80-- ~~`~
<br />MORTGAGEIAANNO. L 23,707
<br />Subject to L# 2 O
<br />ta~ro~Al.t.MeNSV~~sErttrs~NZS:~'Irat Rabert L. Dudek and Mary J, Dudek, each in h9s and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether qce or more, in cot WdanrEiou of the'3~-of"
<br />Twenty-eight Thousand and No It oa-------------------------------------------------- Dpi1;A>as
<br />leaned to said mortgagor try The F,quitable Bm'iding ami Loan AsmciaYion of Grand Island, Nebraska, Tdarigagce-, upon 28D slwenof sttmk of
<br />-said ASSOCIATION, Certiitcate No. L 23 7D7 , do hareby grant, convey and nrortgaga unto the said ASSOCIATION tffi To7litwing-.,.
<br />tleuribed real eststr„ situated in Hall Cqunty, t~labraska:
<br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortgagee hereir„ in the principal amount of Nineteen-
<br />Thausand Two Hundred Eighty and 35j100 019,280.35} dated February 20, 1376.
<br />trzgethar with aB the terxtnents, hereditarnents and appmtetrangcs thereunto be{urtgine, inctutlirtg attachad ^oor asverings, all wittdgw screens,
<br />windnw shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, treating, ur conditigning,and pitunbing and waterequiprttentand ac~ssariestheretn,pumps,stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equiprrrent now or hemafter attached to or used in connection with said real ~state-
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has ;.e•ecd and dtses hereby agree that the inert; aeur s{tzH and will pay a!I taxes and asxasmnnta levied or
<br />assessed uptm said premiss and upon thrs mortgage and the hood secured thereby before the xaFrta s1taB become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />in:atrance upon the htdidings un sard premises situated rn the sum of S 28, DDB. DD payable [u aid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASS(X'IATION the policies fur card insurance: and nut to commit nr tsrtrnit .my waste un ur atxrut sail premises:
<br />In easy ul dafault to ¢hr performance ut ant of the tutus and egndiugns r» this mon;~gr or the bond securad hereby, the [twrigagae shalt,
<br />ors darttand, ire entitled ro rntmediatc ptzssasuon of the tmutgagcd prrmrxs and the nxut agor hereby ssstgns, transfers and. xis over to [he
<br />utorrgagr£ all t~ aetits, se ,~~ arttt ,T=t;< to ~ ~raw.xi frxr.~t I.~ tntatgagad t°aart;_rt°s ;luting suz:h tisx as tfte trR,rt attlebttttta-~ sSalS txmaut
<br />unpaid; and IttC mortgagor shall bau thr power to appoint arty agent ur agents a ntnY desire for the purpua of tapairirtg said prateziv:s and reotittg
<br />ttx sans artd adleating the trots, rrsstetzrs anti ins'uuru, and it ttxay pat out of srid iucuxur a14 exprnses of repaisirtg said prem,.iscs and ttetaaazy
<br />wemt»ssiuru and +.xprnxs mctured m renting and nraa-.µittg the sartte :urd of cut{ec[nsa ranza{t tharrfr:zm::ha halaizcs rernain{ag: it' any, iu b?
