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<br />4v''~!t}y/ ALL htEN 3Y THESE PRESE=NTS, that I_lQk~ FEDERAL 'sAV}4y~~, b i Q~ ASS~IA'flt~d.
<br />i^Assignnr"3 fnr gf~od an,'-. ualuabte consideration to it in-hand paid by the -
<br />rdebras'.ca MortgagE Finance fund, organized under the laws of the State of
<br />Nebraska t"Assignee") the receipt of which ~n5ideration is herEtiy
<br />ac,knowiedged, doss herehv assign, transfer, and set over unto Assignee a!f
<br />its riq),ts, tide, and interest in and to that certain ?".artgage executed try
<br />SCOTT A. TWEEDLY AND TERRI ANN TrfEEDLY husband and wife unto
<br />Assignor, dated Aarii 25, 1980 ,mortgaging the fallowing
<br />dr3scribed rent property 1:n_ated 'in the Caunty of HALE State
<br />of Pebraska:
<br />LOT Tldd t2) Itd 31,DCK r,.IVE i57 IN ASi-lTON i-TLACE, Atd ADDITI6N TO THE CITY OF
<br />and filed for record in the Oft ice of the Register afi Deeds of HALL
<br />County, Nebraska, or, the 41th day of April 14_~ a~
<br />apitear 1 ng of record i n ~7id~~ n t~ A 80-t)G I :l'~2 together with the
<br />ngtets) and indwbtednes5 escri~ed in, and secured by the instrument
<br />aforesaid.
<br />TG HAVE ANU tU Ffl?Ll; : ne same unto me said iveur ~ssnd ~ N,~: ~i~oy6 ''. °Uncv
<br />fund .and untq it ruccessnrs and assigns farever,
<br />THIS ASSIGNMENT +S MADE ExPRESSLY S1~5JECT 7O P,NL~ iN accordance with
<br />the warranties and representationrs pt Assignor with Assignee pursuant to a
<br />eer#ain k~rtgrge i.~an rgnatia,n Agreement lretwegn A>,Ignc~r :end Assignees,
<br />~c?~y :;* Yoh ._ ,;n ~ _c ir° ~h€3 ;={fire c,: n_~si=~ni'r~.
<br />L:xE~•t;?`Fr: ear, .s:i-cREi .~:. ~ `th ,day :;#
<br />{~ _~
<br />++i)R`+f: ~E17E.i~AL ~Ab'!Nr~S c4 LCAI'd ASvi)CiATlQN
<br />CName of ASS+FIner) (~f~ GRAND !BLAND
<br />ATTEST:
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<br />T9T E: ~>ecrrtaryi, ti{~ hen _ ;r•i';'er r~~~.t: rre> lel J. 1 -~ir~!r>~>r
<br />;TAI'S ;`JE 'dFHFZASKA ;
<br /><; . ,
<br />CrJUNTY Oi= HALL 7
<br />the ~ reg~ ncz '. r,rtrument was 7C. isC)aw. e:7gec; [~ *~~re m~f Th I P _^~~{~,
<br />~~1r3~e~erY ana ~'r .~.b .. __ of -r:~h9 ~(;# 1tA1 ~, the A~~;ic~n~r, r}
<br />__ €.}}~~TCA',~A __ f'~~rphrst r~^n .>r AsS~c i vY ~,~n, on t=era I f ;,F ?he
<br />i0f°~r1ra'f I C+n pr h5,,i"ri. i e * i s it ;
<br />~. Ilil f'sF*-~-;'~ r,y hand ~:nQ "SGt:t r-i:]i iet7i 3t .T.y ;)~~ ~i: £.' !^ '. ~~31:7 - .,,: ~. __
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<br />~r_-Y~3nty Lt- --'--"`~~'r.,3`47 _i ~_~.r_:~`~ ;~;~~ _...~...._ :.7~> ^i ~ ~, w, ~iJ;w....~.
<br />it#e~' ~rww~+
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