$~-- '~.~ EXFANUABI~E MOI~.'7'GAGE
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS loan r;o...- S34O8-7' __
<br />KNOW ALL MEN By THhSE PRESENTS: That Ranald 3. 'Smit'h and [ieryise J. Smith, husband. and xife.''
<br />(hereinafter ca#ted the,Mortgagvrs) in consitferatfon of the sum rat
<br />Twenty Six t usand four hundred and Na/1Cit]--------------~--a ----~~--_----_ Dotlats ($ ~9~26 4p0. *)
<br />loaned to~Maortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sett and' convey unto CUMMEttCFAL FEDERAL SA4tNGS ANO LOAtY ASSOCFAI~ON--of 0~m0a~"ha, ,
<br />Nebraska, fhereinafter called "Commercial"), its successors and assigns, the toUowrng described rea6 esfate, sitriat~J in tfreGfrpn of,
<br />HALL State of Nebraska, to-wiY. A tract of lahd located ip the Nart"heast t~uarter tN zt4)
<br />of Section Twenty One (21), in Township ::levee (ll) North,. Range Nine. (9 ), West of the-6th P.M.,
<br />more particularly described as foiloxs: Commrencing at goint One Hundred Ten (11O)Feet Due Nor°Ch
<br />of the Northxest corner of Lot One (1), in William Frank Addition to the City of Crand Islettid,_
<br />Nebraska; running thence due North along and upon the East line of California- Street, a dfstaace Ccf
<br />Fifty(50)Feetf;F~th{e~nc(e pdueppEaYSt a distance ofW One Flurnhdred For'CypEight (148) feet; thence due SotaYp
<br />a distancei0 "HAVE IiMH T05H~U Test SAM~hwr~t}ro~fiea~}purfbhfit~cCS ~eret7tlTu~ tt~~f~+~, f~tlo ~,n~'successors aad assigns, forever.
<br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant w!th said Commercfai, fls successors and assigns, that Mortgagors are lawfully seized of said premises, that
<br />they are free from efuumbrances, and that they will forever warrant and defend the tftie to seta premises against the lawful claims of alt persons
<br />WhdmSdeVP,r.
<br />Provided, nevertheless, these presents are upon the foliowfng conditions:
<br />That :vhd:eas 'tic ^ .G tddrtgagdrs as rte,~,Ders of Cum:netuai have this date executed a note evidencing such Idan and agreeing io repay said
<br />sum of money, with !merest to payments as set fcrth m said note and have agreed to abide by the terms of said note and Charter and Bylaws of
<br />Commercial,
<br />That whereas this mortgage shall secure any add!honaf advances, with interest, which may, at the option of Commercial, be made by Com-
<br />mercial to the undersf geed Mortgagors ar iheu successors m Upe far any purpose, at any time before the release and cancellation of this mortgage,
<br />aft PROVIDED HOWEVER. a[ no time shall the aggregate pnnapat amount secured try this mortgage, being the amount due at any time on said
<br />anginal note and any add!bonal advances made. exceed an amount equal to 110 percent of the amount of the original note. but m no event shall
<br />card note exceed the maximum amount permitted by law, and PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that nothing herein contained shall be considered as limiting
<br />the amount that shall ba secured hereby when advanced to protect the security or m accordance with covenants contained in the mortgage.
<br />Nuw, ~f the said Mortgagors shalt Iraq or cause td be paid the said sums df money when due, as sat forth m said note, and any other note for
<br />additional advances made unto said debt is fully pa!d with nNerest, then these presents shall be vo!d; otherwise, to be and remain m full force and
<br />effect; but if default should he !Wade:
<br />jai In any of the payments due nn sa!d note, and any other note for additfonal advances made. as therein agreed to be made For three months, a
<br />t) In keeping the ffrprdvese;rts ;n card premises Insured against Ices Dy reasor. of tire. !!ghtmng, and oMer hazards ire!uded in extended
<br />coverage ursurance in an amount not Ices than the unpaid balance of Bard mortgage loan !n a company dr companies acceptable to Com-
<br />meraal. the ongmal df such pol!cy ar pol!cfes to be held by Commercrai. and with a mortgage clause at[ached to said poNcy or policies.
