<br />8Q-~- Wif_7(Dr7
<br />Lenrlcr's written agreement nr applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the. -
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by lznder pursuant to this paragraph 7. witfi inttnst thereon, shall become additional-.
<br />indeb+edness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Sorcower and 1_ender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amoamts shalt be payable upam notice Frnm !.ender to Borcower requesting payment thereof. and Shall bear interest from the-
<br />date of Jishursement at t?x rate payable froth time [o time on anstandmg prirrcipat under the Nott unless paytntnt of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary [n applicable law, in which event such amotrnts shag taear intttest at the fiighest rate- -
<br />permisSiblc under applicable lau•. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shell require hetuler to intur any expense ar take -
<br />any action fititunder. -
<br />8. Iwspectbh. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and irrspecunns of the Property, provided -"
<br />that i.ender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's --
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Condemnatbn. The proceeds of an}' award nr claim for Damages, direct or cnrtsegtrential, in conntctinn with any
<br />condemnation or other [along of the Property. nr part thertof. nr for ronveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby axsigned-
<br />and shall hr pard to Ixnder. -
<br />in the event of a total taking of fhe Property. the prncteds shall be applieJ to the sums Secured by this Mortgage. -
<br />with the excess. d any, pard to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender -
<br />ntherwist agree in wring, there shall he .,pplied m the sums ucured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds -
<br />as rc equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of -
<br />taking heart ro the fair market vahte of the Property immcdiatcty prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the ptxtceeds
<br />paid to Borowu.
<br />ff the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor nlfen M make
<br />an award Dr settle .. claim for damages. &.rrower fai13 In respond to Lender within 10 days afttt the date such notitt is
<br />mailed. Lcnakr is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Propeny or In the sums secured t+y this Mortgage.
<br />L: n;rss !.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shat} not extend -
<br />Dr pnctpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such mstaBments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Reka3ed. Extension nt the time for payment nr modifirrtion of amortization of the sotto secured
<br />by this Mnrteagc granted h}• Lender to any surecssor in interest of Borrower shall not operate m release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the origimd Borrower and Rorrnwer's stKCesuxs in interest. (ender shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such succei~nr or refuse Io extend time for payment or mherwise modify amortization of the soma
<br />,cn+red by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made h}' the origins! Anrrower and Borrower's successors in intercet.
<br />I1. Forbeanace by [.ender Not a Waiter. .4nv fori+caranrc h}' !.ender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise aHnrded by applicabe law, shall not he a waiver of or preclude eht exercise of any such right nr remedy.
<br />The pracurrment of insurance nr rhr .. •'f !..., ,. - - charge, i+y Lender .nail not ht a watver of Lender's
<br />right ro acxleratr the maurrin~ of the mdebrrdne„ saru«d rM, thi,r~4lnrtgage.
<br />12. RewrediwCnwuiativr. .411 remeJres pn,~.nled in thtt Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />n•merly under this Mortgage ar alfnrJrJ M» law nr ryunu..md mud he rxrrauJ roneurrcntlY. independently ur succtsaively.
<br />t3: 9aretreaos and AsaiRws Bound; loin! and tieveral LiaMlMy: t'apliorts. l"he cawatants and agrcementx herein
<br />:ontained ,haT1 hind. and the rfghn her-under shall more ta. the respenrve succesx,rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />suhfrct ro Ihr provi„one at t,artgraph t' hercoi .4I1 awenants and agrcemem•. of Borrower shall be font and avers!.
