure w the bunofx of the heirs, rucuwrs, adminiatrewrs. xun'eawrs and ensigns of the <br />rcapata.iva parties hsrntu. <br />IN W17'NEsi6' WHEHBOt'. said Moregrtgu5. It14?. hereunto sat the7r . hare!. ~. the clay atal .~rar feat alr.ty <br />written. <br />_ ~ , <br />~ ;. <br />~etf@_,,, <br />- ~ ~ -~`p <br />Millie f. Morena <br />