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OV"3~i~ REAI ESTATE'11rJttTG ~~F - 1*iebraska -rtusband and ;u~ °e <br />wI'.er ~ area "~:leattar ii Scl~:inke3 <br />itNC}W ALL b1Ela t3Y T'FiE,SE PRF 5'Eiv f5: That -_~ ~ ` _ ,hereinafter -- <br />called mortgagor, of .__~11 _ _ nty, and-State of consideration <br />of the sum of _a.x t.nrtt€,a~t3 ` "~~ ~~ bur -~_fcurueen~'-f}t3ARS ir, hand pa"td, do hereby grant, bargain;- - - <br />a t ~~ tt, •,~_ <br />sell, and convey unto Dial Ftnsnce C'amnany +at ~-bx~ka kroreinafter ealied matt~agee, <br />of __, '-tn 7 -. -.__ ___ ___. _ ___.___ _ ~'etunrv, ;irate of Ncbra+ka the following described real estate situated <br />in -_ ax1-`----..__.--_-`-_-__ t'nuntp, and State of Nebraska, to-witt <br />rrot Six. (o'}t in ~3aa.~san %abditi~icn being ~ +~3rt c£ the ifest Half sf the <br />.>cut±;xest t~uarter '`-;""'Wi't Uesti•;n -`ac .?! _even fli) %or.h, <br />~:;n--= 'en C?tl) ':YF^~ ,of tlxe ~ith I'.;1., in :air !:ount~r, `'.ebraesica <br />together :x~ith all the tenements, here-ctit3mrnt_~ and apputKennncev to the Same belonging, and afE the-estate, title,- , <br />dower, right of hom~taad, claims and demands svha±screz~er of t he said ibiortgagar.rn or to acid premist~s or any part` ' " <br />thereof; and i9certg.+_;;ar does hereby covenant. that..,aid ?4iorthagur t.; lawfully .seized of said premi_~; that-.said <br />premises are free from cif liens and a~ncumbranres except ss otherwise natcd herein, and that. ibiortgagnr<wiil"- - <br />warrant and defend the title to said prenti;es ugainsi the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />TC) Ii:1VE; AIvD Tt) HCiLD unto the said mortgasee. provided atwa}•,. and those presents are upon the express <br />rondiiion that if the said morfgxagorshall pae ;n full to said rnor tgagea a pmmiswn-note dated ri'F~~ <br />t9 `'" far 5 ~ , - hle to utstatmgnts according to the terms thereof, the final itrstalrnent of <br />which is due c,n ^~~-1__= _- ___t~ __-_ 1 t# __~~4 _ Gc bleb include>> interest at the rate of Z~ per month on <br />that pare of±hc w~paid pnrctpal balance rent to rxeess of ~ 3.t1Qfl. 1' '`t per month on that part of the principal balance <br />in exmss of r1.fNir? attd not in e•xceti: of :y i!iH!, eino t' ; % }x~r nron~ ntt any remainder of such unpaid principal <br />iralanc~, and strait nay ail tt xcs _ =id .r„-es_ menL: lea red upon --a.d rcrrl estate. before the same becomes delinquent. <br />thin these nresents to be ratd. athenvtse to he and rematn ;n tali fre-re. <br />i?° iS Pi.~R`Pl1ER At;REED that a faiiuee w pa any of acrd monad°. either principal or interest, when the sstne <br />ber~rne due, or a torture to tromps} wtth any of the titre kotn;; akrc•ements. shall cause the w hole sum of money herein <br />stactrrtd w hec.}mc- due ztnd coliecttbte at once :tt the option of .rte mnrtt;agc~~ <br />Nt)TICE'IY) t:t)NfiU\tER i. I)o rwt sign this paper before you read it. °. tau are entitled to a copy of <br />this paper. 3. Y'ou may prepay the unpaid balance at any time aithout p+•nalty and may be entitled to <br />-- ------ rer.+r-s ~rt-'ruL- u~ u:irat~ireci cnar>:e3 Pre accoraance arttn saw. <br />,~, eyn <br />Sitmcxi thts _ - _~,c-.- - - rice oI' ~~na. ----- ; It ,.-- <br />~ , <br />;±"T,1'I'} t-rf"4rt•~a-.t~rr ri!-4_}_~:~:_ ~4 *~'-~ C4...-.,.Sr~:~_- p _ <br />9 <br />~. <br />iht thta K= a:+~ ~d . _ .. i `i'i~li~ ~. irvinre mc, thv urcierw};ned, a Notary <br />I'trJi,~. c -1, ;.....r.t--..o:t=_~ci :tau ;;u..E:Stid f... .in.t ,.Stn.; !': +'~~un-t ;rt.~u,.:;!? .an,. ~+° -:- tFe) <br />.~ ~t_c•`-!`Q: = -= }.. .F*? tin-~ 4t u. ~G.x. { _t.- _ - - <br />- iriatrlnneirt ~r.> nrnr'tk;3tS-,tar •`~ ie,i, .~rktzi+~+ied{;tvi the ~=nit _ -- - ~~rlun- <br />tari~.' rtae rou. Neer 7 ~t."f~riw~1'r~apiitK#y~ <br />- ~T£t..n ~Y t.:Y. - 1 ~. 1 ~ `'r•1, fit' ~.:ib .t' - -.,t: :. t'+ .. :. r'11 tf'rl t ~14~•~~' <br />My t piano -fuu •xptreh tree -= ! +fa ~ MKCrbwlO.MR~U~4tM- <br />of __ . LC:'L. '~~:.~.;.t~:.L-r:'-- i .'Fi°t..i.. - <br />.~,i.~~ . I'nbi~~ <br />S1:aTP; i?F' w <br />i•:ntEtti-ri rn A~umere.=i inetrs .+nil tll~xr !ai rocnru ne !hr ~tifat'r ,.i rht• li.•„a-.[er .n Ueed~ td tiud uutrut. the <br />utinules 11 _,nn .4 t,t V_t ~u~~r ~Se~i ni i;uuu ..I <br />'.linrty;at<v:n t1;ty;r <br />c'xe ~ <br /> <br /> <br />1.~.~ <br />