<br />'the aapor,ns enJ hcadmgx of the paragraph< r•f this Mongagr are far convenience .+nl}• :end ore not to he aced to
<br />nnrrprcr ,~r define the pr.,•. rsiom hrrrof
<br />14. Notice. FsreM for ant noun myrured under .rpl,licahlc tau a. hr grvrn in another manner, [al anY notice to
<br />Hanowrr pn,vrdcd fur m Ihia Mutgagr ,hall tr: grsen !!} mating ,uch nonce by ecrtrBeJ tool! addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Prgxrte --lddrr„ ~,r at ,uch ,ether -,ddre„ as Hortowcr max' drveyinatt t+c notice to I ender as provided herein, and
<br />thi en, not,cr r„ I rnelrr that! !r e,vrn h4 •'rr ntteJ nt+,l. rrnrrar rra~cr;H reqursteJ. t.+ I emkC, address stated herein or t4
<br />,u+:h .•thtr adder„ .n I ~ mire mat dr,ignate by noucr to florrourr :n prosidnl he«m 4n} notice pnrvidrst for m this
<br />Mnrtgagr,haI ~• .iertt;rJ ..+;;3.r been grtcn t.s Benrs'wer nr Fender uhrn getcn in It+e rnanntr ds~ignaled hc-rein-
<br />t5. t!nikum 31utt~r: (inserttittg t aw; ;ir,rrafrAtfr. 1':r, i.rrns ,=# ntnngcgt v.+tuta»es unrfnrnt ar,ytnants for nat:rnsl
<br />u,c and unmundorm co+enanl, arch hmnrJ ,..r ,;nrm, M Irr'r„6euan ro .onwiatr a undomt ,ca rrita~ in,tnnnem :Ducting
<br />reel propavey (hr, '.1lengegc ,hell !x gutcrnrd by rhr tau rat the nur,J,cnnn .n uhrch the Propel!, r, Ira uteri In rhr
<br />event !hat 'm p: nvrsron rv rlau,r at rhr, Mortgage ur Ihr \uIe umfl ie r, with .rppiicehlr i,nr, ,neh urnllict ,hall not atTeCt
<br />other pn„nion, of Ihr, Mortgage ,v tha \Drc uhnh ours hr earn clfrit without rhr .,,nllicliog provi<iun. and lei this
<br />end the pnnr,i.u» r! rhr 9tangagc .rnJ Ihr \ntr .rrc aleJered to he ,evrrablc
<br />l6. Borrower's ('opy. Bnrrnucr ,hall ha• furn~,hcJ r .nuiormcd ,opy of ttro tints :m.l of rhr, Mortgage at rhr rime
<br />of rsca~rr~..n or otter rruvJatian hrrrof.
<br />17. l'rawsfer of rhr Property; ,~svumption. II alt or an, hart of the Propene or an rntrrcst (herein i, +,dd „r tran,terrrd
<br />be &kn,uer urthnut LinJc•r'c poor wuth•n .vnu'nt- caehrdmg r,rr the ;:R•aliau ui a hen nr enaulnhtegce ,uharJmate u.
<br />rhr, Mortgagt, Ihl the .rea~nu, .•f a par. hoer moors ,cotta} nutty,( tar h:xr a•hnld epplr.uv ~cs, i.l .-~ Iran, h•r by Jrsise.
<br />Jex:en! ,•r by opa•r.rha,n :,t law ,:po:: rhr Jrath .,t ,. r.:;nt renaal w - -
<br />I ender met et I rndcr'. vpnnn, Jc. Ien• .r!1 rhr ,r,m, ,u nrvd ht •lu, AL+rtt•,rgc h• he
<br />nnnu,haladv Jar and pat able 1,•nJe; ,hall burr ,. ar,ixl +ur !~ nptron r„ acacle~alc i! pour r~, rhr ..dc ur u:a r+Icr I cnJer
<br />anJ fire Iq•tsun Ia uhnm Ihr Pn:pr, rt r, I.. nr u,lri ur tran,tr'r red tea,h .r}~rcc rotor m urainF char rile arcdU „+. •,. ~,h prr.on
<br />,a1r„art,rn to I rt,irr ansi th,,~ nc~ rntr+c,t tr,;}sole :m the ,.nn, , nreJ ht Nu, lid urrpatir .h JI hr .rt ,u,h r;ur .r, I cnJer
<br />sh:rq rryur,t It 1 ender has wane) the spoon m accelrrutC pros+dtat rn rhr, petogreph 17 ~nJ r( tlrnrDwu , ,wee„n. rn
<br />interest ha, eteunrJ a unnen as,urnpnon aprarmenr a.crpmd m wr,nng by !rndcr t cnJcr ,hell relra,c tlonnwrr In+m all
<br />ahhgannn, unJrl true Mongagr and Ihr Notc.
