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<br />~~„` <br />~{~~~~ <br />TAI3 INDENI7JSE, arde tiva__ 2flth __._._. a.y er----t~a,3c------__.___._~_. , Jlt BfL_. by .ae b- <br />- Rockney_L.-I~hfir -arid-Karen L. Pfiuir, hustrand and_wfife, each in his- and~~r_~ r~g_. <br />_a~~_ as_~~eu~e_of ~hQ_.4the~V.---------------------- _--------~___~__ <br />oi- HALL_.. _ __~.` __ Caaaty, Nebraska, as taortgag~o: S__ , tvd Grand taiartd Trust Company of -Grand falmtd, a bratfB>f <br />organised mtd exfrting untier fha laws of Nebraska wfth its prirtcfpa- office and place of bnsfrtass at Grand fehrtd. )Vebraaki,. rran <br />W ITNESSETH: That said monga8or __-._- . for and in consitieraUon of the cam of - <br />_ FOSIT'__TiI~iJSalld Fntrr H+rnrir-gd_~i.k-~t-.a~--Z-~~IIQ--**x~til~,~. _Ir~ « ~ ~ {. <br />the receipt of wtvch is hereby acfctrowisdged, do .-.~_ by these presents mortgage and wsrrYid~++ari6- Safi mrttga~iit; <br />forever, all the following described reel assets, situated in the County of .___-___.~:[3.)~,~„~_ _ ~~ - <br />and State of Nehrsska, co-wit: <br />Second <br />Lot Twenty-Six (26) in Biock Qne (1), in Dale-Roush Subdivision, in <br />the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E-~ SW-aj of Section Fourteen (14), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the Sixth (6th) P,hl., <br />in Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />Together with all heating, air cotulitioning, lighting, and piurr_bing eyuipmnnt and fixtures, ircluding screens, awnings, storm windawa and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds. used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now located oa said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND'['O HOLD THE SAME, wgether with all sad siaguter the tenements, hen+ditaarents and appurterrentren thereunw be- <br />longing, or in enYwrse appertamrng, forever, and warrant the title w the same. Said 7ttorgagor.5__. -hereby cove[rnt _S-_.-with said <br />mor{l~agen that ~ he-y - aC.e.. , at the delivery Nerwrf, [}w lawful owner. S_ nl the premises aiwvn conveyed acrd described, <br />-~ dre __ ~~,~ irf x good and 7ndefeaeiWe errata of rrtherrtaace [Aerate, tree ximl clear of all erecumttreacrn, and thst_~._hdL.._.wi}! <br />warrens and dafead the wfie therrW forever egatna4 the eteimr and demrrtda of ell persona whomsoever. <br />PFt(tVillED ALWAYS, and this ina4trmtret :a azeruteii sad detrveratt w secure the parmem of the sum of ...._ .._... _. __..__._. <br />--T~ur -7geusa~ul- €c~3r- Ht~r+~~- ~ig#~t,T,~=C"fit an€l ~9f l~l- *:~ vns>ara fa 4_ ~g8-. ~1} ___. f. <br />with interert thr:een, toggtirer wit# such chertSt+u atxi aQVnnE~s ~ mfiy be atw sad pry-rbie to 3rid mortgstten under t'ne [erm5 end canditums <br />of thr prorttirrory car of even date harowith at+d secured hereby, rszrcuked by satd tnnrtgagor .-$_ to sad mortgagee, payable as expreast il <br />in said rate, attd to secure the perfotmram ul ati the terms end cnnditiodn cunwrrri thereto. The terms of said note era hereby irtctuporeted <br />Ira[0111 by this rrvFfveertca. <br />It is sir urtention and egn,ernwt of tlr partrer irrrto that this nwrtgege shalt also secure aqy futttro advancer made w said mortgagor s.. <br />by card ttarrtgagw, and any and all +ndrbtetintmr m rddition w the amount niwvn nutted whist, stud mortitxgors, ur anY of dram, may owe to <br />and mortuagea, however evtdeaced, whwlxu iq twW, btwk account w othanvrae. 'I`hts r»urtKagr Shall rv~man rn full kxca and effect between <br />the partiua lteruto sad rhea hrira, parronal rnpreaetttaUves, succarrurn and aaatgnr, until ell arnoume sncurwi hereunder, including tutors <br />advsn+:en, are pard rn ful: with interest. <br />Tarr trwrtgrgtrr $-. hrrrby nasrgn to ++ttrd nwrtgartaa ail rwtts and ihlnnte anamg nt any and all tmrea tram scud prvHra•ty and <br />lwraby authwtte seal murtgagra or its aroma, at rte upttua, upon detautt, w take charge of aaui prnpwty and nrllsct aU roots and ittaxnn <br />tharefnrm and apply tAa soma W the prymupt of inferrer, Prir ripai, ineuranca premiums, taztw, aertwsmente. rr+paira or improvutnrurta <br />rtrusssar} w ktsrp cad ptraprrt.y ra taaaataArie awdtatm, or w ottau chugrs ur paynumts provided for harem ur in the rwtu herrdry :secured. "1'hra <br />nrnt arstgruwat ahrtt txmcinur in force unlit the unpaid balwcn of said twee u fully paid. 'fha coking ul Ix.aawa,wn hereunder spell rn nu manner <br />prwaot or Hurd rid u tlr of said sums by ftrsoiosura or ottrrwfan. <br />7'tw faiitar of thr t»artgartrr to scorer any of rte rtgbts hrreurrder sk soy lima sltsil nut trn cetttw,rurd sa a waver of its nght w arsnrt the <br />Grier ,.t aa} :rte: tip, atxl w meter upon as[i entart~ ntrirt rvmplisnca wiW ati the recces rod prov[sions lit wet note nrtd of this mortgaftn. <br />3i said tnortragnr5 shall twos to be paid w scud rtwttgeguv the entire atxwunt dun it hefrumtar, sad under fha tnrnre sad pnrviawna <br />of esrd rrNr trsrrit}• second, +ncitlding furore advauosa, ant say extensions or renewals tharwf in aceonianCa with the canna and provisions <br />tiress.uf, sad d said morR~r _.5,.--.. ahss3 comply wish eli tlta provtsitwa of saut note and of this mortgage, than thaw prrretttr sttW ba void: <br />airr,riw to renrairr in Hall fosse sad afkact, and card mortgagor ahedl ba entitkrd w tlta porasraiun of art of said proireety, and rosy; at its upturn, <br />dst~ttre the wltde d said navy sad ai! urdsYbGrdnsatr rrprweatari tirrrby to ba irnnredtatety due anti payable, and nuky foreclose aria nwrtgayta <br />ar take any other iyfai resins w pretest it rigAt- Apprataement waived. <br />'t'he murtgagr risriF bs hirtdwg upon cad airll rattra to Chu tar,nnfk of the hrur, axeentprs, adtmniatrruxs, sucreasurs arrl assigns of fha <br />rwpseuve parties. Mrrew. <br />ifv WITNlyS WHk;ltkOf', reef Attertgaqurr,,. ha.'+i@... heraunw set ~~~ hard ~- the day scut year first above <br />ws~tea <br />J~ _ j~ " <br />Rockney ~. , i,r <br />-_. <br />~_aren ~. Muir <br />