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~t~' „ <br />$0-- i~43 <br />ORDINANCE N0, 6587 <br />. Aa ordinance creating Watsr Main District No. 350 in the Citq of Crand Island, <br />Nsbrasks; defining the boundaries of the district; providing for the laying of a water <br />aria is said district; providing for plans and apeeifie:eioas and securfag bids; pro- <br />vidiag for the asaesaosnc of special taxs• for constructing such water main; and <br />' providing the effective date thereof. <br />BE It ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CODNCZL OF THE CITY OF CRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECtION 1. Water Main District No. 350 is the City of Crand Island, Nebraska, <br />is b rsby created for the laying of a six-inch wear main in Kallos Subdivision from <br />' tbs existing water main in Fifth Street was[ in Flfeh Street, south in Orleaas Drive <br />sad east is Fourth Street to the existing main in Fourth Street. <br />SECTION 2. 'the boundaries of such water main diatricc shall be as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the East line of Dau Subdivision, said point <br />being 130 feet North of the North line of Fifth Street; thence running <br />South on the East line of said subdivision and the South prolongation <br />of the East line of said subdivision for a distance of 190 feet to the <br />South line of Fifth Street; thence running West on the South Line of <br />Fifth Street for a distance of 350 feet to the Easc line of Kallos Sub- <br />; division; ths:+ce running South on the Easc line of Kallos Subdivision <br />far - di-taate of gat the `:arth line .,_ Fau_th Street; thence <br />running East on theJNorth line of Fuurth Street fora distance of 80 <br />feet; thence r~~n~ing 5ouch on a line parallel to and 80 feet East of <br />the Easc line of Kallos Subdivision for a distance of 60 feet to the <br />5ouch line of Fourth Street; thence running West on the south Line of <br />,, Fourth Street for a distance of 80 feet to the East line of Kallos <br />' "- ~ Subdivision; thence running South on the Easc line of Kallos Subdivision <br />for a distance of 130 feeC to the Southeast corner of Lat (i, Kallos <br />oa ~'4 Subdivision; thence runnlna West on a line parallel to and 130 feet <br />^• w North of the 5ouch line of Kallos Subdivision for a distance of )52.73 <br />~ feet to the West line of 5ald subdivision; thence running; North on the <br />Weac line of said subdivision fox a distance of 550.71 feet to the <br />Northwest corner of said subdivision; thence running Easc an the North <br />line of said subdivision for a distance of 110.86 fist to Che Wese line <br />of Orleans Drive; thence running North on the North prolongation of the <br />West line of Orleans Drtve for a distance of 160 feet; thence runninK <br />East on a line parallel co and 130 feet North of the North line of a^ifth <br />- Stgeec for a distance of 595,5 feet to the Easc line of Dau Subdivision, <br />being t'iie point of ireltimting, alt as shown un the plat marked Exhibit "A" <br />at[achf>d hereto an,i incorporated herein by rsferencr. <br />SBCfION 3, Said improvements shall ba made in accordance with plena and speci- <br />!leatloaa prepared by the Engineer for chs City who shall satimace the cost thereoF, <br />sad submit the saaw to the City Council, and apart approval of the aaaw, bide for the <br />eoaaLruecion of such water aafia shall bs taken and cancracts catered into !n the manner <br />provided by law. <br />SiCTION 4, Tha cost of coastzuction of ouch improvamaac shall be aaasasad against <br />tbif pf:Ylpercy vithla such district abutting upon chs atrsst whsrsia such water main has <br />base so placed to the axtsac of bsffafics to such property, by rea+wa of each improve- <br />. want, sad a apsc#~al raft shall ba lavisd at ass rims to pay for such cost of eoaacruction <br />as soon a• caa bs aacsrtalaed; and such spacial tax sad aasssameata shall eonacicuu <br />a sinking fatal for eha paywsnt of say warr+snta or bonds for chs purpose of paying the <br />aoat o! arch water mrSa is such district; and such specl+tl asaesamaats shall be paid <br />sad collected either in : fund to ba dsaignatsd sad known as the Sswfx sad Waur <br />~... Xstafsioq Fund for WaLSr Mafia District No. 350, ar the Water Surplus Fuad. <br />