''! ~.
<br />Q~`M°.~t
<br />r -
<br />~~~~.
<br />TEIi!S MUR3'iiA(iE is saadt this . ............~~Fd...........daq o[...... ApJ:i,t. , . , .............,
<br />19 ~ .,between rite ~ .a, . FtK)MAS !NATTKE. A4l4.RbTft-~IA .A.. -.`tATTK~, .busban.d .and. wi ~~ ...
<br />(het+ein "8ass~+rer"), aad tlx D~tortgagee,.HOME. F~t1ERAl. SAV:IJ~iGS
<br />&. ,LOAN , QaSOCI R7 t QN. 0~ ~RAN4. ~ ~1-fif~4 ....................... . a cctrpera~t orppn(~d and eu~g
<br />tinder the taws of... NEBRI~ KA ...................... . whoaa address is..221 . SO11,TH .LOCUST,... .
<br />6fW 0 , l S~~!?...N~~~+$KP ................ . ............................. (herein "I,eeder").
<br />tiVatsaa-s, Horro~vter is indebted to Lettder in the principal snm of S~~ENTEEN. T}tQUS-~10. AhW a'VOL 100x. ~ r
<br />--.: ~ :'" .--`-': °-------------flotlacs, which indebtedness is tvidenced by Borrower's note
<br />~....Ap r r I , 2 3, 198Q„ . , . , , , (}grin "Note" ), providing for monthly irwtaitrttertts of principal and interest,
<br />with the balattre of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, dae and payable on...... MdX . l .. 20.t,q .......... .
<br />} To Srcuae to Lender (a) the trpayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest theteoa, the
<br />payment of art other stints, with interest thereom, advanced in accordanoc hartwith to protect the security of rids
<br />Mottgllge, utd the parfortnance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein cotttained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any ft#trre advattces, with inrterest great, made to Borrower by Lender porsnant to paragraph 21 heteot (borein
<br />"1?uttare Adtrapotx"), Hornnrsx does hereby mortgpge, grant and coavey to Lender the following described property
<br />located m the tro,mty of ................. HALLL ...................., Sala of I~cadra:
<br />which hu the address af ............... . .2540. Jay..5treet. , ... .... ......GC$nS). 15.L~n~.........,
<br />tsu..t7 tcuyt
<br />.. , .:aovr,~sii~ uv$i) i .. (herein "Property Address" };
<br />tr,aa. Ana zu ~. , . ,
<br />ToaaTNar- vrsth aU the im¢xcyvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and ail easements, rights,
<br />appurtauacas, trsu, royalties, rrdaerai, oil and gas. rights; and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and. alI
<br />Crautres rtcux or hrreafEet attached to the prsaperty, all of which, incitrtling replaccmcots and additions thereto, shah he:
<br />dteat~! ro be and rarsata !part of the property covered by thts Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said
<br />prtrperty (ar the leasGttoid estate if this Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as tha "Property"
<br />Harrower eovotwauc ttmt Borrtrwcr is Iawfntly seis,~d of the estate hereby crrnvcyed and has the right to trx~ngagc,
<br />E and eon+rcy- the Propeertty, that the Ptoitetty is unrttcumhered, and that &?rrower will warrant and defend
<br />t~ the t#is ro the Ply against ail ciaims and demands, s:ttge#~t to any dcxiaraticuts, ea:cmcnts ar r~trietions
<br />Gated in s sehsdula td tttr~paliotts to ~verryte in any tide tnsursrxs• puGicy insuring t ~ttder`s intrust in the Property
<br />I?ItdF'~ 3.180
<br />