<br />i ''
<br />~0-- ~(31.&~'~
<br />~,".
<br />That-the Mortgagor will pay the irtdehtexineas as hrreinbefore provided:. .. ..... -- ~ -
<br />The! the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has .good right and lawful authority to earl and'" -
<br />ronvey the same and-that the aame.ld free and clear of eny lien or eacumbrtmeae; seed that "Mortgagor will warrant. and defend fhr
<br />title to said prtmises against the Cfsims of ail perttnrra whoirtaoewar. ~ -- - - ~ .: ..
<br />To pay itnmerliateiy when due and payable sli general taxes, spexial`taxe's: special asseasmenls, waterchatgea, sewer;aety-~_ --
<br />ire chargts, and other taxes and charges against said-prAper{y, and a!} taxes levied on the <}ebt seen red hereby, anti to furnish the-
<br />Mortgagee, upon request. with fhr original or dup(ictite receipts kheirefnr; The Mortgagor agrees thattheta- shall be aettted-, to -
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder nr under the evidence of deb{ secured hereby an amount ratinrated by the Mortgagee -` --_"
<br />to ire sudreiertt ko-seeable the Mortgagee to pay, as they hecvnne due, alt taxes, ttaxeaarntrnfs, ard similar-eherges-upon-the pester=
<br />lees subject thereto; any drtic'eney Fx+Causr of the insuflicrancy of such a&Iitinnai piiyment.: shall t,e Forthwtth deprr.•iited by toe" -
<br />MortRagor with the Alvrtgagee upon demand by the 'Mortgagee. -Any drtautt unrlrr this paragraph shall F+e deemed a defaulk in
<br />payment- nt taxta, asseaxmentt, nr similar charges required hereunder. - -
<br />Thr Mortgagor agrees that there shall aivr Ex• added in rac'h monthly payment of .principal aril interest required beta-. ~ -
<br />umter an amnmtf e•=aimxhvi try the Mortgagor t,r F>r sutfirirnt to enable, the Mnrtgagre to pay, as it tx•enmes due, the insurance!
<br />premium nn any insnranrr policy delivered to the i\inrtgagtr Any deficreney brr:ausr of the insutfieiency of such additip_nai pay-
<br />mefitx shall ta, forthwith detrrrsited by f.he Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand 1sy the Mortgagee. Any default-iirri#et [his -
<br />traregraph shall t,e dr•rmrd r, default in [hw payment of insu tenet premiums. ff the trntiry r.r prrtnies rleprisitrd irir suchas tiortr!-'-
<br />awnrrs nr all rink Ixrlirire and the rte{xsii+:+rr insufficient hr pay the r-nfirr premium, the Mor4gaRee may apply the drtxrait 2n
<br />pay Premiums nn risks rv•quirrd ur lw insurevt by thts murtgngr.
<br />Payments made t,y fh,~• 'v1::rtgagor unrlrr ;!:.• ehrn,- paragraphs mny. al the ,tphort of ihr Murtgagavr, be held"hy i{and
<br />cnmminRird with other =urh funds nr its nwr. b,nd. ` - ,hr paym rot .,f .ooh items. and until tin applied, such payments are hereby
<br />picrlgcvl as serun[y for th.~ unpapi balann= of the u.. •i [etagr rnrtrbu•dnrc..
<br />"Co prta•urr, deln-.r t,:_ and ,nano+rn !or th,~ to-n••N: •4 the ,blortgag~ dunnR the Iifr of the.. mortgage uriginat policies and
<br />renewals therr•r:.l, drlivrr•r! at least t«•n ,. r".s trd„rr the .~x p: rstton ..f .eny ,urh {,ul'cirs- msurmg agaittst (ire and other insurable
<br />}urrarrdx, rasualtiea, and contingenrrrs rrsr•the Mortgagee may rrgttire, in an :,mount equal Gs the indebtednpsa secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in a,mpamrs acroptuble t„ the M1t=rrteaure. ,:ith in-. payable ctr+ua• in fav,r o£ and in 6n'm acceptable In the Martga-
<br />qc+r {n ihr event any pnLev :. not ten wev! o .:r ta~.hrzr• :rn Mays „f its rx pi ration, the MurtRagr.•e may pnx-u re insurance on rhr_
<br />rmpnrvements. pay the premium Fhrrrfn+r..uv1 nur"h :um ,ira!i 'k•+-,mr :mmrdtatx•1}• riot sort pavabk• with interest at the rate sea
<br />forih rn said note- unu1. paid :end shat! tn• vented V, :• th:,. nr:,rtRagr Failure on the part oC Llre lturtgagnr kr furrrah such renrwaks
<br />as are hrre:n raqutred ur fal+uc ra pav env soon udvan,~,•d h«n•under =ira}L at rhr .,pUon n! the Siottµagee, rc.nsf itutr a default
<br />under ,iw turns :,! they rno ergs qe•. 7'h+- iri„-,•r, ••i .:.. .: :.. ... ....... ..: .... ... ... ~.( ,,, „r„„ ,.:«,,,:.,e+. ,,,~ u. ,rkorurni .u i!,.• u
<br />tarots! premium.
