<br />MoxTCAr,ELOANN©: L 23,704
<br />xi~lowACLMr:Nev~rt~sEl~sEZ~ITS:~at Miet?z~el A. Miarau and- Judi A. Miarau; eaeh' in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each ether
<br />Forty Thousand dnd NO/I00-------------- _____Mortgagor'wh<therorreormar<;-v,c+i~ds,ationaftttewtnof
<br />~_ T~. DOLLARS-_
<br />loaned to seed rtwrtgagoe by The FAuitable ftulktkng and Loan Asstx:iation of C,rand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon- 400 ~ - shafts of stork of
<br />said ASSOCWTION, Certificate No. L 23 , 704 , do hereby grant, convey and ttwtigage unto the said-A350CI'ATI0AT 'the-following
<br />described real estate, sltua{cd in Aall County, Nebraska:
<br />ta~eth<r with alt the tenements, herrditamcnts attd appttrtenattrss thcrrunto hetangmg, including attached i}oor vaerinps, xtl wsndrnv s,xr<as,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows. awstettgs, h<atittF a;r condnsoning, and plumbing and water cgtripnsent and xccassafi<s fha<fa,pumps, stays,
<br />refrigerators. and other fixtures and cqutpmeut now ut hercaf'ter attached to ur used in cuarerttiwn with azui real estate.
<br />And whereas the said rrwrtgagor has agreed artd doe: hereby agcre that the ma!gagar sha[i and will pay all tads ami xssetsmenh lewd or
<br />assessed upor. said premises zed upon {his rrmrrgage and Lh< bond srcescd therctsv !Blare th, ~nx anal{ bu-strtc dohn€{u<ne; #-v ftrmeslt approved
<br />insurance upon tt:< hvildixrgs an sal' prernises situated in the sum o($40 ,DOD. QQ ;,ayabt~ to satd A.S,SJCLAI ei3N and to deliver to said
<br />ASSIX'IATION the fioti-cs fur said insunn<e; and nut io canumt or prrsnrr env waste un ur abtnri said pr<aurrs:.
<br />In s:asr of defau{t trs the pcrforrnxace of any of the terms and a?ndrtiuns uC tills ntvrtpagt rn ih< hand ~ratr<d {rrreby, t.hr tmiztgate< shall,
<br />rite cktnami, ne crstrkd to E~asrxtriatr i>;sssrxsi:n't of the m~utgagrd premtsrs lad the ~~xirtgagur nr€eb}~ asstgrn, t:aitsfrrs and seta ovsr to the
<br />ta~rtgage< all the €tmts, trv<trurs arrsf rniznae to fir dereved from the nwrtta$ed pr<mtsrs dining wen tsr€x as rite nwrtgttge tnd<krfrlttrst xtWl rrmaen
<br />unpaid; :utd the mortgagee Thai{ have fhr {r€ewer cu :tpptutrt any aycnt ur agents d may deuce inr the pur{wise of repauttig seed prcmrses and rcnlittP,
<br />ttie bSni< - - ~'-u~, - a -c c ~ - u .n~urTis., slid ti ~~}` [~Y rrUi ari s~ni ci-pcrlheS <,~ r<palr'rr~ 4ltd piSmt~S aJisl nh'<3S'drY
<br />a?ntmi~r~ and s~ s~ -emu €i ,~ €cri€ray x.•id r:rana~_ a be :anu ,:off t~ ~= rf~.~i.Te : n~ Ft~ ~~, if .'-=F, to #~
<br />a'.-,=F~ ~ _ - _°= -__=~:4'cie~i~:ri~:=--::;<hts v: :.-., ..... -,,.n- :_, ~. rs<:::x =°.i v; .F....:.::i::g :~,F ....r,i~~sc~cst"su:.
