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3A-A-fp~AL Elil"AT£ MORTGAGE (Gary.)-WitA 4az G'lausr (IbvtlitM t9t1~1 111r liMr~re iGrenl' apsty ttsau. IJreYF ti,in. <br />_~___-_____._..~....e._-...._._._..-_,__.-'--_~._. - ..~~.-..._~_. f ~. <br />Y~ <br />HNOW ALL hfBN BY THESE PftESENT3: That Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. <br />a crorporatiat otEtmiaed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska is <br />coowderation of the twm of Two Hundred Seventy Thousand artd no/100 --------------------~~,d,gg. <br />in hand paid, does hereeby 3ELL and CONVEY unto C~Rtercial National Bank ~ Trust Co, <br />of Hall Cottnty< State of Nebraska the following described premises tridtated <br />is Hall Camty. and State of Nebzaska , to-wit: <br />Unit Two (2), Lot Two (2), Block Eight (8), Replat, Continental Gardens, <br />an Addition to the City o€ Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />The intention Freing to cot:vey hereby an absolute title in fee simple. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said <br />Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. <br />and to its heirs and assigns forever. provided always, and these presents are upon the ezptts~ condition that if the <br />said Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. <br />or assigns shall pay or cause fo be paid to the said CO~ercial National Bank & Trust Co. <br />heirs, executors. adtrtinistrators or assigns the sum of TWO Hundred Seventy Thousand and no/ Doltata payable u ; <br />follows, to-wik: 100 <br />b~iaonatximt n ~E <br />~ >~ <br />c tdrOOaB K>41 <br />E xXif <br />1ir~SOtrmtXluk tdkytt6R X~QH <br />with interest thermn ~ payable attarttOLtF, according to- the tenor a~ e, :ed <br />of the prumisvory note aatt¢- or notes of said Mid-Continent: <br />>rrrtsvrr~tines, Inc., as such notes faay ;~e from time to time modified, renewed, or extended; <br />lnnq even Mite mtir these Presents and shat' tray ail razes std aseeeaments levied upon said rest estate and al! other Lazes, <br />levies and assessments levieai upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes <br />delinquent, and keep the trutldings rrn said prn*~t~ insured for the sum of $170r 000.00 ,loss, if any, paysWe W the <br />said mortgagee, then these presence to be vcrirL ather'.viae to be and remain in foil force. <br />IT 1S FURTHER AGItE:ED, (i) That if the ..aid mortgagor shall Call to pay such Lazes or proeure such insurance, the <br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insurance; and the sum eo advaoeed, with interest at per <br />cent shall 6e repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shalt stand as seivriiy for same. (2) That a failure to pay aey of <br />said mtusey, either principal or interest when the same bemrne due, or s Cttilure to rnmply with any of the foregoing agree• <br />rnents.. shsjil cause. t~ whole sum of nwney herein second to become due and collectible ak otrce at the option of the tnotigs;ee. <br />IN VS13`~~{?(~SGi(NTFIERE4F, the said Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. <br />has he7i*itt~u,¢nused-its c®r{iotate seal to be affixed and these preaenls to be sigttsd by its President <br />this '~aY of 'J~°/°~R/L t9 ~? . <br />gjg~, ~ ~Qt1Yef.'~ 111 presence OI <br />:} . <br />Y= Mid-Continents Enterpr>seSt In~~ _ <br />._.. _ s <br />/~ _ _ ,t~,~ ;1~ <br />..... y. <br />' ~_ .... ....e""+~f~.-,~ ~.`*+~w~ Byhiilarttc~,.-'"~s~fic,'`i§r`e'~T~eiit^°td ~ St+~ "...... <br />~~ f#yt,F = <br />STAT]r QF '_._ .._N:as14.a. _..... ,County ot. _ __Ha,l.l,_ . . <br />Ht+fnts ran, a rtotary public 4ualified in said county, personatlp came <br />Milan D. President of <br />Mid-Con~t~`.i~ent Enter~ri~es, T><}c. .acarparatiou <br />krwwu W myto be tfrs trcesident entreat person fro srgn ed the ooregoing instrument, atul scknuwladged [he execution <br />to bel~ti ekn and dead as aunt oiCicer std the voluntary act amt doai oC sniff curporak:orr std that its rror- <br />sea1~;E)re~et((y~iry its autbunty. <br />~Witncws tigt!dtrnid~dalOtariai Beat on ...___..__A.l?fi.~,_ ~3..___.._.__...._.. :>._ _, t9......8.4 <br />~: ,., ~ „^tas -r ,pro-" .'- - <br />~ ate ~i...,.:4L2z_.. _ ..., fs~1... -~n:'~ - ... >r....: _.. = ~~ _` k : ;,.... _ *iotary rubiic. <br />STATB OI`.,........._. ..._ . _ . _ ___...._ ... .......... ~ ss. Entered nn ntuaerical iruioz and H{ed for reraord <br />(.ottnty ..._ .. ............ .. ._.............._ in the Regiatar of Deeds t.~tee of said County the <br />_ . of,. _ _ _ _ .. _ ... . , l9_.. _, at ... .... - nikodt and.... minutes .... M., <br />apt} rtsrsrdecf in Book-... ....._...._ ......... ..... oC...... ,... ___....._ .... at page.. ..._ <br />' - . - .. Reg. oC Deeds <br />$y i)erwty <br />