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WilttRtus, Borrower is ittdebted to Lender in the principal snm of. TI=N. T{jQt~$?N0..ANa .N413 pQ---"'-__,._ <br />T--,--.._ -------____.~_______..~uars, which inde:btednesa is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dteind.. Ptp.ri I ~ 2A,..1~980 . ..... . (herein "Note"), ptnviding far mottthly installments t~ principal anti interest, <br />witA the ba}atfce of the indelxedrtess, if not sooner paid, due and payable on....~Y..I....194Q .............. <br />TO SecuRB to Lerfder (a) the repayment of rife indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />pttymerN of alt other same, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect tlm security of this <br />Nfottgage, a~ the performance of the covenants and agreements of B©rmwer herein wntained, and (b) the repayttteat <br />taf any future advances, vridr irNerest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />">yurttte Advattcaw"), grower dates hereby mortga~~Lgrant and convey to Lertder the following described propertg <br />Inf~ttatf lit the.Ctrtmty trf ....................................... . ... State of Nebraska; <br />LOT FIVE {5} fN CAPITAL HEIGHTS SIXTH SUBDIVISION,-BEING A PART OF TFfE SOUTHWEST <br />Q(JARTER (SW~) t`)F SECTION TWO (21 TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (II) NORTH, RANGE TEN ([0) WEST <br />OF THE 6TH P, M., IN HALL COUNTY, NEBf2ASKA <br />Subject to a prior morFgage in the original amount of $23,400.00, in favor of <br />HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCiATI4N OF GRAND ISLAND recorded in Book 159, <br />Page 546, of the Mortgage Records of Hall County, Ptebraska. <br />which has the ate of .................4Z47.7ex~ .Arta..........., .... Grand . t s 1 and ......... „ <br />tau..t1 tc,ayt <br />_:.- <br />,~r~6rtps)ta ....g~pi3i, _ , . , , (herein "Properly rlxidrrac"); <br />i&ttt+t and 2~ G+iflRl <br />T3tq~'tattt with all the improvements now or hereafter erea:ted c71f the property, and art easewa:nts, rights, <br />a~~, rcntts;, royalties, mineral, oit anti gas rights and profits, water, water righES, and water stock, and alt <br />ftrtttttrs ~ to herrw8fier attached to the property, all of which, irictttdigg rcpiaccrttents arfd acislitisans thereto, shelf be <br />daet~ed to be and reatain a part of the pcuperty covered by this Mortgage: and ail of the faregoinR, uigether with said <br />property. (ot' the lbotd +:attate it this Mortgage is ura a feasehukf) arc herein refaarred to as rite "Property"'. <br />BsiKrawer covetwtta; that Bizrxrrvt~r is lawfuity seised cJf the estate hereby canva:ycd and hats the right to mortgage, <br />gra4t and. cxmvey cite Prc4tetty, that the Property h uueru:unnc~red, and tlfat Borrower will warrant and defend <br />wally the trk iv the qty tpgainst all etaims arts! den°~;tnds, suhje~t to any iiarat+nus, zasertaent3 or reatriGtiotts <br />ii6ts~d in a tschr,dale r>t esseptic>ns [o eovera~ in arty title insuraruc pcaiic} insuring i,eatder'~ intcr~t in [he Property. <br />-. , to##asuty.-tit75---FlgMNiMl1iC ifilill <br />