Ldan,: ~g00-15-.
<br />DEED ~~` TR~T~T
<br />TFlIS DEED OF TRUST is [Wade thts lst- .:.....day of ...?i?Y, :... 1`
<br />l4.-$~,amongthaTrustor,....3ripn;F,,Steffens and Jay,Aei~,,$t~f~emg,,a~ztaazzsed Fersons..
<br />............. (tierem Borrower) ..:. :....
<br />.....Edward~M o Bo le ...
<br />..:X .................. ...........:{herein "Trustee'}, and the Beneficiary,
<br />_.. .............. ....... .... ....... ...., a'cotporation organized and..
<br />existin under the laws 4f... Nebraska . , ...., whose address ic......... .
<br />~15 N Broadwell, Grand Island Nebraska
<br />..........................:.............................(herein "Lsndet"j.
<br />BottROwea, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited, and the trust herein created; irt`evocably;granfs',
<br />anil- Hgleys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property 'located' in fhe County o8
<br />::......1 ................................. State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot 11, Bernhard Vosa First Subdivision of-part of Lot 1 Voas Subdivision, located
<br />in Ski of Section 11, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M;,-Hall County, -
<br />Nebraska and part of Lot 1 of Voss Subdivision of the E~SW'~ and W~SW'~ of Section IP;
<br />Township 11 North, Range 4 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County;. Nebraska and described
<br />as Cbmmeneiag at the Southwest Corner of Lot 11 of Bernhard-Voss 1st Subdivision-
<br />as the point of beginning and running thence West on a line parallel with the--Beath
<br />line of Sect-ion 11 for a distance of 67 feet; running thence-North on a-line parallel
<br />with the West lot line of Lot 11, Bernhard Voss 1st Subdivision for a distance of.
<br />66 feet; running thence east on a line parallel with the South section line of
<br />Section 11 for a distance of 67 feet to the northwest corner of Lot Il, Bernhard
<br />Voss 1st Subdivision; running thence South on and upon the West lot line of said
<br />Lot 11, Bernhard Voss is*_ Subdivision for a distance of Sixty Six (b6 ) feet to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />which has the address of... 122 .North. Vass .Road...... Grand Island
<br />(5t,E2S1 .~=~iri
<br />Nebras~Ca, ,r;8~0~....(herein"Prapenyaddress"1;
<br />(state and zw cedal
<br />Tocr~nl Elt with all the nnprnventcnt; now ur hrrcuttcr crectcJ ,m the pruprrt~. .urd .iil ra>rnx•nr.. ugh[,.
<br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the rights and audxxnies given herein to Lender to .uIlea and uppl} ,ucn
<br />ants), ro~altizs, g3ineral, ail and yes rights and prnfits, water. water nghts, and water ti~o+k, ,,n+1 all tixturea nnw or
<br />hereafter attached to the property, alF of which, including rcplucem+nts and additions thereto, ,hall b~ deemed to be
<br />attd remain a part of the property' cavcrcd by this Deed of `trust: and al! o[ the torcgoing, wgcthcr with said pruprrv~
<br />(#±r th Sea>c kt4>;~ v'siat= it t1t~ Tlt<Ntt i?! Trtrsi i. a,l ;3 Ir,~s4hoirll r~ h_rc ~ ('€r¢+# r .!]c ' P f.~tt4"',
<br />To SI;tUtttt tp l.endts (a) the repayment of the inde6t~~dne5: +~videnccd by l3nrruwer's note dau:d s(tiy . 1 , I yrio
<br />........ {herein "Note"), in the principal Sum ot. potty Thousand ,Twp, {tup+lzt;.d, and. 0.t}/ 1Q0-°---°
<br />.. ..____________~____°,----___-____ Dollars, with interest thereon, pra+rding far manthly untallmcnn
<br />of princtpal and tnturt t with the balance nt the hrdcbtcdncs, ii not sooner peed, due and l,~a}ablc on
<br />. 3un1: 1 2n10 ... the pacnrent of all other ,wns, with mtcrcnt tlxrcon, ad+ancrJ
<br />.................. .
<br />in acco[dancc ltcrewith to protect the sewrrty of thts Deed ti!' Tru+t: urtd the pert urmnncr ,~( rht us+tnant, .ut,i
<br />agrec#pents of Borrower herein containe+i:and (b) the repa}meat of .n+} tuturr ad+ttn~;°;, with :nt,n+r rh.~.,~n, nr.rdti
<br />to Hoer©wcr by Lender pursuant to partgraph 21 hercat t herein "Futwc Ad+ancea" r
<br />Hor[aw4[ covenant that Borrower is lawfully xi3ed c>t the estate hereb} atmr}ea! and h.,s rhr i ~ght t„ enrm ,n.?
<br />cane<} the prnpsrt}, that the ]'rnpert} is uncn:umlx:resl, and that Elcrruw:r x:tl +. ,..tars[ ..r;.! ,ittia+! ~ xra!h ;h+
<br />ti#(e [n the 1#rJper+y uguir45# -+ei c!#inza esnr3 dCmtin~t; stebr><t. r. ;~r:~ acct. -.ir+sr.s, c +irr+.,.- ~ _+,~~..~.. .,_,. .~
<br />_::hedule .'f ~. c:p.:ur.::.c..a .r~° ,.t ast_ 4 1. i,t_~.a..~_ pc+lies ;~r~:,r,n~ t .-,w'--- , ...- _ .:~~ r . ,.,
<br />td+s4E' F 31 B 0
<br />