~~;~~ , .
<br />~~_
<br />7hi. Aterryia~e ntsde aad eateted h7~ thi. 3{} dam' of Ap7'i 1. •:: -
<br />14 $b , by attd between
<br />!arty G. grannagan and Rose Mary Brannagan
<br />(hereinaPacr referred ~ as tittrrtgitgot} >~
<br />Bank of Wood River, Hood River, Nebraska f~ei,N~q=;,,,f,~,,;,a
<br />mortga~), who maitttaitta as ogee' aad piaee of hwineo se
<br />Tlb East 9tfi St., Wood River, Nebraska
<br />` Rrrrntotstrttr, that for the conditiaration hereiaafear sated: receipt ~ which ra htte+ehy +elewwwtedi .tka
<br />rnoetgagm iioea hereby mortgage, veil, gnat. uaigo, aad convey auto the mortgagee; bin saeaeworn aad-awigaa, tli
<br />of the foibtrinadeearibsd property atwted aad beitrg in the C-may of Ha11
<br />State of Nebraska .
<br />Lot Sixttaet4 (16) in 81ock Trianty-one.(21) in the.
<br />Toi~m at Wood River, Nall County, Nebraska
<br />iwgelhC( Wtlh aqu iaclgdipg ail 6ttildiag;., aii t/Ylarca Igwlndlag hwt nut limltl'd la ail IIIYWi,lag, hen/iag, lighting,
<br />vpaulat,ag, reirtgrr+Miag, tur,asrat,pg, air ewadrtiua~eg appatgtaa, pad rtrvatuts(tl,e aeartgagw hembj Jeelarisg that
<br />ii is intewdtd that ti,r it,:ms hrerin raumrralyd shall be deemed to have berg pe rswpeally inatailed an port of the rr~ity I•
<br />and ail igptavrptemn aatr qr 6etrafter exiattag thtcas,a; t-n -rreditawpats aqd apparu•aaaees aad a!) other rtghtn thet.•-
<br />uqt+; beluagiag, ur is anjh;t.r apprrtaintpg, and the reverniun and re~ersiupx:, remainder aad remuinden., all right.A of
<br />redtgnptiwa, aad the rratq, :newts, aad ptwftt.. wf tM• alww• drkcritu•d i,rwpcrtr 1 provided, however, that iltr morlga~,r
<br />aLaU be entitled M the puggesaiun wt said pn,peny and w eulircn tad n~taia the rrate+, ;away,;, aad prwtit.+ apti) drtaalt
<br />4ereundrr}. Tu itpvr and iw inrld the sat9e gates the +nwigagea• aad the yna•ecKa++,r. u, ;ntrrrvt ui tha murtywga.• inn~vr-t
<br />to tee atgtplC „r .ws`it other re,tatr, ii ray, as i>b stated hrtcip.
<br />The mortgttger ooveruata that he is lawfaliy seined aad ponaesacd of aed has the right tw seii and convey said
<br />property,c fiat tits same is trcc front all encarttiusnces aserpt as hereittabuvr recited: aad that he hereby iviads
<br />hira.elt and his attCteasora itt iatarcst to wrrraat and dafead the thin atortssid therein and every part thetrgf against
<br />r1uJ~t of a!i p¢rwa-. whomeoerer.
<br />iwtrantc~t it given to xrcatr the. t+a> raeat wf a pruatise+,ry note ~tatri4 Apri 1 30, 1980
<br />in tb~ pri~vgai sum a[ t 5.5,OQQ,bO . nipaed bt Larry G. Brannagan and Rose Mary Brannagan
<br />in halkttN of Ehea45e1 ves
<br />:i&~ W.1 RM 9'~lfl Iw•-. ~ ~:li ~. i~•~.'- t~i.l ~• .,,. y:yE ~i NS~.•.t `r.
<br />