<br />If I>-.:dr, rtctz;.~ ,--,h .., ,:. sr,..vvatrtarc, ,cro,k,. +:, sari fiarrnu.r r:a,ta ,+t ,,,.r,a-;rt:-n r.• a...-nrdan,c ,.rlt
<br />,tu dgraph !d hrrr.,t Cdah n.arcc' ,hall pro-.-rJc 5 t,crrr+J rt :rote ha., Ihan 7ti ,';r,. !ru;n tree ,i,,rr rhr n,~fi„ r, nLriirJ „Whin
<br />wMci~• Ban os cr mat pat :hc •.um. Jr, l„rod due L Narn,w.r r. .. rn p.r..rr. I+ .•nm pn„r r:. ;he avisir.a ~,-n ," -,r..h i,rnnJ
<br />1 rndcr nta}. ssnhout lmrhrr nuh.c nr ,!. manJ ,nr 8or rouge. -mrnc~ ant rcnwdn:s I'<~nnrtrcd !n Paragraph iK hrm•,t
<br />k.rn.t~nrtr,ara llnr~.An rc Harr„urr .u,J 1 ender bother ,, ,cn: nr nuJ ., Y. a, t„Iluw,
<br />LN. Au•rlerWlua: Rrmedka. F.xerpt a, proridwt in paratraph t7 Nerrof,•rayun Bnu o»rr', breach of aw} .u,rmm~ or
<br />agrrrrwrru nl Burro»er itt this xturt*aar, ma•Itaiirgt eM a+rvrnaut, to pa} »hrn due au} +unu unwed M thi, `•lortt;at;r,
<br />Ltrtda prier ur acrrkratirrn ,AaN mail rtutke ro IMrro»er a, pots ided in paragraph IJ heravr) sprrif}ing: 111 the hryach:
<br />r2t rhr aa•tMn required W cure wch breath: 131 a data wut tt+s thin So da}, Gum rhr date rhr rwricr b mailed ar Buua»rr.
<br />by »hi~b ,uch hrtarA tnrrst be rand: and W/ that failure to ewe ,wb Mewh un or hetore the date ,prNhrd is the nuUer
<br />ma} rtwlt in aa.sr/rratwa;a[ thr,u»r, ,cvurad b} ebb'ttortyrtgr, frrrrcbreurr by l;rdkial prosra•ding and ,ate of rhr I'n.pcrt).
<br />•Ihr tmtht shag Centhrr {wfornr /turrowre art the right to reitwtatc after arcetrrWi,r; anJ Ihr right to a+strl iu rhr lorealmure
<br />pruceed3it$ the nan.raNaraar of a defr1a11 nr ax} other drfrrwe of Borne»er is as crlerali+n attd furerlu,ure. It rhr breast
<br />ie. war cured na ar txfnrr rhr rtaty sprcititd to iM rwctke. !.ender at Lewdn`, optim aw} drehrrr all ut rhr ,win .n u,vd h,
<br />this httretp:ytr to tx rrarncllrtrta But and pa}able ,•ithoW twther deu•and and mr} fore. ic,s• bF jndiriat pn»~rrding• 1 a•ndrr
<br />ahaN lee rhtitM~ ru.-at~t m cy-ch pr~-rc.$jay~ aH zafrtw=s of frtra-M~urE, in..#a+ai}r~_ }wt mri fiJ»itrd ter, ccra, ,rt Jeaanrcnear}
<br />rv idr•.. r, akstrac t, sac! title .€prrrir,
<br />IV• Ikxr;uwer'`s Ngtht to kamtatr. >ar»nh.r:u,urng 1 rrWx-r-. ,, ,,.r:. r. .,.n„ - „ r.-d h, Ra. At..irv.r,~,
<br />ji.p r.,a, }. x,: F;,:.r r-,:_ ;igHt ,: he r, ur, t+rt,w rcdnag, -~g.r: h• i •,Jc, . r,. ~r i... At, •rrt,-.r,,~ I=.,, nr „• ,t .. ,: , r.r
<br />