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A TRACT QF LANO COMPRISING ALL OF LQT TEN (lO}, BLOGIC <br />fOtlRT€EN (I4) , IM EVANS' Aflt?TT1a~N TO TfiE CIT`l' t3F ~ '' <br />ISLAND, HALL COt1NTY, NEBRASKA, ANtf THE WESTERLY T` <br />OF EVINiS STREET ADJALINT THERETO. <br />l 4~a t~lrr riElh Mad IaVlYdla~ aII bW{dlaffiw, tlIl flxlYi'ew lat'IYdi Ytt hat 1141 Ilan lyd lU all tltaalla Ltt, ht•M t19~, Il~hliRK, <br />Yeatllautlgl rr{ngra/iiap, Iacrneralrwp,, alr ,x=aditiuYlYll appu4lta~, and . Iraatut* 4thr lwrri}5a}+rr hen 6y drt lartag shat <br />it iw lattatdad thrl tht< IlCala firerre rwaalrrYtrui w{wLI lr~ d+eCalYd 44 hYVe krrra ta.sawat-Yt1~ IYa+YIIr.+# aa. part ul Ihr malty). <br />aaJ alt iplpwve~etttw aa+w 4r hereafter ulair+t/rl~ thatrarq:lhY hasadttaYlcate aad aypatunaar+ew Yad all other nshtw Ihrm- <br />Yiltu bCltlggla~ ar in aayriiwr apprrtalaiY({, atwl the mveraltla uad rcvrrl.iuaw, mlaaiadrr aad malaladerw, a11riKh1,~ of <br />eedea_yltlatl, aad the rests, iaaar a, and prufit~ u( the alto va demeriM~d pnlprrty t pnsa lded, {waever, that the Iau rtKaKax <br />»haT{ Irl~ r!rµilfi°d T4 the plta€4C?1r=INa of +ald pruprnv tlod to rtdlflt Ypd fYiaia the Matw. IMwrw, bad prutltw Yal1I ,tetaYll <br />heretlader}. '[•o have aad to txrld the .aaln notu the wcxtpagre aad thr..wt'er'e+»uer. la tatrreat ul the. iaunttwr,. _ '•,rc ate <br />is fee tinAple cv }IYCh other eYtate, it say, Yn+ iw +tatcd hrmta. <br />The Ianrtgtl~ar t»re~ltab that he » lave[ally aaiud acrd poYaaaaed 4[ aad hay the ri~hf to sYll and cuuvey algid <br />prcrpaH}; that tht aYtee H tree frelrl at! eucuatbraacd except +a Itrrriaabocr recited; and that he Ilrrrby binds <br />ltjtrtaa[f and lt[a attt`¢t;Yaurs'stt intera'at t4 warrant and de[ewd the title aforesaid thrrrta aad every pan thereu! agaiaat <br />t}assfaitnY 4[ •[! peraaw whamrYever. <br />"[tilt tnatratltl;nt it givru to M*c4r! the tw)rt+cr/l n[ s }Inluliawry twtr ltatell April ~"r , T98O <br />int[te~insipal+~tnlut5 53,0(i{T.OQ .riRnrdbv Randall M, fiartmann and MfcheTle R. <br />iat omits[! o[ Hartmann Sprtnki itt~ 5yst~rs Ca. Iiartmann <br /> <br />