<br />Any sums errt.a•d by the MrrrtgaR.•a- L~: nau .. •d ,:,, ..r :1.unay;e ;n .nd ngaust m»y hey r,•miacd he the Mortgagee
<br />anJ appLrd toward rthe p.ry mint :,f rh«~ .h~6t 1„~;rbv ,e rur.•d~ :: r. .,t lt:r ,.teUUa u! rix Mortgagor. ,urh >ums eit her wholly or in
<br />part may hr pard over fo Ihr Atortgxkor to tee se~rha. apart =::cH !;,n LiinR ,.r to {,trrt.i~nrw~ huddmks : r thc,r plate «rr for any
<br />rahe'r Pure v- or ublm~t wtrsfaclnry ,rr the M,w gngr.r -.vrth„ur u1l+rt u:K !h.- hen -nth,. mort Rego tnr the full c•m„«rnt .e «ruod hem
<br />by tx•fure nurh paynn•nt ,•vrr hrrk Purr
<br />('_, }.r=,rnptiv i-air -t- ,-. +- ~ t '. i+ r, - r r i.- r- { rr tlt.r ..n Ir t._ „•, whkh rosy trr-
<br />iuuu ,lanraµrKl ur 1r in r .1 t k ! - i m .~_ : 1 -! t! - + i - r : nd !r, : trorre env r ., hang + Lr•n ar other hen or
<br />cia:n, ..f hr^ not rxlrnviv ~uin,nlu:au•d t> Ih h r t ! t t :T~: - . -r l :rm .elawi _
<br />- ~ -+y «•xtat r:n
<br />+ard pr t n1 o•r t„ p,v m.t ->_ t • •a, ~ tr A t 1 + t • II t>r•rv,mr
<br />lrv:r; valuahl - aor t +-m,nish r ur } a r t_ ~alu , r a, t :- .nx, ,n - _ . r_ , r :t,l: -i",r#- ,.r r ,.l,rc m. errs e£ tau -soft n•.pw;t
<br />[n the me,rtgagrd ! r n s.s :end .hr -.,.• tr"error .,, .
<br />-T t t a,„uhi th,- {u« ! -nt :h: -i 1 . h,: . ...,,: ~ - i. - _- -t - a .rp --, - -. - ,•rae.rt:•,:.
<br />prc;c±~ti ng r under rhr rrgl t -f un ni ! •mem a ..r aay otb+ r n,ar r tt -• M« rt{,aµ vheii fw . Dolled In all r-nm!n•nvaltons.
