<br />s"~~!P:~ fJb` NgB~A, aka et ...............»...
<br />I~'iied for reenrd ~atitd amC+mr#a is i~ttmericai ne~z"... ........'.. .
<br />oA .............................. ..., .,, at`................ o°aaENek ...... 14L,
<br />atpd]*tl~eordeii in Zed $eeord' « «»........,.»... , Page ..........,
<br />.............~........................................... lay' ..,.......................,.,....,.....:...._..............
<br />Connty Clark or Degnty Canaty Cler7t or
<br />;its stet of )Deeds I?epnty Register o! Deeds
<br />~lJ"" ,~.`~ ~fi~~'l~1 i .l~L~sJJ
<br />- Mann 3, AlcConnel2 (also knotet as Martin S. AlcCmutell} and Irene K. McCacesell, httsbatsd
<br />and rrlf'e, each in his and her cram right
<br />as spouse of the other , hereim esUed the grantor w9tethate me ~ tsr~r~
<br />in consideration at Forty--six Thousand, give hundred and No~100's dollars -~--y- (tIv6,5t~.00)
<br />racetved from grantee, does grant, tiargatn, ~U, conveg and confirm unto
<br />Winkler Realty Co~auy, Inc.
<br />herein cello:'. the t;•rsatee whether one or more, the foiiovring deeeribed real giraperES is
<br />..............:Na11................................................ Connty, Nebraska:
<br />IAt Tao {~} ixt Block Five (5) 3a Ashtcn Place, as Addition
<br />to the City of iraad Zala~, Hall COtturty, Fiebrasks.
<br />'fsi hxr'r xud to held tine above rirxctibed l~remisee together with xU tencmeata, hereditamsnb
<br />xnd xlspurtwuncea thereto batonKiuK ants the grantee send to grantee's heirs xnd xaxigaa forever.
<br />And t .~ grsuator bast hereby covrttant with t.ha grantee xnd with ;traatae a heirs and assigae
<br />that grantor i tswfuUy seises] of said lrretnisax; that they are fm from aaenmbranea xx~
<br />Subject to all easements and reatrictiarss o: record.
<br />taxi. atafrar irxa g.:ot rigist xml letvfaS ,.trthnrity to r3onvay the .aura; end that ,grantor svarraa# and will
<br />defanu **-_he titl€ io +aij r_?remiaea a£zainst the lawful rlaiata of ail perwna whamaoevar.
<br />f--..
<br />I)8tei ~ c E,r?.- ,'J
<br />n9
<br />Merin 5, McCpsnell
<br />( so knotwa as Martin S. McComell }
<br />...._.,.
<br />Irene M. MCGonnell
<br />ti'i'A9'A~ OH' tiF.RItASh.4, Coauty rsP .._.., iiilll........_ ........ .................
<br />Safore rna, » notary puLlm ,~u,:iit'ee*.i Yryr rxui rusrn[r•, ~sery~aully t~xwa
<br />N~tin $. lfcCop~tall (also knonlrt: as Martin ~. McConnell) and -Irene M. McCor>rtell, husband
<br />alts.
<br />xnov.:; itx roe tij F~a the i:~Yrre„-sl 1*erwu c.r E+araons ;vhn argued the
<br />tnra}orni# iaeirawbnt xu>l rteltnorvledgod the er<aaution thereof to be his,
<br />leer ar their ~~rslutltary act xnil .3eed.
<br />w
<br />~ _ ~ a _;'1
<br />'41'iEUe~ my lzxu3 xrs.] nvkYrist Kax+ r,= `.. P`:';~ ... '..- ;. _ _ _ .....
<br />... c, ...,~ ..
<br />~~~~ttktY•8tseta~Met ~ ,mow.. kv +,t~~: -. ,~ f.., ivutrry i'uhiia
<br />~~ v~ :~~rrt~ti~isrrr~ t ~
<br />tae ~~a ate, res. 5: ; i ~ _ ,.
<br />fir -~t~a,:;:a:.s..zt~ i^Axes. _ _: ~ .x. ;.:..i.: y. ... :a~..., i~+ ,::s...
<br />~'-is~.z~i : s r5¢rE37r+cqy t~tr 5eeisre#±tu 'sWt~- mar- -lax?a:ra-: t,.rr, F~ k >x+rid (5r., uxaares Nr"rc.
<br />