<br />2.1-wAARAN;`:' OEE~ Feltonb YrilF Cwepar, L7.~aty.Wt:
<br />$U-j~~ WARRANTY DEED
<br />Fred Mehrittg and Aelea M. Mehring, Auabadd aml Wife, and Robert W.
<br />Giesenhagen and Aelen L. Giesanhagan, Husband ate Wife, each itt his and
<br />her awn right and as teasnts is ca®oa
<br />herein caned the graniar wbether nee ear- Mott,.
<br />in consideration of Thirty Nine Thousand a~ no/100 DOLLARS
<br />received from grantee, dose grant, bargain, s, ll. convey nail confirm unto
<br />Donald D. Mehring and Fred Mehring
<br />As Tenants in Coo~son, each oxning SOX interest in the described. property
<br />herein caile~l ibe 1-rantoe whrth.-r one or more, the following described real property in -
<br />..................~81,~....................................... County. Nebraska:
<br />The Swtherly 11D Feet of Lot Pifteen (15) in County Subdivision of the West
<br />Half of the Southwest Quarter (W'1~SW'~J of Section 1S, Township 11 Nozth, Rigs
<br />9 West of the 6th P.M. and that part of Lot Fourteen (14) of the County S'ttb-
<br />division of the Waat Ralf of the Southwest Quarter'(W1~SW~) of Section 15,
<br />Toxnahip 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., which lies West of Pine
<br />Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and North of the belt ling
<br />across such Lot Fourteen (143 and abuts on the Southerly 110 feat of Lot
<br />1S, of said County Subdivision,
<br />AND
<br />The South 71 Feet of the North 121 Peet of Lot Pifteea (1S) of the County
<br />Snbdiviaion of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1S, Tamshig
<br />11, North, Range 4 Wnst of the 6th P.M., Also that part of Lot Fourteen (14)
<br />of the County Subdivision of the Weat Half of the Southwest fkurter (W4SW1~)
<br />of Section 1S, Township 11 North, Range 9 Went of the 6th P.H., xhich lies
<br />West of Pine Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and abuts on the
<br />South 71 Peet of the North 122 Feet of Lot 15 in said County Subdivision.
<br />r
<br />To have and [o hold the above ~lc.±eribed premises together with al! tenements. hereditaments
<br />and apyurtenances thereto helnr~ging onto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assign forever.
<br />And the grantor does I.ereby coveuaut with the granter. and with granree'w heirs and amigna
<br />that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from encmubranee
<br />Etcept Fiaeeenta and Restrictions of Record.
<br />that grantor has goad right and lawftil authority to oonvey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to snit premises against tltc lawful claims of all persona whomsoever.
<br />hated ktap 1 7980
<br />.. NEB~RAS'.`.ifA Df~EiUMEi+4FARX, ......... .._.....
<br />•g,;,~~.BY... . ~ .
<br />• ,,..STATEMENT ATi.,CH;.L~
<br />-~
<br />~"
<br />~f' ~
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<br />j~a ~ ~ ~'y 1
<br />~r.
<br />N'1`ATk: tik' NkkilielSKA, t'aunty of ...., ... H14~.~ ......... ...._.................:
<br />Before me, x notary public yualifirJ i'or said couut~_ persuually caws
<br />Frail Metering, Helen M. Mahring, Ruaband and Wife, Robert-•W. Giesenhagan and
<br />Helen L. Giesstthagea, Husband and Wife
<br />knai
<br />they
<br />
<br />Sly4.j~i.ly~-t/ig,`~.eaticnl p,r,r~+un ur pv+wtrn u~ho signed the foreguing in5trowen+ and nokuowle-dged
<br />d(q7? iheYrou~.,to ~ hie, her or their voluntary art. and deed.
<br />+1(Ayaoaa~_my ttrnrd Wud uoinrial seal w+ _ ..._........i'.(IFY..1....,,...,.1.,..,,,....._ . _ . ! 2+.. SO
<br />-.,~:. - -, ~r ~'. - .
<br />.G.,~ _~.,.~ :. f~Yt~.~.:. _ ... tinter'}' Public.
<br />lE - '-~~. ...
<br />F - 31y ruuuorssion eap+rrs !t.,~-. .. -:.,5.~ . I rf.~.,.
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