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<br /> TU(IETNER WIl'!i itli �t�e i�►���ro�•entcnt.n��w on c�rcattcr troctod an the propeRy,a�xl all rr.rakcu., appurt�iti:uxtis.�u►J
<br /> fiacun�s �ww u� hrrulter :► p�u'�t uf thc pn�perty. All rcplacenKntx �u�l :+�Wi1i��nc .lwll :alx� t+c �tiner��J hy �his Scxuriiy
<br /> Inatrument. AU of thc ia�e�;ninb i.refrrr�tii tu iu thia Caurity instruni.nt�.tttr"Pa+{kny•"
<br /> BURitUWk:Ft l.'V�'�Nl1N1'S th3t Ei�uruwcr i�lawfully a�i�atl uf Uk�,t.acc Ikr:t►} r:tia�c}rd acvl tu.�thr ri�;ht ti►granl�uxl
<br /> «u��c� thc P�,►perty u;x1 tiiat thc Pru{iccty i� uik�xuntiber�til. �KCC�1I `iti Ci1l'LLi11t`�JIk'►� lt(1'ctiUf1J, t3U1(UU'�i K4ifdlll��Il� K'III
<br /> �kfu�J�;c��:rrlly thr ti11c tu thc Pn�+crt� uyain.ct aH rl�im�:uxf�knwxl.r•.�ahj«t tu:►n}��ikumhr.ulr:>ui'r�tiy►p1.
<br /> TfilS SGCURITI' IP7STRU��L•NT runtibin:� cniforni m�ri�antx ti,r�wticN�l u�r y�x1 �u��nunif�►�•►n�v��e+�u�is wid�:iuut�l
<br /> votri�tit�n�hy juriuliclion ti�r��ituitutc�wiiFunn sccurit� i�Wnimcnt caticci►t� ra1 p���►c�t}�.
<br /> UNIFQRI�i CY1�'i:NAN1�. &�rn�u��r anJ t.cnder m��enuit�x!:�rn a. t�+lluw.:
<br /> 1. W�Went �f' PcGxip�! aud intc.^est: Frcpa�weut �ud Late t'hYr�;cx. tk�rruu�� �Iwll prnm�tl}• pay w�tk�i Suc: llx;
<br /> principai aF:uxi i�it.r�yt un t;1e Je.0 eki�iu��by ttti:Kc�t:ar.;! an}•p:�:�:yment;�nct latc chucgec dur u�xier tltie N.uc.
<br /> 2. Ebnd�tor TwFS ancl Intiuntt�ce. Suhjcct tu applic:ahlu It��� ur to� wriucn wzi�•ct by Lciulcr, ii�xn�wc��hall {x>>� tu
<br /> t,enckr on ttk day nx»uhly �yments are duc wxlcr thc Nntc,u�uil tlic Nutc i�paiJ ia full,a uam("Fwxls"1 for: tal ycarly taxcs
<br /> und asx�s.utxnts w�hich nuy ;+uiin prioriry o�•cr thi�Scrurity Instrument;u a licn��n thc Pmpet�;�:Ih/ye:arl�� lu�cholJ payn�ents
<br /> or ground rcnt�a�the Propeny,if;uiy: (rl y�carly luucd or prc�rty i�uur.uxe pna�ium�:ld1 yarly Q��xi iinursukr pmmiunu.
<br /> it anl: lCl y'curly nxutgage ituu�s�w.:p�e+�uwiu, ii w►y. .++w1 iil un) :ur�.ti p::yat:l� bq S.�rtut!•et to len�er. in a.�conlance with
<br /> the pravisiaiu of paragraph 8,in lieu of the�yment af nwrt�age insuranee pmmiun��. 'ihece it�;ms are c�l►ed"Escrow iteinc.'
<br /> Lxnder nwy, at any time, collat ar►d tu�ld Fur�d+ in an amounr not ta excoed th�msuimum anxwnt a lender for a foderally
<br /> rclated �uortgagy loatt m.y requi�ti fur Bom�w�ei s escrow ur�wnt utder the fudcr.�l Rcal Estate Settlement Ptocaaures Act of
<br /> 1974 as anx�a�ded frcu»time ta tinx. 12 U.S.C.Section 26(ll et seq. (`RESAA"1, unlcss an�ul�er law that applies to thc Funds
<br /> sets u lesser anwunt. li'so. Lender may. ut 3ny time. collect and hold Functs in an sunounY ruu to ex��eed tt►e te+scr amcwnt.
<br /> [.ender n�ay estimate the�moutu of Funds due an thc basis of cutrcut data:uxl reasoitiablc Qstla�ates of ezpenditum.s uf Guture
<br /> Escrow items orottx�vise in xcotdatue with zpplicable taw.
