<br />
<br />~~~~.~,
<br />THIS MfJRTGAGE is made this... ~~ .....................thty of... April.......... , .. , .....,
<br />19.. ${!, between- the Mortgagor, .. RiCitard. J... AaQOlt. a~ .Kicky. Xr...l?d1tO:xL~. ht4$. itltid .M~#4. , .
<br />......................................(herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,.....................
<br />C4t3i6lY'.Cldl, Ftaslaa~il . SaY~tBa .~#$. ~Ps~T4 .A$t;~~t. ~# ........ , a corporation organized and esistiag
<br />uncut the laws of..Yaht'asica ....... . ......:................whose address is. P..Q, .$Git.1.1.8.$ ....... .
<br />.. _Ik>wSit~fA.Sts'tXir~:.4r, .~Ghka„ 6$}.4~ .. . . . .... . .............. (herein "Lender").
<br />WtteRtans, Borrower is indebted ttr Leader in the principal sum of. Twe3~t,}t .Eighx..ihQw4and tif.AB.bi>l~t'ed
<br />. •attd. NrsflOQt*•-------r:r($28,9o4.d0-rr.-.Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated.... A~i1.23,. 1,3.$Q ....... (herein `,'Mote"l, providing for monthly installments of pri~ipai and interest,
<br />with the balance rrf the ittdebtedrxss, if not sooner paid, dtte and payable <Trt...lfay. 1,2410 ............... .
<br />To Secva>r to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, artd (b) the repayment
<br />trf any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2l hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and eonvey to Lender the fotiowing descn'bed pmperty
<br />located is the County of......Hall ................................ State of Nebraska:
<br />---Lot Two (2) and the Easterly Txelve and Five Tenths (12.5) Feet of Lot Three (3),
<br />Hloek Nine (9) in Dill and Htaston's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Cottuty,
<br />Nebraska.---
<br />wltirh has the address of....2399. k.. .14th . . ... . ........... . ........ ....G~'~itfi..ts.lrwd............
<br />(Sirgst;t (CdYI
<br />.. Ks... ~$Q1.... , .. (hGn:in "Property rtildte..~" t:
<br />ftt+an aro Z+p Ccrirl
<br />Tf?6tt7ilEa with all the imptreyc~tnerita now or htrcahrl erected oa the property, and all casements, rights,
<br />appsirtenane,:s, rctita, ra~yaltiGi, sr.inaral, trit .tad gas right, athf prufit~. water, water right,. ;roil water stc>t:k, and all
<br />flssuces now or ltorvaftrr attar.~lirst to rive property, alt eft whrr tr, including rcpiaccments and addninns thercta, chaii he
<br />daeufet! to b,e mid remabt a part of ills prcyterty ciavered by this tllortgagc; and all o;' the foregoing, together with said
<br />property (or the leasehok3 estate i'f ihia Murtgsgv is rnr a liasehr~td) art herein ra[crred ter as ihr "Property"'.
<br />8orta~,r exivatranL'ythelt 8cxrrowfir fs lawfutty saseil ui the state: ttzecby c~tt*`t~ycd and hay they right to ntvrt~ge,
<br />gtagt sued evey the Property, that tPrz !'rcperty is rtnerr.trrtilxrt;ai, anti itirrt fiorn,wer will warrant artd defend
<br />gate€a!llY thlt tltir: t<, rift !'~p~rty arst;! alt tlttlnts tnr+J drrnarrcl.s~. +ntt~zt t.., arly ~ie.:etlratn?at;, c ra4 nz<:nts ur restri:tion+
<br />lti to R ~Ct6e~ltitr, rf 6;;r~ptKtnx in s%3ti~f8~ in 3tty t: frst~. ~+t;:- tx~ttt V :rrvu Y~?~ r.i=ndct-~s interest in ilt~ Pntp~tty
<br />W~AYP` )% fit)
<br />