<br />apglirJ x+w;txd the Jis.~tatge .rt said txn,rtgage urdcbteclneas. loose rights of the mur:gagea n,ay brs exarcrsct3 at any tone donne the erueance qC such
<br />default, iuespectirc of any ¢cmporaey waiver of thr satur,
<br />Thex Pmsenis, tr.raev. r, are upgn trra C+indtttvu, Tint rl the said Mungagur snail repay saxi loan un ur before [he nta[urity uC aid sfrares by
<br />PgYt~trt; pat trxlnthiv ic: ~_3 A'%ra i a-nt}N ,~ ~ strew *.tkti u: t?:a ktr:J wa:rur:? .~^reLy = a. J pt::t;aC,at :.r. said kzata, .~a o-r Ih.far~
<br />the 7\ven4rtb Jay of caclr :vtd every earmh, innd said loan ;s fully {>arJ, pay :ell ta_ass grad azsaxs=c«eats {evu;t a~trrtst card grrn:rsea nnJ un 3hu rN.grtgir.~
<br />xnd the ISogd secured thereby, before drtittgtuncy, furntstt appruwJ insuronce uprsn the buildings thet r-un rn the seuu of $ 28 DDB. DD payabk
<br />tq said ASSOCIA'f10N; tapaY tq scut ASyITCiA f1U!4 upon Janwud uii nunwy by ri pawl for sxctr tasks, asxasrnants and insrttrnnce with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rate tttereun tium dale ul paYn,ent alt ul w{rx:h Moe league hereby ngrr:es to pay. trrmat nu wane uu xatd prerrtises; keep and comply
<br />with aI! the agraenranta anJ asrx{nions u( the Bund fur S 28,DDD. DD thrx .lay grw:n by the satJ Mortgagor to cud AS.SCX~IA1'ION, and comply
<br />with all Otc wgtdtrnrants of Hie Ccsrtsururkrn and try-Laws t» said ASSOfaAT{ON; lttcn theca prexrrts shall t~ewnte null and void, gthersvtsa they
<br />shall rontain in full tint n arai Hwy be fgw,:bsed xt tree npetun 4d the sxw ASST )t~lAT10N a`.ter taiitne Cur drrae months tin make any of card
<br />pat tttegts of }tr bat rtwnahs m aurars to nrakutg caul trx,nUdv payutt-ells, of to keap sod aunrpiy wall the ngracnwn[x and .undihons uC cord BonJ;
<br />and Mortgagor ;rprrea to love a rcr-~crver apprrmted forthwith m such fureciusure prt+,~;cJutgs-
<br />li ttcerr is :utY cnauge to rwnerstup uC ttx; real estate nwngagud #taraus, by sale or otitrrwise, then the enure arrrainipg indahtadness hereby
<br />su;utcJ shat], at the ogtiur, of Tins raluttable BuitdinX and f.rsan Asux:ratxs:t of Grand island, Nebraxia,hswrrtr imntediatr[y dtu and payabta without
<br />furihrr nutitx, a»J tiro antaunt reutainiug due +mdcr atJ bunt, and aay utlmr bond fur aay aJditxnat adrnas node ttrercunder, shalt, imm the
<br />date of exatSx of said uptian, neat tz4rrrxt at the rruximunt heal rate, and this rmrr[gage rrwY than be fumcigsed to witsfy the amount due un aid
<br />bu[td, atul any utlter huttJ fm adduk,oal aJvauws, tc>1wcirer with all sums ]wd by vrd 'T'he l.qui[abla Building and t.uan Asstrcwtrun of t:rnnd Island,
<br />Nebraska for itrstu-arue, lases and asstrsuiknts, sad airsn acdag cxtansrun charges, with uuataat rlmreun, from date ul' payuwnt st the trwximum
<br />Aga] redo.
<br />As provided in tlx+ Ruud see.uttYt hcretty, while .{ua mm~gage rcrxtams w eftrct Lire atxxngsgec nuts ttareafrcr ad-rattrs: addingttai surus to the
<br />Irakrrs qt' said Ftnad, rhea assigns ut su.-txssors m rexaerst, which stuns shall tx wtthm the u:cuuty qt tats mortgage the same as the Ctuzds originally
<br />aecnteti thereby, the uuat amount ut' ptuxcipal debt nut to ext's"eJ at any time the uriginat amqunt ut rho nturtgage.
<br />tbtad this 30th tray of April ,R, dy., i4 80
<br />,,~`~ar
<br />,~ , '~--
<br />--rt G: ~,
<br />~~----
<br />_ h'tar`~ k
<br />s~fA'fta or NlitswtsxA, ~. tin t 30th ;~Y ~{ April ~ ~, £3D , t~r~r ;~,
<br />t'aur~~t'Y Lir
<br />the +tndanugued, n tiutary F'ubuc ut and tw satJ t'o,mty, prramaFly c:mrtir
<br />tiabert L. Oudek and Mary ,l. Dudek, each in his and her awn right, ald as spouse of dCh
<br />pCher `v~P arc. {xrsurrattyknuwntu
<br />a~ to ha [h[ tJcnucaT paxxen S wtx„a uarnz $ 8 re af[v J to tix abuvu utauut'nen. a-z uturtgag:sr c end thQV =~sa.7alty
<br />atktufwleJgad the saiit ittstrutxx'tai iv tsq thet C vulunraty act aztJ dc~J.
<br />rYT'NrhS my tat:rd and Nutarsai Sc°ni t1m; Jatc sfv:e>ua
<br />MY t:rsnztnrstgq expt:es - / f, m. ~ - _'
<br />