<br /> i he Fwula stwft b�; Y►e1d iu ar► i�stitution utuis:, d:,passts are ir�sured by a federa! 3Dency. instrunxrtality. rur cntiry
<br /> (including Lender. if I.ender is such an institution)or in any Fedenil Home l.oan B�nk.I.znder shall�p{�ly�he Funds to pay thc
<br /> Eurow Itemc. Lender may not charge Borrowu fo�holding and�pplying the Fwtids.anrwally analyzing the escraw acooutu,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items. unlas I.erxier pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pemuts Lender to make such
<br /> a chuge.However. Ler�der n�ay requi�r Borooucr to pay a one-time charge for an independeru rea!estate t�z reporting service
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless �pplicsWe law provides othe�wise. Unless an agreement ic made or
<br /> applic�ble law requires intrrest to be paid.Lendtr shall not be requiral to p.1y Borrower xny iruerest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and Lender ma}• :�gree in writing, however. that interest s1�11 be paid on the Funds.I.ender shal]give to Borrow•er.
<br /> witLotit charge.an annual aecounting af the Funds. showing ercdits and debiu to the Funds ond the purpose for which e.ach
<br /> d�bit to the Funds wac made.The Funds are pledged as additional security fos a!1 sunu secured by this Securiry I�stniaxnt.
<br /> If the Funds tw.ld by I.e�er cxoo�d the�mounts pernutted to be held by applipble law, Lender st�ll aocounl co Borrowu
<br /> far tbe exass Funds in xcordatwe with the requircanents of applicahle law. If the amounc of the Funds he.ld by Ixnder at�ny
<br /> time is not wfficient to pay the�scrow Items when du:,l.ender may so notify Borrower in wri�.and, in such case Borrowtr
<br /> shall pay to i.ender the auwuat nocessary to make up the deficiency. Borrowu s�t�all ma3ce np tLe deficiency in no more than
<br /> twdve monthlY paYcno�ts.at Lender's sak d'escretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of sll sums secured by this 5ecurity Instnunent. Lender s�a1� pn�uiptlY refund to Borroxea;�ss�y
<br /> :::i'�s:^...::�3 L...�'.i.:�.����71�lp.airr chall ara�iiire ru cell[he P[ooCltV.lPSider.Ww�to lhC�llititio[I oi y]e
<br /> of tbe Propetty.s�sall apply any Funds held by Le�xier ai the tin�e ui'acquisiiioa or sale as a cndit ag�nst tlie ss�mc savn�!by
<br /> this Security Itutrument.
<br /> 3.Ag,�iicstioa ot Pay�oeots.Unle.cs applicable law providcs othervuise.all payments reca:itia3 by Leader under paragrzphs
<br /> 1 �l 2 sl�11 be applied:fiist.to any P�Y���Ses due under the Note:second.w�xs�ts payable under paragr.�ph 2:
<br /> third.to interest due:fourch.to principal due:and last.W wy late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4,C(sarset; I,ip�s.Borrower shall pay all taxesr assessmerus, charges, fi�es�+Yi impc�itions ami6ui�ble ta thc Pmptrty
<br /> which may attain priority over this Securiiy Listrua�t. and leasehold payments or ground mks. if any. Borrowu shall PaY
<br /> these obli�tivas in the masner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that mxnner.Barrov:er yhall pay them on time diraKly
<br /> ta the pers+�owed paymnt.Borrower slsall PromptlY fumish to l�ender�ll notioes of amoiu�ts to be paid under this p�r�,gr+p1�.
<br /> If'Borrower mafces these paynxtus direetly.Botrow•er st�ll promptly fumish co I.eacier receipts evidencing the paymeius.
<br /> Borrower sl�all ptwmpzlY discharge any tien which has prwrity ovet this SOa:iity Inttiwnent unless Borrower:(a)agras in
<br /> writing to the paymuu ct�ohlig�tion secured by the lien in a mazu�er accepta�Le co L�ender: (b)conuxts in good faith the liea
<br /> by,or defends against enforcement at�be lien in. legal proceedings which in the Ixndcr's opinion operlte to prevent the
<br /> enforaement of tt�e lien;or(c)secumss fcvm the iwlder of the lien zn agreeroent saiisfactory ur�.ender subordin�ting Wc 9i�a to
<br /> this 5ocurity inurument. If i�ea�der determines that any p�n of the Praperty is subject to a liea which may attain priocsq�uver
<br /> this Seeurity Inswment,Lendu may give Borrower a notice identifying tbe lien. Borcower sl�ll s�tisfy tlr�e ti�n or talce ene or
<br /> � iaorc of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> ro�m 3028 s190
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