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<br />~~ <br />L.ender'» written agreement or appficaMe law. Borrower shat! pay ilia amoum of all mortgage insurance premiums in ilia <br />manner grnvided under naragrapN 2 hereof. <br />Ant• amatmis dishurscd by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. whh interest thereon. shall trecomt atlditionat <br />indeh?eclness <+f Anrrower secreted by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall he payable upon police from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the <br />date of dishursemcnt at the rate payable from time to time nn ootsfanding principal tinder the Nate unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would f>e cotttrary to apphceMe law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at [he highest rate <br />permis~hie under appiicabte Iaw•. Nnthing contained in this paragraph T shaft require Lander to incur any expense or take <br />anY action hereunder. <br />g. Itrtrpeatba. Lender may make ar cause in ht made reanonab}e cntrks upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender chat! give Borrower notice prior ro any such insprxtion specifying reasonable cause therefor related to r_.ender's <br />interest m the Property. <br />9. Cendemrntion. Ttu proceeds of any award or claim for dama¢es, direct or conaegttetttiat, in concoction with any <br />condemnarrnn or other taking of tfr. Rrnperty, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are herehy assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. - <br />in the event of a total taking of the property, the proceeds shaft he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the ex,xas, if ant'. paid m Borrower. [n the went of a partial taking of the Property, unlecx Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that propnnion which the amount of the sums stcurcd by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking hears to the fair market value of the Property immediately- prior to the date of taking, with the bafanee of the proceeds - <br />paid to Borrower. <br />if the Property is ahandoncd by Bnrmwer. nr if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that ilia condemnor t>ffers to make <br />an award nr settle a clarm for damages, Bnrmwer faits to resprrnd to tender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mail, finder is authorized ro collect and apply the proceeds, at L.etrder's option. either to rt:stonNOn or repair of the <br />property nr ;o the arms secured by this Mortgage. <br />t: mess tender and Bnrmwer ntherscrse agree in writing. env suet! application of proceeds f0 principal shat) not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the mnnrhls :nstallmenu referred ro in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change tlx amount of <br />such ~mtatlmrnis. <br />lit. Borrower Vof Released. @xtersron of the nine for payment er modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by the Mortgage granted by trnder to env srtccessnr m Interest of Borrower shall not operate m reteau, in any manner. <br />the liahilit}' of the original Bnrmwer .rod Bnrmwrr'~ sUeccasnrs in interest lender shall not he required ro commence <br />proceedings against such strccessnr or refuse to extend nine for payment or ntherx~iae mcrdifv amortization of the soma <br />sec:urcd by this Mortgage by reason of env demand made by the original $ormwer :rod Rnrrowrrs successor in interest. <br />tI. Forbearance by Lender VrN a Wdver. Arts fnrhearance by Lender in exercwin¢ atn• right or remedy hereunder, or <br />uthrrwur :.riorued nv ctppiicatnr ~aw, shoo n -~ ~ ., ..