<br />deeault, .rr<sp<cti~ of any izrrts:rairo aatvrryoi the same. r
<br />-SiYS'< press#€. ar+.-cs.~. err ea~o-€, #}~ #: o:.si,i><xn. 3~l'~F rt the satd t.tnitga~i€ -.,`-ll irp,iv card ;. , - the nwntury ut vrd 5trare.5 by
<br />' %", ~.~ - ..:-st n~ ~s ~-~..z.4A;'r'n .. ;?:< su:;t s-,~~tti,°.-,1 ~ t~ v air: ~, y `a ~ a-_d ~rri~i en xtd `v ~. nn ar beiure
<br />tlu Fw<ntidht`.aY of rad+ ana evaryrr==ninth, usrii{ utd {dart +s fu{{y paid; pay a!1 saxes soil asaessmaats lrc~esi against satd pieuixs ana an tors Mortgage
<br />and t§e goad seemed t{rerctry, !+efarr delurgvi`rteY'. iurnts{r apptelvrd insurance ntrenr the truddurga inrreun. m tiro sent of 5 4O > OQQ, ~Q lwyabt<
<br />w smed AS50CtA71t)N. raps} t=i sent AlS(71:3AT147N upon demand sit nwnry hY n pant i•.n .vuctr taxes, ararasarrrNS and ui+uranrr write udrrest at
<br />[}u ntaximven legal rare thertain born date of pry rrtrrx all of winch Mortgagor brielay agires to pay, penwt ao w-ae-Fe on card plcmtsesikerp and cenuply
<br />with x11 tot agrrerttrnic and cluidttriins of the kkrnd for S QQ (J(}Q QD nu> day given by the ued Muxts!xgur iu urd ASStX.~IAlIUN, and wtnpfv
<br />with all t'ue rsquneituats of fJvt i:onsUtutma anti {}y_tawa of card A.SStJCIA'flt)N, titan tittroe presents s{iall twaeniu nu0 and mot, utitetwts< they
<br />sln{i rctniwi at lull turner and cusp he imacLr>cd at rite uptioa of the >at1 ASSC)C=tATifJN after iaiture Iur thine uwnths to make any of seed
<br />paYmrnts or f>c three nxniths m ar:ears m natktng wd upwsrh{y S~yun=nts, ,.,r ta, kvxp anJ aumply wrrh the agreamrats and corditwns of said Raid;
<br />and Mortgagor agxxs to laavo a rrcexvet appo#ntcd flu titwtfit srr -sutli furctdustrrr prw.~eedtttgs
<br />N' once is airy etcsngr m vwrirr>#aap ut ttu era{ r€tate niuetd helem, by sate ut athetwtsr. itreu rtes rotor reocammg mdcbt<dnca~t, turttby
<br />tietut<d c~ri• lt, at the uat;crr ..r_t 't hr Lquit~tLie Ltvldu.g 331 ~ xu a..:+.,~+cia!run of i:ra~f {?!arid, N~a,ta•!~a, A..~t°-.xrnx n:utxd:a[e{y Jeee a:3 payable xrihuat
<br />turtta;r notitx, atui the enamor raauirung due !miler said k>und, sod arl7 other txmd for say adddwrra{ xdvane~rs made tlurruntkr, stndt, From the
<br />dale ut rxrrcase ul said option, t?r;rr mtrresi at the niaxrntum legal rate, am! this nwr {gaga rzusY then be tomciosetl to wtuf-y tlu tutwtud due un said
<br />twnd, and any other bond tat addttwtue advar:u:x, tcigrth<t wnh all scuts {ricer by said "4'tte Ltlidtablt Liuiidirtg and Lu~rt Asarts:iatnrn ut Getout Island,
<br />Nehraskafor insmart:.<,faxesain{assenuser:ta,sadatisteactmgcxtansu;nciralgc~, .,.th nuerest tharwn, revile datr ut payarunt at the niatttmutn
<br />ttgltt rata.
<br />As kkxovid<d in t#tr tkrnd ser:med ner<by, while this. itxxtr iemawa tri eff<#-t iiu ttxrrtgagt~ rrwy htt<affor advanar addttwrwl aurm w the
<br />- ntxicprs of sattt IWrxt, ihcu astignx cu sttec.:ssars sex s.'ttrtasi, whtclt sines shat{ ba wLLltlli the ~currfy rsf this rnorfgagr the santr av t}re funds originally
<br />scplued itureby, the total aurount of ptiriclpal debt nut to erreYd ar any teuu- tizv urrgttia! ar#xmnt at this mortgage,
<br />f~alra tier lfith ,ta} of Apri i ,~. ;).. ;<+ UO
<br />'_ _, - ~_ ,
<br />M` heat .Miarau
<br />Judi A.` Miarau
<br />sfA ttl-?ai_8[tAS+, ~ i3. r7ri thix 16fsh day of Apr I i tv tiO , tr<ror< Alta,
<br />C{)i1N'hY t~kt UALt.
<br />tits uttdexsfgsud, a Nnrary 3'ublic m and Im sau3 Cnernty, lwrsurwlty carne
<br />Michael A. Miarau and Judi A, Mi eraur each in his dnd her own righw~n and as sRO~sE'fy kmrwn in
<br />each other ar,e
<br />use to Bx the td¢rnicai per, rn S wfuuc clause 5 d r@ atlitsud to the abrrve utstruntuot,as mvrtg,~r'ur 5 and tfi(:,y severally
<br />-.kxw - "heir -
<br />as wi<ttgan tray a'3y7 inaftwnent to rex c vuiuntary as7 aa:i decd.
<br />W7-l~F..-,S mY {vend xttd tQniarral Srxi tlw data afaraaitr.
<br />@k#txt;i Nut.#rr t -~~a..ha r - ~ l t::'f -~' ~t4:' - t-,„~~Y'
<br />iti7Raaf as c>r n t+L ~ - . Y ~ - v.ust4' Ptddk
<br />