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... _._. <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable lau•. Aorrower shall pay the amount of al[ mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided ander paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by 1_tnder pursuant ro this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall bceome additiana4 <br />indebtedness of Rorrower secured by this Mortgages (l nltss Borrower and 1_ender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Linder to Borrower requtsring payment thtreoC. and shall bear 'interest from -the <br />date of disbursement at the rats payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nate unless payment of <br />interest ai such rata would be contran• to applicable law.-in which event such amounts shat[ hear interest at the highest late <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />$. Inspection. L-ender may make ar cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Prolxtty. provided <br />that Lender shalt give Horrawer notice prior to any Bach inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Ltnder's- <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Condemnafton. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct ar cansequentiai, in connection with' any <br />condemnation ar other taking oC the Property, ar part thereof. ar for wm•eyance in lieu of rnndemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall he paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shalt he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if an}•, paid to Borrower. Tn the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender- <br />ntherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such propattion of the proceeds <br />ass equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Aortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking hears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the procetdds- <br />paid to Rorrower. <br />Tf the Proper[}' is abandoned by Borrower, nr if. after notice by Lender t., Aorrower that the condemnor afters to make- <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Rorrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after She date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lenders option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property nr to the sums secttrad by this Mortgage. <br />L%ntess Lender and Rorrower otherwise agree in uniting, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postprntc the due dart of the mnnthh~ instaltmcros referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. Borrower Not Released, F,xtension of the time for payment or madificatiotr of amortization of the sums secured <br />isy this Mntt¢age granted b}' Lender to any successor in interest of Aorrower shall rant operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liability of the original PIFOµ'er'. successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br />prncctdings against such s ~. {sC do extend time for pa7mcnt ur otherwise modify amortization of the snms <br />t.., r <br />secured hY this Atortgs ..t~Jrsfq~.dmra6d made M• the oriel nest Rorrower and Rnrrower'c successor, in interest. <br />i I. Forbearance. _ flatter-Any fnrheara race by i-ceder in exercising any right nr remedy hereunder. or <br />utheru•ise afforded by appticahic 'aw. ch:a.! not he :; waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any ,uch right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the , avrnent of taxes or other liens or charges by [.ender shat not he a +s giver of i.cnder's <br />right to accelerate the maturity ,,f the rndehredne~c +ccured hr this 1loneage. <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. \II rcmedres pi,, •. idcd in this 'd ~.,rteage are disrird and cumulative to any ~ahcr right or <br />remedy under the Mortg;rcc nr aiL,.; -led by foes. ~•r a•quit v. and mat' he c,erused ioncurmntiv, indepet+dently or sacte~ively_ <br />13. Successors and .-1c+igns ftnund: dnqu and St. crnl i.iabiiit~; Captions. fhc c venauts and agreements herein <br />contained shag Find. and the rights hernmaier .hall imve to, the ru+pcaivc urcccsson and essi+~ns of I ender and Anrrrnver. <br />subject to the pravisians ni paragraph ! :' hereof. -\II covenants and agreements of Borrower shalt be inim and several. <br />The captions and heai[ings of t`!e t-?arau*:+phs <<f rhrc S9ortgage ^rc for com•emenct ••ni+~ utJ are rani to ht used io <br />interpret ar Jenne the provrsioro hereof. <br />T6. ~lntice. Hxcept for any nonce n;yuired under applicnhle I:n+ to he given m anrnhrr manner. lest .tray notice to <br />Hnrnnver provided for .n this i1 rn [gage shad! he a yen hV marling wch noL:e ht .crn(icd m.ul .rddre,.ed to Houma-cr a! <br />the Propetiv Address or st >ueh oti?cr adrircss s•Aorrnwcr mat- duster. ate h; nrnicc• to i.end;:r as Provideri h+•rein. anti <br />(b} any rouce t+? [.ender shall I4 gr+-cr. ht ceru(ied marl. return receipt raqueated. ;o ! trader's .address s[ate•.",". hc;em ~n to <br />yt ~fi ..rhn~ ..iii e.