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~~~~~~~ <br />:,-~: <br />_. __-- __ 31t~tTGAGE Gf1AN Leo. E 23.746 <br />KN[~YALLtafi?-dRYTF1FSFYR£SE?+[SS-T?t#t ,I~s A. Schultz arn! Mary A. Schultz, each in his and <br />her txrtn right, and as spouse of each other <br />AfcrtEastu, whethn oat oa atwre, at abaHdettNiea tsf the tt~ d <br />Fif3~c-s~.~cen__II~~_and_~nd_X11.99-.----------~--_---_-_-~-._-~ --- _----------------570 -- <br />lnalred ua yid toort{pgsor by l'trr t~quitalsk t3uitdirtg anti torah Atwacittion axf l,nnd lsttmd, Nehraatn, Jdort~ee, upon ahtttas of tROeJt of <br />sad ASS4['!AT!(~t, Ceni#'rrate Nn. L 23 , 706 . do hereby gtattt, tzynvcy nod ratxtya~pe ttato the sda ASStJ('fATit~r1 the fo9owk+~ <br />dtaacribrd red euatr, ,titaetrd m ttsN L'uunty, Nebndra <br />LOT NINE (g} IN WESTROAOS ESTATES FOURTH SUB"vI'v`iSION, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />trrpether wttb a#: aha terrments. hercilttamrnts ~xu€ apprtnrnaaxs thrrttunst hekrnRtnR, anrLtrdrreq attached Harr cvverntp, aL vattrdtirV aaeens, <br />vnnrkrw shades, b}itx3s, strum wratJows, avrnutgs. ~rtatrtrt, en rvndttirrninft, and piumbmg atui wattt eyuipmem and nctrtaoriet thrreto,pampa,ttraves. <br />re€rigeraturs, arxl .tttrer fiat xes anr7 ryatlsmrrtr .t._+s„ .,t irrreatter attas:Itet1 ;,e trr ,rail to contta`t urn wrth wad rral c<tafr. <br />.Atxf whereas the yard rn:rt>Ortrru tas aXreest ~rnc} tizatis hereby a}lrce ;tat the nurrxtgaRur shnii and wdl pay aU tuef and xtr~ameata irvtaal vi <br />assessrd utxrn shut prrarmas a:tJ upr.+n rha nusrtµngr :.nd the F:anti sri~u~rt1 ahrrehv ^eiore the snrne shall baYxtit ddtrtquent: to turtna}t approved <br />nnn 'nil ,~.r <br />in$N7trKr trput9 tttr b{raht€rt~t,+m iYH: IgrlanrC5511 utfru I:l thr s~nn t%1 ~ :1r ,UUV. VV (Jayanlr tU adii +wXltfAtiVii arru w ..~..:r. .,. <br />AS''3{7t'(A77tNti t ar tyr€tcrrt for vrJ anst;ranre. and root to r;Etannut ..r pennrt any wasrr tm s+r atwut >saJ prrrntxs. <br />In caY ui Jef atilt :o ahr prra<unaru:c :H env :~a ~hr trrxn*, ant! tonJttu;ns ..:t ahn atxutKaFc or altr hunt xrtrrrd hereby, ttte matRagae shah, <br />cstt Jrnund., tta mitt Y~J to nnntrtirrtr :x>strssnrn .n :hr ~;a*t~K;ytrd prcmdxs :anti :he :txutpattw hrrchv essrgus, rlansiers a:ul sea ttvar ao the <br />nxxtRagee alt the rents, ~eexnues dnd inarettc trr ;?r dtraucd loom thr trvxtJ ptrnrtsca Junrtg stusa nme as ttrc uwrt~e utJebtednea shad rarttsra <br />tmpanl; srul thr nrurtgaiter strait havr ttae prwrr ar> any agtrrt irr aKtr+ts a rrwy Jrvte !ur the par pasa ui rrpa¢ttt6 card prentrtea anti reatar6 <br />fhr strnr oral u!th.ri nrK itrr rents.: rvrrturs ar,J rnc<=nx, aanJ at rurY pay out .;€ ,aril urcvmr .ri€ rxpruses of rr(wrtriq[ vrd pternrtea anal narreleuy <br />Cernuniaxaara arrJ rtprnse•s :ncuxard rra ~entutK anJ ,;arnaKmK the- vurr aril ••a ,.uikcfnaK metals therefrom. rite htianw rengmiryt, of any, to tx <br />appirrd aowarJ thr ;irsctautte ~y ;aaJ .=a,rrtiaar r,a.iri+trrint-s., these ta~Lrt, t,t iP.r ~nurtgaggr ,:tav t+r eaeectsad at any titrrr durtrtg the exrstrnax tsf sttt:it <br />tk{aui[, arrrspacrrrr ui aav tcmprnan waterr,d sfir samr <br />tltesr 1'resenkr, imruevea, atr uE n: ;hr r,r+_ ;!oar a1 tzar aaul M~a ytag:xr _,ivJi :rttey .taw' 6~n t,u vs t~t.ue Ute ~turturty ut soul shatea u} <br />patntani. tsy nwnihly :~+varat ~1:ilrK-3:AilftN •:! the :,run tpr.:ciaeJ',t [fir tharr:i u~.ureu ttrrrhv as.naerrst and ptmctpal.rnutJloan,~,uortrrfott <br />tits €~wrnt R!i€t t':3Y' ..3t raCi". xrtJ rYCty °'nrrtt it in ~ '~S:d €!Y.n ;. ! u!lv (HInt, pxv alt tat Xr> xrtJ a~~a.s:rt-•ntx ;rrx:S a!'.a3:tSt Si u: (±rtantSS a: ul un tats lloti~t <br />a[rd thr tsorW ,es`rrrrd Inerrbv, ~et,!ae tsrtnwurr...x, itu milt eppttrrru atwsran~r upren ark iuxlrjmes ttterrun r.t am Burn .It S h 7 ,t~QLI, tlLl paYabta <br />r <br />w .atd A~.`itK'lAf~it )~i ~rpav !E a~ A'itit.%. to i i{t1 aetx-.r, tteertaatJ a€t nx.nev ry ~ t,au. t a .ooh aa.rrs, sssesstttrrts Gant nistrt assr;e wdh antesest at <br />the rnayres+er~tr!sal as ,kc.ri~.rr :parr ,- ,cart:. aet ,_, w,n~n fia <br />. ya~.a n - s aKra ,. tav , ,irttrr sr_ waste nn taari ptraruses. krep and ctrnapi,r <br />wrt€t a€3 t€tc agrrzmrnr ar»i runefiaiasns :~i a €irrnu ic,r 3 j J' rz~(jV. {j(}thri ,iaY aaxn `vv .hr uad htorrr~[t}.n t;. surd A.~iJiltfA f€t)ti. arni c,ortip€y <br />wait al! nc~ irliwrrrt>EUtstd the l'onsUautuaasnJ try ..rws..! soot AS;I'lKlAilUti, then ahrrr {era'x'.erts ~hai€ txcvna troll and vorJ.:,thatwtsr LhaY <br />shop rrerum ±n fiuii iui r araJ rxdq L~e tore 1:,vril xa the .,pturn +.t a}re +arJ 4S1tX IA 1 tt.)N .titer Iadm'c t.,r three nwmdts to makr any of satJ <br />prYnaarrts ur €w. ibrrr nxrnths ur at+caas na ~itxkutg ,arJ na,nthty t><t>nrraatx. ~a r~r Frrp sod t.,urpiy with thr agrrenrrnts anJ ocrnJrttous ui sarJ t3rmJ. <br />a[nl;trsrlgabvx aterrrs to fantn v trot-rh.c argw,eurd t.wthwath Ln ao..i, f;rarsl.xawc t.x.xertimgs <br />it itrare a any ciqurgr ut wvuetstaap oa the rra! rstxlr nxatK;rtyc.i Ittrcur, by sole to .>tftrrwtae, tixn tha rntue rrmaurtryt uttkbtednen hereby <br />tw:ured siraelt, at itsc uptrua u! Lhe 1•.a{urtabk Iiwktut;K auJ i.uan Asa.wyat,un ul (,rarrJ Istarni,!Yrbenaln, tx trnx unnredtatrly dtte anJ pyabk wtthuut <br />fwtlter rx,trx•, acrd the atttuamt. rearrttnutp Jut runkr sa,J Msat, arril arty other krund tan any nJJriwnal advaucts nwde thareunder, shag, tnnn the <br />after ,=l cxet,•rse ul sand trptxnt, Naar rntrrrsi a! the nrianuntun lrltat rtkr, attJ this eewrtgage nwy then be ieuardrsed to satitdy ehe anttwtst due un soul <br />hruW, u:d aay otirea b.nat tut additxuu€ advarnes, rargt[hat wait ail sun>a par.l by trod the €~.ywtabk lSttJclirtg anal Loam Aswrruttun ut t;rtnJ Island. <br />4ebraska t.n aasurartoc, tats auu aur,satrrnu, anil abstraittrag r~irnsxtrt .:itargrs, wuh ~ntrrest theetou, truth date of 1'raYrrtrnt at life ntaxrrnum <br />teal rate. <br />As pruvukst to !Ire l3rm.l x`<urrd hereby, w-htk ttus rn,ntgrgr ammmri m rt'tea ttre rrtunr~rr ufay haralter aJmroc adJtnurwl swtu to the <br />rattirrs +,{ sad dual, than asty~trs:.f ,u:t,ese.+as iu laatetrtt, wiskh suoN i}taii 6e wtthu: tttr a:t:urdy ut this nurrtyayr ttre saute is the fundsuttptrtdiy <br />atrzw~rd ahrraby, the tgtat ankwir, ,*i turaogra3 Jehi rx.t r,J,.xtravi at aoy tnx~ the r%tqunaE aanuunt ..t rho rrxitigyde. <br />li4t~d thss .~. ~ ,7xy ,>t '~~'~~ ~J t. ! ).. I `a <br />t..>F~ ,r <br />~_ ~~.~ <br />14ary A. S ul tz "' <br />S7A"Ll~.l.)f?r`~dl..~ ~. t7n than c~.E~tti Jay c,f Apri ~ lu ~() . helure nu, <br />tYyl1?f'f`s t'yF }tAtt. 4 <br />ahx eatrJarsatirtrd, a huiaty t'utalu.~ », anJ fur sata€ l,runty. (•rt r. Warily Darfur <br />Jtt~es A. Schultz tend Mary fi, 5chuitt, each in his and her crwn rightaM?nd .ys >p~u~setnuoy~ ~; <br />outer are <br />nor tar t.a the aSnuts;ai parw-an „tvtpssy awttJt;. `S' . dt"e ~atti~rd a~± thr atnx«r .rst.cunara,i a: ,ruutpaau: °. a;td tF12}' ~a--varakty <br />~I Litt € nsstrurtvrnt,tr#,ha~ Lhfti,!" ~ ,Y4J{tnfaay ~! x=est Jeeit. <br />ta1't ~Atf::i,'f Fatq ~'4R°' H~ t01}!da tad -~{'Sl~yt€~.t'r d11..riT1d. , <br />!tic ra4:a°s¢~t: r#~:uls ~' f ,~.'.~'~ - .:'~ <br />_ ~ .t Vt.tyry 1'uFrfia' <br />gl'iatl ii <br />