<br />~n favor of Commercfal; ar
<br />u .n the payment of taxes and assessments iev!ed upon said prem!ses, dr do [his mortgage. Deface they are del+nquenP dr
<br />'di If there !s any change :n the ownersh!p of the rea! estate !mortgaged herein. Dy sale. either ounight or DY land contract. or try asstgnfcent of
<br />.av ,a,.,~„ ~,~,",,, ,,, ~~,...,.:~..
<br />then, 'n env of tho above set forth events, the whale Indebtedness hereby secured shall, al the aphon of Commercfai. !mmedrately become due and
<br />payaele wftltout further notice. and the amount due under said dote and any other note for additional advances !;?ado shat; team the date of the exercfsd
<br />of said apuud. near merest at the maxfmwn toga! rete per annum. and this mortgage maY ~~ tx; foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on sa!u Hole, and
<br />any :dher note .w addfhonai advances, togettior with elf sums paid dY Commerce! toi insurance. taxes, assessments and aostran extens!on charges.
<br />with 'merest ihereaf from the date ni pay;nent at the ^~axmmn.: Idgai rate.
<br />PROVIDED that ~n no avant. ether before of atler r,'efauit, shaft ate interest due under said note and th!s mortgage and any other note (or ad~
<br />dihona! advances made exceed the ~uaztn,u:n :awful ,merest rate.
<br />PROVIDED. hurtht, !pat t!! fife ever, ~na. -,eiaWr ;r-Clr± ~;! she =saMmg =-. ,he ~~y~,+Qnts gue~,n a:d a412_unr ~~, a!rY ~+t~Qr !ate f.,r.,,ldrt.~faf
<br />advances, ,!s t!terefn agree,: to he :Wade. rr ur ~rep,n¢ the ,v?:mses ,nsua~, as above trdvtued a !t uetauR be wade n! the of€nent:,f the faxes
<br />ill dS5e55men (C 't; v, ed upcp the l'remlSB> .ib6 Ve 9e91 it~7 ~9 a:wn h ,ortgag@, ['4 h: re '!ley ,tie iW !nW :IPhngUPitl -:.i:,aE -~d' SRaii pp er+t~t~?d
<br />',} the ~!nitiedia to ~+nSYE551Li! f t``€ IN FVi15t'S 3ix3VP l.5~.!r„@-d. t~~'91D~+ iii'! tli !!ntS SIICIr@dS :1"Id i5IF65 d1, ~In~~-...; ,,~ rd; ~_,StS .-tC!.':o7
<br />,~ „ i+., r, ,,,. , ,, r hi :, .. ,,..a s :, ;;ee,^~ e,essa. ~: ;^e ;rpcsc ,. ,axf:+ eaa;:~ .. ,.. ~..e,:~ses ,.:.,, ..:c ,;+. ...: „ ..,..... w.
<br />„rH„runs. -az_ ;urd Us~iw3.~,cn„ ,.~r..,vr.. ,- en.:se5. and >5r ~:ecessary expenses !nci.red :^ •e!+t.^g aa<d p!es€rrses ...d ._~;..:.t- ,~ ...-.t ;, ..• ,:ti
<br />to api+!Y S.l.irF fHr `.:,rd r.!P and .fey udte> !'v!denctng tUtlre adVanleti nered!rder !1n t,t the ~nrNlltf~ne-5) seEU[eu ,s l,iiy t:,r€=r. ,nu - -'a I€ ~~c
<br />,..e n ~..... ,.,ti. ~.., -1a,r,,. - :....~. .,,. ..,.H ~ ..~ ...
<br />. ;tier„x„u'V odes ne,~ ~~ e. „vo, a r, , ~rsre~ un6. ;, !unetc t !cvus, pr wee..., af? . r..e~ ± . as
<br />payments tL,e ?!ortg_ge awuets _~ .cry ether u!cunes ,,i auy types whatsoever f a!u tia!d p~rupeftY to 6e appited!~n the cotes dLUVC. dtcn,trNd f~l srrd
<br />Commr'icrd ,hall m .w ease ;~ ;able ;cr tDs ra.i+ee to -,ar„cure tenans ~a ceileci gents. cr td prosecute at,hOns to rs€osr pdssess.,+ ,:u:i F a~ •! srs
<br />The MOrtgagors +uflher appuurl l,dinilrerpell Ct lHrfdha. NeWasha, !heir attdnley ip tact, g+v!lig Said afldtney {rower „revOCaD!~• ~~,IDet €w .t5 ~~wn
<br />name or Morlgagors' names to table afi necessary steps tar fuoceedmg; ~u cuu!t m otherwise, to cause Baru premuas to be valaled- 4• ~ur;eu !enla~s
<br />a dthur uuomes due, auo when vacant, to !clef the same, to make alt rcasonaDte repaus anti pay taxes dot of satu tents, prdhis <dr,Utict oay~.enis .,u
<br />mCOraes and to do ai; such linage either Dy its own otNcers ;[ by ether paihes dWy autDonzed and apputnteu 6y ;E as as agent'ioi ;afu lwrpuse. ,!r!d
<br />to Charge it peg a reasonable 'ee nor sucD >ei vices, ail at the abd ve !a tle done at such pines and +n Such mamrer f tl -'a Snip €', ^s .!s :^ hen ,a,d
<br />?ttaney r!tay seem Drst. with nun power of sutsDtutfon
<br />the Mofigagurs nerebg agree leaf .t Contn,erc,at e!(her vd,untarr;y c, :nvafW!tanly ;recd,rms cr a made a fairly to any su,t -.,r iniKeedu!g r•-1,fi,!!t;
<br />to the hdreu!betd!e describeU reap estate in !c this ~rroNgage „r sa,d note or +.titeS- ~zthHr than a forecn>swe arstituled ny gnnnerua; 14o!tgtfMe!s #i:
<br />fauntxfno Comn~etcra! fv! all 'easrx,aDle casts ~naurred by C~omer,a! ,a sa!d swt of ,noceemng The Mortgagufs Luther agre~r that .r are !for=~naetonr
<br />lieShilrBd !edi e5(ate of d1,V i'art 'heleol De i6ddeinn@(f llndel ttlN Wwef a! r}7u nClit ildnfai d. Jf iD 6thei W,3C ACyu;Ieti fat a i;r, tP!!: ', 9.` `i,r 8.C°ahin
<br />awafded, the pwte6us loi the taxing, anti lo! the ~:unsiderah:x, ka! sorb ,tlquis,hwr to the extent u' ten r;tl~ a~ninuu u! the u:n!aur!ng oni:a,a :fmobted-
<br />ucSn socn!ed by ;tics nrditgagd, ba, anti they ffeieUy a!a ass,gned !~ Commefe!at ;red badu ce pd,d fortnwfth to CAmmen a L.r Le ,irp~~("u .~n -,.~.5 -~:
<br />fie !ast rrraWimg ,nsMrinftnris rrf su _h ~ndehleanass
<br />Da lad this.- Lrath day nr April_ - - :-j `srs
<br />f:
<br />t.
<br />IN THE f kESENCE DE ,' ~- ~`
<br />i'orrald J , :'mi ttf
<br />~_. :?ert~ e ~ . ;:mina
<br />':TATS ;lF Nf:BkASKA
<br />HAIL ;s
<br />~:JUNTY ~ p
<br />m tare 'r.th lay nr April lyBO t~fdre '~.:e. ., ~.ctaty ,uc+r~ -~ u.4 ._ _.-~ : ,-t ,~e:vn, ~, „ t
<br />*+.can~x:.€ `ymittr asa~3 '.3enzse - Smiti~r, :`azsi,anc] .1h:: ~<iea,
<br />~rF ~'+i' Ali: ...ti#ii l .+.; ink' ,:1 _..•i,..Sy jX1JW. :~ }~rs~r. . whdye Il~.n~ : ,:d.!;e~ .SfC .I~rFxt:~ - '.irk ,. t'r i ..I..~.r ~i~ ~ .~.. ,~... ..- . t,. -
<br />R'IIIM'!0'RIM~} ~r1/ d ,, ,,,. ._.~„ 3, ~., hr. €-xtCuhu he. p,=' ,k „ : .. .:....... . „ .: . .. ~?
<br />