-53 ;:3 [,.~-n:ltr ,,..,~~ .I..~:ss.~nee t>. neat {eC a~ -~,.. - ~ ~.~. - .. , . •~ , <br />........ .......~ ~..... ... ,.c..a.~ ti, ..~5~ ~..wtF iii t'r:i: iiicii t. .._-.., i.... . -.:,.~ ..'rde.i tali <br />Mnngage shall he deemed !o h.:ce been green to Ro; rower or i trader ++hun gn~ea in the manner- designated herciu <br />15. L!ni€ornt 4nrfgagr, Governing Law; SevcrabflEty. Thi+ form ul mor,gaga .umttiues :: r,:L,rm .•wcnant; .or nsu;onai <br />use and non-uniform wecnants with limited variotions by iun+drerion a, cnnsuune a un:fnnn +tcuniv utstrumem covenng <br />real property. 'fl[ia Mortgage shall he ;; yenned hp the Lrw ,rf the lurisahcuen ~,n ,.bleb the Praperte ~. Inc,uc-d In the <br />event that any pnaviston or elauce o[ th!s Morrgago or the =Vote aat0icrs +,nh .grpLcahlt foes.. ~u.h ,nnlt:cr ,i,aR n -t4•ct <br />other provrsinns of this Mortgage or the Nna• +.loch can be e:+cn cllest ++nh„+~r die .n,iO:n ua pn,v hi.,n :nJ,tt• phis <br />end the previsions of the htartgage ,urJ d!e tiotc• .ue +iec Lued to he +ever;rhle <br />16. Borraucr's Copy. Rorros+tr +Icdl he fw ni.hcJ .r cnolormrd .upr •rt rhr ^1on• god of rho tfongegr ar itu ~ we <br />.d execwian or after reuo«latian hereof. <br />17, Trmts[cr ai Ehe Property; :~sswnption. It all or ;u:y part of Ore F'rup~ rrc ~~: e:::ntcrc+; rherem :, u,k3 ~.u u;; u,'e' ~~:d <br />by Rorrower without Lender's pour wuucn .nn,au. ucludiag ~.:t the s :atran „t _: ben ., .. n.umhrancc ,td+ru =imar~ ±, <br />[hrs Martgag0. ihl the creaLOn oP .: pu«h:+w money +xuril+ rruc«•,r fur hnu+rhokl apt.trance, ~_ ~ t•emtcr M de, iSC, <br />de.atm or by atxrraurr, of +.,,, npnn t -- nth .: nr rtnam ur..4.x'..{tµwl.u...wwrr«rw.: <br />r+l ,ender ma), ~u I trader', opt ron. de+ldre all the unm , ,~ tad h, rhr+ Vtnrt:•.erc ; • he <br />rmntc+llulel5' dnc and payable I coder ,hall he.c ,. ar+al ,:.h npbon rn .u., it pour r,• tnc .3Ir ,. I ~ uder <br />and the parson Io +v }yam the Prapttiy r, W he x,id or train+tc-i red n'ach .. cement in ,. niri+g Thar tnr .-s ~i,t ,. i,.h h~ n„n <br />. satiifaetur} to Lender an:[ ritat the imcrr+t pai,ahlc on 6a• uuu+.c~ured rl*y tln+ 1L,ngage ,hall he .,r ++,h i +rc .~. ! cr,det <br />skull reyucsl. tC Lender has war. ed the npnon ro acute ottt prm~nf~d ut rhr+ l,u agrrph Ii. and a Ror rows, w+cv.+ur rq <br />initrest has e.vecuttd a wntttn :uxnnptintt agrttmeni :+cav: pied in writing by (endue, I emk;t ,Iral! ruhasu Ann„»ct trenr aft <br />ohSgatians under this Mortgage and the Nntu. <br />ff Lcndt_ e<_ereis - - h _,;,: .. ~. .._. s._. _.- . _:-. ._ -„-: .=,ra. .i-.. ,_~:.:_ .r .. ,., ..,.-~. , .:..~..::r.: •::.,- _ :r. <br />~- <br />luungr:,yh ld hereof ~u.h gphs<-4 -h-t[ pr:,vr>uL ., srna ••I •ua c_, aha,t tf! ~Ln r +m ih: ,r r.c the --t. .- ::adcd - =6:n <br />which 8arro+atr mat' pay the sums dcdarc:= drat I[ Aorm:+c; L:;f, io Ian .o,h .~~nt p~:,n t. ,.x ;+i;it.:: ~,~n ~ .~„6 i~r~od. <br />l..cnder stay, wuheut further nonce .u demend ~~n H,+!nn+er. ur-~.oke ..m neon-dre•. per uuue.l r., t•a n;raph ~ -<. hrrcul <br />NoN-Urvtpoast (.QV FIVAFtI Rorrower and 1 ender further cos uram .urd .rcnc .., Iollowa, <br />1$. Acceleration; Rrncedies. I•:xarpt x+ provided in parrgnrph 17 hereof, upon Aurnmtr's Irrrrch of nay vw tna+a u <br />nl;rec[neett of Rorrower in th[s Siurtgage, tnchrding the c...roams u. pa} when dun uus +mnc +ccured by Ihi_+ i(ar[t;uge, <br />(.ender prior to acceleration siuttl mail notice to ifnrnnver a, provided in paragraph IJ 6emuf .pretty toga lit the Areuch. <br />R) the aeHon required to cure such breach; lJ) a Jule,. not les.+ tbmr Jtl duy+ from the dote the notice iti ntuilc•d in Itnrru.v er. <br />by' which such bleach must lit cured; and i•t) Ihal ixiture lu null such breach tin or before the date +pecified in the nuU<c <br />may resuh ht acceleration of the soon xcured by Ibis Mortgage, foreclosure try }udicial prucecdin{; and soft „t the Prof*rm. <br />'Che notice shall Iurtber intunn Burrower of the right to rein-.talc after au~elrrutiuu nod the right to :rase rt iu tln• fo[c+{uvu:c <br />proceeding the naa•e#istence of a default ur any uttrer defense of Burrow er to mmte raHun rmd furccluuu r. N the bramc6 <br />in oat cured on or betnre 16e date specified in the notice, Lerufer rat Lender'. option utuy declare all of the +uau +. cured by <br />this M1lurlgafic to ire immediately dnc amt pu}able without Fu[ihrr demanal and mu5 fore. t+r+r by 3tnticiuE prunec+hng. i rnda•r <br />!.hall tx eniiffrd fu cuElecE in +uch prucetttliug all expense. nE forces tonne, in+hutfng. 6ru rant hm[trd tu, ur+t+ of does nine ntary <br />erfdcnce, a:tstractt<and tlitc [,port}. <br />fY. 60[rOWtr`4 Kmig117 rn KeinMate. iVC+I•hnh+l.++ld+l+j; It'+Idt'+, :. ,.i„ I ,.I ,i- .. .. ,-.-.'iJ I~+ il~i. \7„rli: +-p'c <br />Rorrax-rr shall hay-e the right to fr.;cr :+ ; .ceding, begun h, I ..~a,, ~ ,. .,.,, ~., ~t~. ^,1„ _ ~ ,. ~. ~, ,~ ~ ~~ - <br />