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~~3-a. rE.'7~'C3 <br />l,.tnckr'u sxrtttrt, a,grtetncnt or applicable law. Rorrawer shat! pay #he.amm.ant of ai~t mcirtgagt ins~urancc prcnti:tms rn the ". ~. <br />manner prrtv~dcd r.-rxter 'paragraph 2 hjercoF. <br />Any am,,unts disbursed bq Ltmitr pursuant to this paragraph^ 7. with interest thereon, shalt lxcomt atiditionat <br />indebtedness of liorrawtr sectrrtd by this Mortga~. Unlestt Borrower and Lrnder agtrc to a#her terms of payment, such <br />amotmts shat lu payable upon nckice Frain Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shaft bear interes# from the <br />dart of disburxmeni at the rate payatde From time to time on ontstartding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable taw', in which event such amounts shah bear interest at the highest rato- <br />permiaihk undn applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shat! require Lender to incur any expettst or take <br />any a:.tion hercttnckr. <br />1R laspcrtNre. i_ender may make or cause to be made reasonable rntrits upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender chart give Bnrrowrr notice prier to any such inpectian specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />mterrtt m the Properly. <br />9. Condemwtrfina. The prareeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, nr part thermf, cx for conveyance in Iku of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall '.,c paid to Lender. <br />Tn the crept of a rota! taking r>f the Pn,pcrty, the prctcculs shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excs~cs, if env, paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in wntir~, there shalt f,c applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums ssxured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking hears to the fair market value of the Pmperty immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />if the Property is abandranetl by Borrnwe.r, nr rf after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemrtor offers to make <br />an aw;;rd .rr ,cote a claim for Damages. &,rrnwcr failo to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lendtr rs authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. a[ Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propery r,r ro the sums secured h, this Mnrrkage. <br />^ntes+ Lrncler and Borrower othetwrsr agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shag not extend <br />or postpone the due dare at the monthly inctallments referred to in paragraphs !and 2 hereof or change the amoun[ of <br />such mstailments. <br />lA. Horrower Not Rrkaaed. Extension of the trine for payment or modification of amortizatipn of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by [-trader to any stuccssor m incercst of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liahilitq of the original Borrower and ilnrrower'+ successors in interest. tender shalt not be required to commence <br />pn,cecdings agamu such uncessnr nr refuse to extend time for payment ur otherwise modify amnrFizatian of the soma <br />soured by thts Morgage ley reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower`s successors in interest. <br />I1. Fotlrteruxe 6y [trader NM a Waiter. Anv forbearance try Linder in exercising env right or remedy herennder, or <br />othcrwisr a!farded h}' appticahlc law, shall nor t,t a waiver of or preclude the e,ercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The prncurcmrnt of insurance nr the pavrnent of tasxw or other hens .,r charges by Lender cha0 not t,c a waiver of Lender's <br />nght a, aceelrrate the mahtrit~ of the mdehrrdnt+s ,craved by thrc Mortgage. <br />~- IJ i~~,rtedies Cutrtuhdivt. .Ail rrmeJ:rs pn,s;drd in this Mortgage arc distinct and rvmulative to any other right or <br />retfedy~.ttade."thrs Mitif~age or afforded he Iaw ar c•ywn~, end may t,e ecrrc+srd roneurrently. iodeprndenH>` or successively. <br />~S,1tceCaserra std laeriRas Boartd; Jaiat attd srrrral f.iabilify: Captions, The covenants end agrrcments herein <br />ecrktttirWd-zlwil.hind, and the rights hereunder shall ins+re to. the respeetrve successarr+ and assitns of fencirr :,nd Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of naragrapfr l7 hrreo( All .ovcnants and agrrrment+ of Bnrn,wcr sh;dl l,r Ioint and uvrrd. <br />The captions and htadmgs of the paragraphs .