- ~+ •, nrrclode the exercise o-f env such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurar.::c nr the na}•ment *+f 'acct ,+r :,they 4em „r :hargcs by i,ender ,hall not he -a watvct „f Lcre'.c: <br />right :+, ac; citrate the mawriq• ,+f the ndehtrunr~, ,rented hs ~h,. \1nrt:acr. <br />12. Remedies fumulaSve. AI! remed!es pro,rded ~~v rhea ~lorteage err diviner .rod cumulative to any other right nr <br />remedy under thi, Morr},agc or atfnrdrd hs~ tau ,u eynrtv, and maF hr rxercrs<•d .oncurrently. mdependentiv nr successively. <br />!3. Sw•crawrs awd 4saiaws Bound: .lwjni awd Sesrrtd liat)IBIV: f'aptfons. the <.a•rnants and agreements herein <br />contained shxil hind, and the rights hereunder ,hall enure tn. the re.prcave at,xess+n .uui assigns of f ender and Aorrower, <br />subtect ro the nnn'istans „t paragraph I? hereof. ~>II aavrnams .rod --.agreements of Borrower shell tx tome and several. <br />The captions and headings of the parngr,+phs a( Ihis Mortgage are for .:onvetnrnce ,nth .rod :+re not to t+e used to <br />,n ICr4~rCi nr define rhr pi'ttr itrlnr» hater"~ <br />14. VcNire px«pt for an S' nonce rcyuired under ,,pplia,Mr IaH to lx ¢tvrn m anotfier manner. 1a) any notice M <br />&rrn,wer provded tnr ~.n this M+,rtgagr. shall hr ~.rscn !n marling •-u.h pollee hF ,-cr ulied !nail "-tddre+srd ra Borrower at <br />the Proprny address , .+t sv~h .,thee .rddre,s ., Fk,r n'wer r.ras :frs;;;n.rrc hs nnrr.e to i ender as prr»ided herein, and <br />alit arts rn+t .c c. ?._n.lcr -hall t+r^ -, „ ho ,er!ifrrd mat -,.,, _, re+iaarcted. .. t en+ler', address stater! herein nr to <br />each ,nhcr addrrs» s» i.rncirr roes ~ ~rstgnatc ht m:n.r ;,: hort„wrr :r» m.,srde,t '-:error. :jot nuti>:c. pn+Vidaa3 for in Ihis <br />hi r, g::ge -;h.+it x° Jetnteu •. .... ?,ern aryrn to Ek?rr.: - - ~ o< r - -r=-rn ; . ,.,~ ,,.,,.~ :lesignaterl- hrrrirt,. <br />f5. linilnrrn Yinrlt;r~r; t:overaing..f:axv: tiexerabNNs, !'-„~ t-;,'±' ,~? ,*+,ur~a~C - ='tnftirra s:tufvztm iaavenamtt f6lr natit)nal <br />u»c and non-unifi,rm cnvcnanr, ~.nh limned =,rrr.m,•n, to -,n,.i:,nn., r, .„nvr:rre° , ~:n+form xearrity instrument mwring <br />real pr oprrts lhr» Mortgage ,hail %!c G,+,cn?cd Ms !hr sew -.d !hr ~,: n,:ir. non :... ,. hr,h , r Prnpern .. iocatecl, ht the <br />e»•rnt that ores pnwrston ,n lieu+c .,t !ht, ~1orr>;.+gr .'r rhr tiore ;nntlr<t, ~..nh ,;pt~u, .,lilt ,a„ •uah :onrLct ,hall not affect <br />other prns~sion. nt the, btortgage ~a tin' ti<:tr s h„r, .. , n< :cn .tte,t ., uh:,rn he .-: ntlr. nn.• ;'n,<rsran and m this <br />end !hc prosi.iorn of 'he ~inngagc .end 'he ^, rte .., tr. Lrr r+i •.~ !t- ~.c, treble <br />i6, Bom)wer's Cnpr. Borrowr' --h„~' r~ , r i n ° n.r, ,.t„ ~h,~ ~ , <. „ .I ~ ,• `, ,u the trine <br />,u exr,.uuon or alter rra,ntauon hcrr+~r <br />tT. >;'rawsfrr of the PnrpMy; 4saumpfron. it ar. r , . .,,.. ~ r Pn~;+rre, m -nrcrr.r t.+rrrm „..,iJ ,v vansfrrrrd <br />, r , <br />b1 Borrow r, +.-rthout 1 erxfer ~: per,+r su;rrr; ,,ms.•r .,, Indt~;;~ ,: . ,, rn .n -,, .