<br />awards, nnJ an;' other payment ,r rebel th -rrhrc, and shall be enuUrd.:+t N..qd! n:, a: r,nnrn.-nc••- ap[x,ur rn and prr.~cute m its
<br />own name ru,y xrt nrn , r pr,ra-rrdu,q, or to make .eny c:anpromrsr r,r .ettiru,rnt u, „a, e, lu n wdh snob lakn,µ or «lan,age :~11 ouch
<br />u ,
<br />eeanfreneation, awrnls, r/rmagr•s, nght o! acuan :an.t pnnrerlr xrr hr troy asrriµ nrvt ro the ALntµagr.•. who may, nflrr drdurtinq
<br />t},eeetrom all its experu w, relaaia any moneys so r.,rervrd by rt or apply the .amt ,.a any mdrbtrdne>r. secured hereby. The ~1ort-
<br />gagur a{rear to execute such turthr.r aruignmrnlx of any roenpnnsutrun. awar,ts, damage•r,, :rrnl rrghk. ,+I .r~itor. wnd pr.arr•Lr sa the
<br />hioftaagrrr maY rlgUlre
<br />Thr! m sere n( failure to (a•r(orm any of t6~ covenant, 6rrrm ihr \lortgagre may do on rhr Murtgaµut's M•hnif ra,~~ vthinq
<br />sa> covenanted, lhrE the Mortgagee map alto do any act +t may deem n..eas:,rq to ^n,ir.'1 the hen thrrro(. the! the Mortgagor wdl
<br />rrpaY ulrrn dement! any tttnrrrys paid or dirburxd by ihr Mcrrtgaµr. for env ..f the at,ovr purpr.:rrx. and sorb nurnews tnxethe•r w•rfh
<br />intetaat thenron at the tale provided rn rwid note shall brc::m.• eo nwch addrttrm.tl mdrb4vlnrss hereby v~currd anti may Iw+ !n.
<br />eluded in any dcteree for+wioung thrs mortgage and tr pard „r.t ::! Ihr rears «~r !uocrrds ul' ,alt ot` w+td prrouxra d not urhrrw ter
<br />pruh that rt shell nut l>r uMrgrlury a{sm the Mortgagov t.. uryuirr mp, the ,ahdrty «,t sup lien. rucu rnlrrancrs. or ratan :n ^d
<br />vanrang monryr as ttbwe auihurrsed. but nuthtng harvtn cuntarnrd shell 6e crxrstruesf as ratutnng fire Mortgagor to advxnw :eny
<br />mtlafaya for ray atldt purptrxe sat lu da aay act hereunder. and that Mortyagoe shall met incur any trrr•c.utai Irakulity hrcau+.r• u( auy-
<br />thtttg it may tb ur omit W rlo hereunder.
<br />In rhr avant +d the dufau#t h}• Mortgagor ter rhr pay moat „( any tnsiallnu~nt, ax n•yuinvl hY rhr N,.tr x•cu red here-L>. ::r
<br />in the periottnaucR of rhr rrirrtgara+n ,n thin maetgaµr or in tt c rr to •t'u red thereby rh binrij; b :lest! 1 nt:t vl to d.•. taee rhr
<br />dabs t~ttts!ai lu!rr1fY due and pay able wrthout note -, .nri rhr Mr.t tgagrr sfra!I hr.-:r t,th., at :.-. ,.t«, u,, -wrti -, ,..,t,. ,• r,thr: by n:r•ft
<br />ur by a re1Y+iver to l,r apprsintecl by rhr court thetru(, :sent wiittuttt regard u, tttr adtquacy ul any security for tl•:r mdehtrttmwx rt•
<br />eared hereby, to enter upon an4 take pavBeyaton t,f the mortgaged premises, arri to rvyilrct cent! r:K•r•-iv-r rhr= r.,ats, issue,x and pralits
<br />thltwrf, soft app1Y !Me satrtr, Iras seats of rgrerxlku, and e.dteeiiurt. opera rhr tadeb[tvlneszs se'eu wwt by ihrn murlµnrr_ -+ard nude,
<br />latter arr! praftltr being he rebv axxignre! lc, the Mnetgagw• xs further security (or ihr pa, rear %,f utl io<L•bh•rbr•~.., ,•r ,+r.vl hen-b,
<br />'Cllr Mnriaagrn shall have the power to aptx.rnt any agent *•r net.--n:M n r.ray .i.-... r.• f.,r the t•++rtx»r „i n~parrurR +•+u! pr«m"
<br />tttaa; renpaa tt,e stew, ndleiting thtt rents. r.n--roues and uteomr. sent a may pay aui „f seat tuconw all rxiu~nars uw-urn,tl u, rrnl-
<br />irrg attd manr{ting the rwate attd ut collecting rhr rantrls ihr rr/turn "Cho t*alaarr• rnmatnrng if auy.:hall hr aPt,hrJ t.,ward rhr
<br />rirrrharfia' ref thrx tnorfgrrge indebte.t#nrsw 'Chrx uwrrgnment rs f„ rermrnate an+1 r.rr..nre null and •,,:•! u!v,r. irh aw ,~f tht, m,rrik akr
<br />~..
<br />