+f this Mortgage are for corn•emrnce only and are rant t,. hr used to <br />interpret ur define the prov;siorn hereof. <br />14. Ndice. Except for any nohrr rcyir;:^d unJer applicable law to br gwcn m another manner, fa? any notice en <br />Rorrowrr prov;drJ fat in thin Mortgage +hal1 t,c g_rvrn as. marling ,uch nohre h} ~rrt;fled mail adclresud fir Borrower at <br />the Property .address or at such ,ahtr .utdres+ ns Rorrawer may designate by mnice us i.ender .is provided herein, and <br />fh. an}' nonce to Lender shalt hr eiscn Irv srrhfieJ snarl, retrvn rrrrrt+t requested, to t enikr's address sfated hertirt or to <br />such „t her address as Lender mat deaftnutr M notice to Borrower as prov;drJ htrem. .An}' na+t ice provtdcd for in this <br />Mortgage shalt hr Jtrmcd to fttvr hrcn ~t+rn a, torrower or I rrtdrr +hrn g;.en rn the matrnrr designated herein. <br />I5. l'aifarm Nortga)(e; <:overaittt; Lax; SearrttJtNity. Tho tnrrti l,t mottpaae vombtnts un;Form rovrnants far nauonal <br />use and rton-uni(nrrn covenants with lim;ira! varaat~ans h,~ cur{s,hructn t-: .nnsutir:r a un;fortn srcunf}• inarument eavering <br />teat nra±prtty. This Mortgage shat! lsrt gaserrrtd by the taw .+f rht ~ernx#tctr,+tt --~ which :ht Prr,prrty is tacatrd. In the <br />cunt chat .,n} pr,,v;siait :x sla,r~,t of ±l,i+ M.,rt gage ar the ,'vote ranflirt+ with ,spphcahte law. strrh ronfltet ehall not a€ftrt <br />other nro+rsrons of th++ Mortgage ar the N:+tc •,vhesh rat: M ~tvrtt efFec; wtthont the conflicting pr,vi.ian. and rn this <br />rnJ the pnwisions of ihr Mortgage and rhr toty err Jevi:vrd o+ hr ceverable <br />t6. Homixrr's C'apy. Born,uct +hati tic Funu,hed a +otrhrrntrd .npv` nl :hc tiatc .m,i of thn hinrtlregr at rhr tame <br />of rxesunan or alter recordation htre,rf <br />17. Trrnster of flee Property; tlMatnpfian. it elf arany part of the Proprrn~ ++r an mttrrst tbrrtm is ,ofd ~~r transirrrrd <br />by Bouowcr wrthotn Lender's pror wrincn , nn+rnt. excluding tat the .nation of a hen or ercumhraner vrhonlinatr to <br />thn Mortgage. (hl the ,:matron of ,, purchase money security +nttre+t for hausrhuld appli:ml:es, ;ci a tran+ftr by devise. <br />deaa:ent ar by operattcn of !aw uplm the <karh of a joint tenant or <br />! rndrr rosy. at Lrndet's spoon. dedarr aiI the snots secured by this Mortgage to bt <br />rmnxJ,,dtly due and payaMr I rnJtr shall have waived +uch option h+ arccierete ;f. prior t++ the +ale ut transFcr, I trader <br />and the perwn u, wham rfic Property ;+ to ht satJ a,r transfrrnJ Hach agrecmem ,n wrung that the crtd;t of +urh Ix•nan <br />rs satisiartorv ro t.ender and that the intnr+t payohlr. an the soots srrurcd h} fii+ 4ortgage +hall ht at sod, rate .,. Lroder <br />steal! rryuest !t t tndtr has uan~cxf the rlpnan to .,rrelctatr provrJtJ ~n this p;tr,,graph 17, and .f Borrawcr~+ +u.:rc+sar ;n <br />interest has executed ;t unrten assumption agrrrment accrpnd in writing by t coder. l ender shall release Rorrawer Iram all <br />obligations unJer tfiis Mortgagt and the Note. <br />If Lendtr excn:rsrs such option to acvriMatr. I rnJer ,hate matt Borrower nobcr of aratlrrarion u? aecardaner s+;th <br />paragraph !4 herro{ Such nutt:e shall pravrdr a prrisxl of oar irsc than i(i Jat+ from the date the natic~ is rnailtd uuhin <br />which Ilr.riowrr .na} fro. the ~;un+de.iarcJ dui i! Bonvwer ;e,is ;,, p,ey +ua`~ ~u:u, pnl.r t.~ !i,r espifatoar ,d +„+It {a+rlxl. <br />t.tnJrt ma}, wtthlsut Further ma+,r rat lkmand nn ttarrowrr', ;nvnkr ens renirdtr+ px•rmms'tt ht paragraph tR hereof. <br />`'iti~\,(1 NIF VkM t~ii4 F'..a'.14 Blel rl+wir .lnJ f.ti n,,t4'! tUnfttr ii,a Ci,,r'rIl ,/lief ,. ytrCC a1 tail{)w~. <br />tti. Acerleratkta: itemedies. F:xrepf as prnvidrd iw ptsratErapk f7 hrrruf, upon Horruxrr's breach of any rovenan! ar <br />rtltreetweru of Harrower in this 4lottgtgle, iw:ludirtR lase coarnrtNs to pry x.hrp der ass wrn± ,rested h} tk~ .\lnrttdaXr. <br />Letttder prior to aecrkratirM +ba#! wrnil oa#irs to Harrower as prusidrdte ~traarrpb I4 hereof speaifyitttt: ii) Ihr brrtn~h; <br />tti fle artiaa required to cure xtxk Ixewht 13f a data. not testy t-fla 36 Rays tram the dtae ehe notice fs mailed to Borrower. <br />ly which sus A bnrch moat ere nixed; attd tat that fttiiate re core cart txeark oa or before the date specified is the ttnfice <br />racy resat! is actrlenitnn of the sams .rented by this yart>:atlt. foreclasrrre by j/tdu•iai pnrcrcditgt and raft ail Ike Property. <br />'Eli rtali[r xtadt farther iafarm Harruwrr at clef ritthi to reittafaae alter asatierrtian sad the right qi assert in the forrsk,!+ure <br />proreediaR rM: aaa-eal,Nracr rrf a drfauN ar say atirrr defraae a! Horruaer tb aa'reirrwMM and Facca'ius~4re. if tM tfrrartl <br />ltl wW curd nn rn befun eke date specified 4n tlt rs,t#irr, l trader sf l.erder i option may drelarr ai! of the +ums srcurrd h4 <br />skirt 41nrfe 1» be ltnwediatrly dui and payable witMwt farther titatrod cud aWy tlarrcll»r by juttx•iAl prxerdirru. t.eudrr <br />+:istrli fsr vMNird t+s ru0eci in such prareedia!{ szR eapeaaas of forra'Myurn. iirsta tint oat limited tit, rusts tr( data'u/tirnlar) <br />eridrase, ahrttacts and titir reports, <br />IY_ lMristwtt's Rgtbt to 6tr#ndafe. "srrtwttt.rtami,r~ f l`,i+~: a ..,_. c~ta•r .t..>:i :,.t r!h stmt: -.... ;:r,•J he :+;;= '+tr::!t<.yF.:;. <br />f#~+rtxrnSr ,fret- Fr»,t the right ar> fta.c :,t,v nua~etdrnts hr#txctt t,y I v.rdee t. ..r, =r.e the, 4f ; tka~r _ _s .>nr,.u.v " ,. _ sus _-,... <br />