-: ru.rmhrarscr vthon4nate r <br />ups Mortgage 'hr the .neu,~t of ~,n ~l?a,c m.v:< «.r ,-s .a-- ., ..:< . ~:.e F., .- ,pp!,-;,,, o _ :ran. rer b, ,iesisa~ <br />descent . r hl „}+ernt,o ,rt !,.w up the .'ear- - , ~.,. err of - rn "'~atsw ' - <br />I,-parr •na. -rt i,ndcr • .q,r„m dc, ,, .. ,ti:n. .<. u,cd i, ut„ A1nncagr h' he <br />munr,Latel} dtm and :+as:d,ir lender ,hall ' „ n.. ,c,i ,,. •qn",n ~. .,, ~r2cr~tir ~J. tool t: "he .~t Irnmfrr i r:ndrt <br />and the pe rant r - „h,-n+ rttx Pn~rx+ts ,..., !xr ,-,.. ~ _..-. ..rd -. a, t-- c,r,, t,t -. . . -e =., -r ..-.-.. .. ah -r r,o+, <br />is sAuxt.. tor, - - i rr,ie+ and rhnr rna nrer-r.t [ ,r, .+ta ~-r. -+x .,,rn- , ad .r. lt~.,, r. ati, - ., ~i ? .,., cc i~, nder <br />shall .~rque ~! !t I troll: hoe war*ai Bt< :~~r=o,r <,:.,, ce;c,.r re t•rn.WCd ~ !hn rmr;rgr., ph `- ,r..f Itrs n+wei , .r+,..°,.or ... <br />interest ha* sae.alt<f s wr.ttrn assua+punn ,+k,remern aucplcd in -:.nru,g, t+s I ender ! coder .trali ~rte.r+e Bor,•'aci !"•m -,II <br />,rMigai.nns ..r3drr ttrv, 14++rtgage and the 'tae <br />if t e;.:4F- :~, s~ - .h ~,+ _. :: s..!. ' . -. a n:. i! :. ,-_ tt :. r.:. ::.i... - --,~•. ~ .:, __. ,_ .... :.h <br />;,aragl,tf,b a --•!s-.,t ct-.!, r „rru Et,a ,,r, •,r is pat,,,-I , - „r 1r,. ~ha„ zrr +}.. --r, r_tta 't^~ .__ ,. _..I ~,r,hr:- <br />w=hr,'F Bor r, ac~r ,na} aa. the -um de<,,,rr,i itn; 4 fl.+n n.,tr „ t +: ~•.. ~n ~~ :: , - „ , y-rr,.,,,!, r n -,.coal <br />t-rnatr+ rnYa -.~-lt'1•_,tri 'Stet rf,.•t Rr•[±~i .,r _lelnand :•'-! it<!t'r:~.t rt 't\r':s1' ,tai, -['n:,'dl., ,n tl'1 (Ir: :, ~.I~ak=.+I,i, ' ~ leer ,•, ~t <br />4=t. t..'\ir ore sE [cs s!rati5s &nr„w rr .+nd i code! lu;rhe, .r. ,r n.,m amt .. s_rec ., rows <br />IB. Acaeferatioa; Rrmrrlit+. Facepl as provided m paragraph 17 henuf, opus Nuru.+. r+'v brraah c,t any ,us enrm nr <br />rt«reenrtnt of Brrrruwrr iw Efria. xlongtgfr, iecitrditra rhr cu. anent. to pa} +ahru due en. ,um. ,a. nerd ht this tinrigagv, <br />Ltardrr prior W arrekratinn strait Hari) rartice to IMrtnarr :m pots lard in paragraph IJ hnrrol ,pr. itt pelt! U! the hreach: <br />i2} tfle aatirra reyuirrd to care sash brtach: c sr a date, tart Irrs than ~n days irraua tkr rkltr the nWicc is nraural tar Nornn»er, <br />by wMeit web Mra.•h rsast be r.•rtrrd: and tJi that failarr to rare arch Maash un or t+rtnre the date sprcrhed in rhr rtrrrice <br />way rerwN is rarrierrtiow nt the wnq srrurrd ht thin ~ioxtgagr, force Msurr fy irrdn'rul pros rrding and .tie ul rhr i'nrprny. <br />f1e nnHrr shall faatlarr iwfotm Barrtxwer rrt the right to rriwntate altar aa<rleratiaar and rhr rrght ru ;tweet in [hr frxvak+sure <br />parsrNeg rhr rurtt-r a-atsacr art a dtfarrM tw guy nQher r~trarr of borrurrr to aa:rkratiun and torte r:t+ure. If tier Arrarh <br />k, tqt anted .ro «r ars°tuse t~ deer syraitiwi in the rwtlrr, ! xudrr at l,rtrdrr'» rspik+n ma. tk rare a!1 ,+f tkr tame xrnrrd by <br />t-b titrrtsagr la rte 3mmrdiasrly dsw and pa}ahir »ithaue lerthrr drmarrd anti ep..t5 sane kwr h} indiriai pew rrdir~. 1{rxirr <br />xkallf hr rfatilfrd to raRkct in rwrb prrx aU rsperurc of f<ura k..urr. im Eadinti, hove +x+r iirxdrd +v, cost. of doanenrutarx <br />r,~i¢resr, .1l.frash sort tifit trperts. <br />.• <br />IV, {wrarwxr`a IRtRW to Rriaxtatt. '~: r'»t!nst.u¢~rtn-•g 7.nJr, ~ ,,..,• .. „ .. .. _,t ;_, .. fit,,. ea.+g, <br />tk,,r rc:Ae~ ;i,a-:'+,r,< ix' ~i~hr ~~~ h ~ - ~• .,. ,~ ,. ,.. <br />