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Rl;:~i.f- F~f~Ti fi '..r~~R'Pta.Af,;,f: -_...,~wn„hr:,3r:ka <br />,__'. <br />"i..haa? :. :an `=-oavit~>r3 ;- i?rk ';';'~:,-.n ; 3rc? `~ _ <br />KS+tOtY ALF. 1fEN BY T}iF~IE PRFtiE'.vt"C~ "Chat `'-_" ' _ . : hernsnai3er <br />eal3ed rzxrrtga};cn' of -- --. call, _.. x~.- _v, .rtscl :tare z,f Nebraska. m rrnrech•ratirm <br />c>f'the ~m of :'?x _r-_rtattd tvlc undra' rnr`.;{-f;_vq~~ in hand paid. do hereby grant. hat-gain. <br />~.~tfSCtNhi ~^ ' iHY-L~~ <br />x11, artd convey u~Mtp~Dsal r finance (+ mpanv .f '.~ `- "-a__ __ __--_- hereinafter called mortgagee. <br />of _ _..__ .____.~ _ ._ i'*nsrtc '+tate tf tiebraska the fist,tswing described real estate situated <br />in ._._ . - _-.__~ "~ --_- tnunty, and dtate of tietmar+ka. w-wit- `ester o` land fir. L}'z? .;rst~th ~Slf <br />of the V_:a--:t'?x?st _t;artert;`~~dl'i) 3` see*_i~.n ~=+~~rtY-nnaf%iz,, :o•.•nshir. e'.en {;,-) 'fir,»t'a, _ <br />-+rge ... {ln}, :4o--t c+f *.he :r P.?., ~n~l ~~re :,artcularly ':escrice.~:.a _ llo+s. r~rrsencing <br />~t ~h- ~ti , ~.a f .'_rer of .:~ ., .:^•, '1, gin; int:na ence e~~-- alrarr ar,. vcaon 'he <br />_-r> _th ann o° s=sid .;Rrti~n '.; atdnCA ^F -''_nP iiurdr~r,'- = .rtv ~ •ht ='eet !c4$' 1 <br />to tee polo`. of hQ~ir, :ing;rt:nrin,= .n.~nce ':..;rth r+n~} arall.e2 *:~ the Est fine ~+f c:raid <br />>_cti~n =1, :a -._ ternce of ~~O ~=unr?red :'eet ±f`X:');tvn>„nr *h::rce . 7t +nd rarali.~l to <br />th- youth ,.fine of :;aid vec:tion :? fo: ._stnr..e r„ °•ne :?~:n.'.r>>d ~iftf-fives °eet f35`); <br />:rend ranninz snuth a.^.~f aural:.?1 t:~ ~.h'' :e,t 'ins :° :,< -t ;iistarce o.° ~~a <br />~€tt'~SvtT~ attl t~Ffe~ctrAml~ L~tr?~e}~~F~'t•rt~i ~'td ~appt~?ffarTtee~ t~~ ~tttthi~~tg'.•~fit~~t t&ttH~~'i~'1@ued <br />dower. rigat afhnme:+tead. claim+ and demands vvhat;oever of the paid :4inrti;agnr. rn ur tn;ard premises nr any part <br />thereof: and 3inrtgagor dcxas hereby cnvenant that ~asd ~lnrtgagor is lawiuily +e•ized of paid premises: that sand <br />promises are free from all liens and entvmhrancc~ s•xcept a. ntherwi;e noted herein, and that tilortgagor will <br />warrant and defend the tit-fie to :ard premises against the ci:tim~; and demands of all persnn, ++homsoever. <br />Tf) Hr1VE ANf} T() fSf3I.D unto the said mongagee. pmvrded always. and there presents are upon the express <br />enttditiexr that if the s~ttd mortgagor shall pav in full to,aid mortgagee a pmmiswtry note dated _'r:_'. ?l. <br />payable in msta,ments accordm to the term; thereof. the final instalment of <br />1tJ _ git.__ for $ -~~__t'•0` i ~_~ K <br />which is due on „ram __ •" •1~~1r _ __-_.~___.__ ~19--. ___ a•hieh rnclude+ interest at the rate of 2~ per month on <br />chat part of the unpaid prtratpat balance not rn excess of ~ 1.tHkl, ,' ~: peer month on that part of the principal balance <br />in ezeess of ~I.t3iR} and not in excr~s of S~.tYt)t}. and 1 s t`% per month un any remainder nl' such unpaid principal <br />balance. and sha}I paY all taxes and ::.;.;es:;ments levied upon bald real estate, txtisre the same becomes de{ingttent. <br />then these presents tt> Ste told, othersvrse to ix' and remain rn full tisrce. <br />ST IS FLRTIiER ;~CiItEED that a failure to pay any rf sasd mrsnev. eraser princrpal or interest, when the same <br />become due. or a failure to [rrmpl}- wrti, any of the foregoing .rgreemenLS. Shall cau.-,e t he whole um of money herein <br />secured to 6erome due and enliectib[e ac once at the option of the mottgagee- <br />Y(YfICE T(? Cf1NSiiSNER: f- Do not sign this paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy of <br />thiec paper. 3. Yew may prepay the tutpsid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled to <br />receive a re-fund of unearned charges in accordance with law. <br />Signed thi ___~l -- --._ day .f _ .._:?'rt -_.. ._, ..1 I). tv ~~, <br />S"I'r11'E, t?l~ '+lelmtska ~~f ' -. ~~ ~ ~~, >~1.~. ~ _ <br />.,. r-~ , ri Tt <br />a,~ ..__.__. f'ount'. '~` "~r+~'%`.r,_~.l~t`C%4 1 ,r [.~".i`~ _ <br />ran hts _ ='~----- _ --clay rd -:~= ~~~_. _ -} I?. tv .~~~ t><-kn's 'he ur,drr.-t. rtrcl. a Aur - <br />- -s-- ~ K -at-,v <br />Public, duly rxsmmr:u;inned and ;;ualstiecl for and re::idsr:g in -reed count}•. ixr snal;~ ;,,me •~. ` -. ~ 'ant <br />'9~`*t~~r~ ~_.- =''~__ tss me known to 's-+t~ they iderst-rr~al {srrwn _~__ :vh<~= nam.- §. atlixed to the foregoing <br />rnstnrment ari nwrtgagnr B._ -- -__ and :zckns»viedkc=d the a:rme _ _ _ en{un- <br />tarr act and dt~.t ~-~-tMr`toyy~ <br />Vr':tti~i: m}• hard and :'4rtutrur .`tt:ri thN da>' :tncl te.zr i_s+t sl>:st•e ;+r:tten. KATI~!!~K I#d. <br />w~~iilsriU~1, tM <br />T <br />My C'nuruustton exutreb Lhs _ _ _ _ ~:~_ _ .-_..._-_ . _ _ day <br />of.. s _ _ _._ IJ_ '' ~,rf~ _. <br />...-r_, ~___ <br /> <br /> <br />-__- - Daunt-v <br />Enterer in :YUmerical Index ;rod hied fife rz-surd sn the ntTice of the F{egzster of I)c~eds of ,aud county. the <br />_.---...._.___ . dar ctf _._ ___ __.._ _._ _. ly .. at __. iichxk and _ . _. .._-.-.-_--- <br />miqutcw . _ ..._ _ . _-- _ ~t .:tad duiv recvsrded in I3cxtk .._ _. _ . of . <br />Mortgages page _ __ . _ - _ _ _ <br />_ __ __ _ <br />_ - _ - <br />RrK~^ter ..r Ikavla <br />>ti ~u r~ <br />- . - .. ! Irputy <br />L..... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />