<br />8Q-~1.83~ MORTGAGE
<br />THfS MORTGAGE is made this...... 24th .................day of..... ATd'wl~.........:.......,
<br />19.$4.. between the Mextgagor,..David.%..Cut't3sag.aDd.Wendyt.C..Cttxt3.ng*.bu6bAAd.~t1;YrlR...
<br />. {heron "Borrower"), attd the Mortgagee,.. .....
<br />Ctooaearcial federal. Sa~,rlff$ • • i3t1d .44~. A~AR4>E$tit~l ........., a txlrparation organized slut existing
<br />under the laws of . K4f?»ka .. . ............................ .whose address is. P.0:. &~t .7.103 ........ .
<br />.+.~. Fa?+P. Sttalt~S$t,. spa:.Ittzbx'.~sk8..6B~,41 .................. .......(6emin"Lendee').
<br />WHP,aEAS, Bortnwer is indebted to f..ender in the prircipal sum nf..Th31~ty .Six.thoutsaud.ftsts, htmdred
<br />. ~~.~P~,~~~"~~-----------(3¢..t!QQ.40)..... Dollars, which indebtedness is evidetteed by Borrower's note
<br />dated.... ltpril..29, .196A........ (herein "Nola" ), providing fur monthly installments of principal and interest;
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sar.7ner paid, due and payable on....Me,7f .1,. 2Q.1,Q ............. .
<br />To SECVaE to Lander (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with itstereat thereon, the
<br />payment of a!I other swtts, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to prated the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the cxtvenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) ttt tepapateat
<br />of any future advanaFes, with interest thereon, made to Batrrowrr by Lender pursuant to paragtsph 21 here (har,Lt
<br />"Futurt Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the folfowirrg desen'bed property
<br />located in the County of.. Hall .................................... State of Nebraslta:
<br />---Lot Eleven (11), in ]flock Two (2), in I,ambert's Second Addition to the City
<br />asf Grand Island, hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />which has ihr address of....~15_ Na, kA~i@. - - Grand. Island.
<br />..•t~t; t~.arl ,
<br />Neb;!aslt,8 , _58$0)-......... .therein "Pntlz•r,y .\a~ite,. ~.
<br />itt~. anC ttp Codei
<br />TttcEitt€a with alt !hr improa+°ntrctl~ ncia :;r hGrcat;,= .r;+irc; ,+n !hc V±rc3lxrtt, anti ;til c;tscmc*nts. right,
<br />appurlenanaas. rents, royalties. reinrral..u: and ~a5 rt~hi~ .:r;a y~r,tht\ `+atar. aettct n~hts, ;utd w:u:t samk. and all
<br />fixtures now att hereafter atutcha•d !o the fuof.xrty, :tVi „t Khxh. ,ncludutg r+pla«u~ents ausl addtttr~m thcntu, shall he
<br />akrmed to hr~ and rrtnai~n a art of the prupenv c.+.rrcci by thta Mrtngtr~.c, and ai3 .,1 tits Sorcg,tinR, ntgethcr wish sanl
<br />property (aN the learellold estate if the tiltttt~abc ;. ,at a I+a+ctu}I:t t .; t; hr.rt in r`t+rtc+l In as the "Pr+ipt'tti .
<br />8axtoxrr suve:~nt,, Thai 13r1tra}wee is tawfu3ly was: d c:f !!tc raiute ~~ rch~ itznis:; eti a:t:i hs} the nght tc trt::rtEakr,
<br />grant xttd earrt9xy t~ E'ritpcFip, thai tin E'rc=pcrey r, ,rncexCitinf~:ac,h a~« 'had Burn*>art wiif +r arrant ;ntd drtru;,
<br />~Ptt4 tu'f~ ?t#I: ?tifa=?x+?tom Prrtb a~inc? atf _'::tin.~,:.t.#u;tta :u~ -ttit}~.t .° stty dc~.ta€A t: r.tti,.a-.--n':<eti~ ire r--;.~trta:ttcs#t.,
<br />fistid to a aC it>;c#ufr of rscaptian~ let ,,,.era „ .x,rS _t ..~t••s.,rs.__ px_!re r=,,ur;a3; f rsr. f, t . - '.a t.,r its ifte fan,Ircrtt
<br />
<br />