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<br />THIS NORTCAGE, made this.... .~[~ af...~l~~.....................> 19.-..~......., D!_.~..i~.~tt..' ••~Af~-...___... <br />Cf~t7c02....+1.5._.7.'-..483... ..}f~~~..~1!!_~}..~.....~e_AIE..ft~...~II...(il~ips .............. <br />er.-..t~.~.4.~..~........._ ...................comttY of......le................__...__-•---.---........sad mate or Ntaytadta, }aa~ tefettad to <br />as "Mortgagors," and BENEFKtAL FtNwweE CO. of NEBfASKA, a coeporxtioe orgtmFzed aM ethling tinder the law of the Siase of <br />Nebrnka and baring sA otfix an8 phew of bsstsess at.....~-.~..-d~~~.._..__._.......~,•~a.., <br />hereaftu raferted m n "Mortgage." <br />WtTNESSETN That the )dortgagon -ice order to suave tlsc paytadsi of a certain promissory [tote of even [fate Iserewith h the Aetast Asnoast <br />of Loan of 5...,3a.T,~.Sa,~ ............. ....... togethee with iatetett oa ttepdd psLteipat balances, tecipt of the proceeds thereof Iseptg lteseby <br />xknotvkdgtd, hereby mortgage to the Mortgage the fo9owieg dettedbed real eefafe slttuted in the County o[....HBu .............................._ . <br />State of Nebraska. [Hove partictrtmly deseribed as follows: <br />Iat Seven (~), in Block Two (2}, Wiebe's Add3.titm to the City of Graced <br />Ialaad, Hall Calmty, Nebraska. <br />SUBIECT TO: <br />together with all the tenea[eats, hereditamenu and apptrrteoances m the same belonging, and ail the estate, title dower right of homestead, <br />claims and demands whatsoever of the mortgagors of, Sa or m said premhes or any part thereof. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above dexdtxd premises, with cell the prinlegea and appurtenances to the said Mortgagee, its weceson and <br />assigns, forever; <br />AND the Mortgagors do COVENANT with the said Mortgagx, iffi atcceasors and assigns, that they ate lawfully seized iniee of the prtatixs: <br />that said premises are free of aU encumbrances, extxpt as aforesaid; that they bare good right to sett and convey the same as aforesaid; and that <br />they and their heir shall asd w01 foteru WARRANT AND DEFEND the same to the said Mortgage, its sucoe»ors mod aadgm forever, against <br />the lawful clahns and demands of aU persons. - <br />The agreed rate of charge on the aforesaid promissory note is 24% pu anntun: (296 per month} on that part of fhe unpaid pritcipal batanee rrot <br />in excess of 51,000: 18% pu armttm (1sh% per month) on that pan of the unpaid principal balance exeeedi[tg b1,000 but not exceeding 55,000: <br />and 15~ per annum (1 iJ3% per month) an any remaindu of such unpaid balance. <br />Until the payment u full of the promissory hate ovidarsci[tg thh loan, aceording to rho terms thereof, the Mortgagon hereby COVENANT AIVD <br />AGREE: (t) To pay a!i taxes and aasesattenb oa the pretitiaes deacdbed herein to whomsoever levied and anessed: (2) To keep the bttild"mgs <br />-and improvements situated thereon insured egaisrt fire aced oRtu haamds in wch artrount and with such insurance camu as duE be aecsptabk <br />Eo the Mrntgagac; (3) To maintain the premhes substantially ie as good condition and repair m they are an the date huwf, sad tmithu to <br />commit nar to suffu asy strip or waste thetnaf; sad, (4)To commit no broach of any covenant herein contained. <br />PROVIDED, NEYERTIiE!&SS, then if Mortgsgtxs shall pay Use felt aasount of the loran to the Mortgagee. according to the tams of the note, <br />and sttaU pertain[ ai! of Rte terms a~ co~itioffi -~{ thh ttsarfgage, thh rmttgge, together wilt the said pmmiss[uy Hate, shati cease and 6e <br />void. Othuw-ae if shad tmeain th effeer. la the Brent of asy defstdt ter the payment at the monthly instabneou on the Iona, Mortgagee, in ruc- <br />ceswrs or assignt, tray mdataia m action at hw or egtstty to reaarer the unpaid prineiga! balance of said loan plus any accued sad unpaid <br />cha[gtt. <br />tf odq one mortgagor ba a parry to this instrument, all phstal wards heron referring to Mortgagors shaA be cnottrued in des siagu4t. <br />iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagon love heteuam set thna hands and seals on the date above written. <br />Sighed, seated mtd deliveaed b~y/M/o~rtgago~s <br />3eji~eofaG <br />[SEAL) <br />I/fnsm Prenr pe Naeu o(Mongqu. <br />'(\~\) ~ ,`~' ~ ~ ~ {/ 1 l~ t DOD. $' <br />~+~...~ti-i~L~L ~ ~'~ "-V - (SEAL) <br />u <br />CarOI J• 7ia17~aa'- TyoeN AtorWagor <br />STATE Ot~ NEBRASKA 1 <br />st. <br />COU?itY OF.. ~.'~.... ss. <br />Os titia...,...~.__..dsy oL_+~~s~.......__..........___ . IR~...,...,, trsfose ate.... Harold Mr i2ut~ <br />.... ..... ....................................................._ a <br />Notary Isnbiic, dalr +P~ud sad vadi6ed for sad residtai6t said musty, penondty appearttd... 1v8:...D~~..~` ...~*.~tR,~_...._.... <br />............... <br />aad_..^.aLgtl..Y...7..... . ,.....- , h[t v~a7a, m ttte kasstvn to be the identical Petaoas der-ntsad in sad vrho axas-uted the within <br />mortgage, and thmr sa+[sFaiiY askeawiadgad the nine to be thdr rohenh[Y act ate dace <br />[ C M n®. <br />21i WiTNTi.S3 tYHEREOF, t bars lsesesnto ref my head sad officyt red at... <br />~ add coWtty, d10 day and-year bun above wday~Pj ff/J , <br />a~/ssr~jw t ype`nagtwe_of.noary r <br />AfY +=ryasmissiga Etiptses f "c.-s'L.! <br />Public in attd for said Cotsaty <br />tsar arfE.•]$, frA. Arp,.'7D <br />